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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 1 hour ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Your OA visa will have an “ enter before “ date ( although I think the actual wording has now been changed to “ valid until “ ) which is when it expires.

    Every time you leave and re-enter the country you will get an “admitted until” stamp for 1 year in the future. So if you re enter Thailand just before your visa expires you get an additional years permission to stay.


    Sooo, 1st year using the multi entry visa.

    2nd year is permission to stay using a re-entry permit to keep your permission alive.

    At the end of the second year you can get an extension based on retirement or return to your home country for another OA visa.


    My case :

    Obtained OA in Oct 2016, had a long weekend Kanchanaburi Sept 2017, travelled over the border to Myanmar ( 1 hr ), first extension Sept 2018.

    Got 23 months from OA.

    Got it, thanks. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Extension is done in Thailand, which is where the financial requirements ( money in Thai bank, international transfer, etc etc ) come into place.

    Hence the option to obtain a new OA ( in your home country) every two years is great as it does not need a Thai bank or transfers etc etc .


    Not an option for everyone, but if you visit your home country every two years, for example, is worth considering.


    ( or are you referring to how to get 2 years from an OA ? ) 

    ( or are you referring to how to get 2 years from an OA ? )  Yes, How exactly does the 2nd year kick in? 

  3. 1 minute ago, beechguy said:

    Very well, as to policies, plotting to take something that doesn't belong to you, would be called stealing in any other context. Warren is not the only one, but comes across as a thief, and a loser, as does Harris, Booker, Sanders.

    Rich pay their fair share? Based on who's opinion, and how much is really fair?



    One of the crazies is talking about 90% tax being fair for the rich.

  4. On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 10:54 PM, spidermike007 said:

    I knew Trump would fold, during his self created "Trump wall shutdown crisis". He could not handle the huge drop in approval numbers, and he was totally taken off guard, that most of America blamed him, and only him for the "Trump wall shutdown". It was his fault on every level. He fabricated a crisis, then got caught with his pants down, when he declared war on the new congress, and the American people. Now, he looks weak, and dumb, all accurate presumptions. 


    Going up against Pelosi was a real mistake. It was before, and it will be again. Some things this guy just does not learn. He always defaults to his bully tactics. Not going to work with Nancy. Pelosi made Trump look naive and stupid before. And she is about to do it again. He is a terrible negotiator. She is masterful. He is of modest intelligence. She is very sharp. Aside from insults, he doesn’t really know how to deal with assertive older women, because for his entire life they have existed outside of both his immediate view and his broader imagination. When he talks about “women”, it’s obvious that only a small subsection of them fit into his definition; some might have qualified, but by virtue of challenging him can be written off as bimbos; a few others are witch-like hags who have surrendered their claim to womanhood; and the rest are simply invisible. The women of Trumpworld have a single role, and that is to say “yes”. Trump has long bought and paid for that acquiescence. Now, Pelosi is telling him no, and she has real power and can’t be ignored, replaced or waved away. They aren’t in direct competition (as he was with Clinton and Fiorina), so he is less able to leverage more generalized public sexism to win his battle against her. He’s used to women helping him feel like a big man. Now, here’s a woman who makes him look small and impotent.


    Which is why Trump will respond the only way he knows how: with feeble insults and exclamation-point-laden letters. Pelosi played it cool. She knows how the rules work and how the system operates, and she’s no stranger to condescending men who insult her before they vastly underestimate her. Trump, on the other hand, has never had to work directly with a woman like Pelosi, and seems completely perplexed by her behavior, which is so different from that of all the other women in his world. She knows what she’s up against. He can’t seem to tell what species she is. And it usually ends poorly for the man who can’t tell a kitten from a lion.


    Hence, a total surrender. Nancy beat his butt. Watch her do it, over, and over, and over. Will he ever learn? He is a fairly old dog, and it is possible he just cannot learn any new tricks. 

    Let's call the barrier "Peaches" Does that work for you?

    • Confused 1
  5. Just now, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Well, Trump would like to have it that way... If he has his druthers, she would join his cast of characters including Lyin' Ted and Little Marco, etc etc..


    However, if the American people and their news media haven't entirely lost any sense of reality, they'll ignore all of Trump and Co.'s belittling B.S. and keep their focus on the things that matter in a president -- starting with honesty, character, knowledge and policies

    You're absolutely right, one of the issues will be killing babies as they are born. How's that for a character challenge.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    If you think a Thai education is anywhere near as valuable as a UK education, you have been living in Thailand way to long.


    You just don't get it.


    We had our son enrolled at https://ptis.ac.th/  for over 10 years (Be sure to check out the tuition cost)


    When we moved to the USA, he was 1 year behind his age group.


    Consequently, he will graduate from High School in May of this year with a 3.9 GPA, a bucket full of scholarships and a choice to go to numerous Universities and Colleges. 3 fluent languages including English, Thai and Spanish.


    He will graduate from college, perhaps keep going for a Masters Degree and he won't be earning 15,000 thb a month when he is finished.


    He will be able to live a good life and not worry about stupid things like spending 1000 baht.


    People tend to lose track of reality and make up stories when the real answer is they cannot afford it or have no avenues?


    Why are all the rich and corrupt Hi-So's sending their kids abroad to school if Thai schools provide a valuable education?


    Because they know what you don't want to admit?


    A Thai education is completely worthless outside of Thailand and the average salary of Thai graduates across the board will never be enough



    Many of us here with kids are near or at retirement age. Educating my daughter in the states is doable but would be required to sell property which brings in rent money. Beyond that it's my opinion that life in Thailand will be much more fulfilling than living in the rat race in the US. Education at an English Program school here in Thailand gives her the essential tools to prosper later. International School is not out of the question once I stop working and can be home full time, hopefully end of this year.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Correct, the OP is about transgenders only. Women are no longer an issue with military service and homosexuals are apparently no big deal now, or at least Obama believed that.

    It's always worth remembering though, that for every soldier getting shot at, there are many, many more that will never be shot at or even fire a weapon at a real person. The ratio used to be 10 support personnel to every front line soldier, but I don't know what it is now.




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