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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. On 10/8/2019 at 7:49 PM, Nyezhov said:

    yeah except now its dark brown and compressed into bricks. Its dirtweed, just bunk to those of us who are lucky enough to be from the USA.


    The Thais mix it with tobacco. I was smelling it last night from some dudes fishing on the Chao Phraya.

    I was with a bunch Isaan types and they thought it was wild I rolled straight weed with no tobacco. Then you have to deal with no stickum on the thai papers, you know the ones for self rolling cig pouches. I'm a orange zigzag fan myself, no need for 2 papers.


    Got a bottle of the oil my last time in states, just to try. It's OK but not the same as a good hit. yes the thai weed is inferior, but I don't like it too strong anyway.

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  2. 1 hour ago, TooMuchTime said:

    I will be arriving in a few days on visa exempt but I only stay for a couple weeks at a time.  It will be my 7th entry since 2017 and 3rd within 4 months.


    Even though I am a genuine tourist with no intention on living or working in Thailand, I am still nervous lol.  I will get a Taiwan stamp during my layover so there isnt 3 Thailand stamps in a row on my passport...


    Although every other time I entered, neither I or the IO ever said a single word.  I just slid my passport to get stamped and he motioned me to enter.

    And that's the normal way, these other clowns talking about getting a nice smile from IO is hilarious.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Klong Song said:

    I collected SS for my daughter while she was still in high school. You have to jump through some hoops but nothing too difficult. The most important thing is she/he will need a bank account in the States. 

    So the money for your daughter went directly into her bank account. I'll get it all worked out regardless the hoops.

  4. 1 hour ago, Damrongsak said:

    I'm gob-smacked, but it seems so (one half, subject to family maximums).  Start reading here:  https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb/v71n1/v71n1p1.html  Look around the social security web site, as info is there.  Pay attention to the word "insured", as that might mean Medicare eligibility and age is relevant.


    I'm going to have another kid (NOT!).  I'm on Medicare as of age 65, will be on SS income next month at (my) full retirement age of 66.  I won't spend it all in one place ...  maybe Pattaya and Chaing Mai. Beer money, 555.  Can I still have good time on 2,200 Baht a day? 


    Oh, and the benefit age slides around.  I'm an old fart, so 66 was the full benefit age.  My wife is a wee bit younger, so her full retirement age will be 66 1/2 I think.  They move the goal post. You can go out at 62, but they cut the payment.  OK if you plan on checking out early or really need it, though I didn't.  


    I just applied on-line a few days ago.  Lots of silly questions, but it beat going into their office. 



    At 62 I take my blue cross health ins with me into retirement for $230/mo. Filing for my daughter makes this a little more difficult, but will be worth it for her. Will be a nice little sum for college.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    So why are CW and CM informing it's required for extensions based on retirement from an O-A entry, from 31st October, even if that Visa was issued in 2010 and expired years ago.


    I just got an OA in Sept - 19, I figure I can travel in and out of Thailand for at least the first year without scrutiny, but after that all bets are off. It will be quite interesting to see the results.

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  6. 24 minutes ago, thequietman said:

    If you are that worried, then best to go all in!


    Take that line of coke, inject that heroin, smoke that dubbie and get yourself some yaba.


    If they're gonna arrest you, then better to do it BIG. ????

    Dubbie huh, ahahahhaa.

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