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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 1 hour ago, Damrongsak said:

    Yes, Land of the Free.  Plenty of free advice and opinions.  One might get a bit of free health care by walking into a hospital emergency room or getting on Medicaid.  But only if you don't have enough money to buy food or a room. 


    Don't mind me.  I'm managing care for my 91 year old Mom and a 61 year old brother who has just been diagnosed with a fatal motor neuron disease.  Fun year.

    My sister was in a convalescent home paid for by the gov. they took her SS check monthly. Not a place I would like to end up. 

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  2. So, I was getting my license renewed, and I saw this guy coming out from vision test. He was old and frail, old like he had 2 handlers to make sure he was OK when he stood up old. He had no business getting a license, none. I know jokes can be made but I'm serious when I say he didn't belong on the road.


    How will we know when It's time to give up driving? Do we first stop driving at night, then only when traffic is the least. I mean how will this work?

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Elzear said:

    I like the collective type of life, the sharing and support of each other. I like their strength and their positive attitude in their daily struggle. I like their hospitality and their welcoming smile. I believe in their good heartedness. I have travelled a fair bit in my life, from the comforts of embassy life to the ruggedness of sleeping under porches. Everywhere I went, on all continents, it was the poorest of the poorest who kept me going. This is what I find in Isaan. And if I can give back to a family what so many gave me, I’l’ be content. As to why Isaan ? because it happened to be there at this time of my life. I don’t look for advantages. It would be counterproductive. I let life provide those in due time. 

    Well, if it's the poorest of the poor you like...…….welcome son.

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Elzear said:

    Hang on ... money here is not the issue. It is the idea of this allowance. In my previous life with a Japanese wife, this never existed. I’d bring the bacon home and let her figure the rest. We never had issues with that. Now, I could do the same here, I have no problem with entrusting my Isaan future misuus with my money. We talked about it. I told here here’s my bank book, you deal with it. But she preferred settling on a 25k baht a month as allowance. Fine by me.. but still a strange notion. I felt like, yes, she was keeping her liberty by putting herself as my employee. Weird. Or I got it all wrong

    I'm not saying your lady isn't capable of actually managing a large sum of money, but chances are she isn't and she knows it. 

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