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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 8:28 PM, thaiguzzi said:

    I think people are getting confused with the Bobber pricing @ 580 and 630k.

    For 2018 there are two Bobber models, the original one with a 19" front wheel and single disc, and the new "Black" version with fat 16" front wheel and double discs. Hence 2 prices, 2 models.

    Plus the Speedmaster which is basically a Bobber set up for a pillion with (ugh!) fwd controls.

    Went by Triumph in Pattaya today. The 2017 model Bobber with 19" front tire is 585K, the 2018 Bobber with 16" tire is 630K. In 2018 both Speedmaster and Bobber will be same price at 630K.

  2. 11 hours ago, PeterA said:

    Aspirin is much easier on the stomach, and good for many things, including your heart. Tramadol and Paracetamol are not. New Skin, a liquid bandage, can be bought even at a 7-11 or comparable store. I get a lot of small infections from cuts here. I can't even find band aids at Tesco. Have to go to a pharmacy. I also miss doctors who do not give you antibiotics for everything under the sun!

    A shot in the ass cures all.

  3. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    There is a mainstream view which the majority of Americans support and could easily pass in congress with bipartisan votes if "trump" would sign it, isolated to the border security issue --


    -- Repair existing walls and fences (mostly in urban areas)


    -- Build new walls and fences in limited tactical areas or to replace existing ones instead of repair


    -- Expand "virtual wall" technology in all areas without a physical barrier


    Contrary to "trump" toxic propaganda there is no significant support for "open borders" among democrats. Not now, not in the past, not EVER. They are simply red baiting / fear mongering / demonizing. 


    Every nation has a right to control their borders including of course the USA.


    "Build the wall and make Mexico pay for it" was simply a branding thing. 


    "trump" will continue to use it and blame not being able to do that (because everyone knows it will never happen in the sense of a full border physical wall and Mexico paying one peso) on the anti-"trump" forces.


    Get real and grow up. 

    Get cracking Jingy, sounds like a workable plan for now. And also expand the Border Patrol forces.



  4. 1 hour ago, heybruce said:

    Do you believe the wall will work because Trump, the serial liar (Obama wiretapped me!  Largest inauguration crowds in history!  Millions of illegal votes for Clinton!) says it will work?  Or because you have a knee-jerk support for anything the left opposes--things like racism, fascism, repression of free speech and press, etc.?


    As I've posted before, people who have crossed jungles, deserts, mountains, rivers, and more to get to the border will not let a wall stop them.  General George Patton said "Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of men."  The wall will be a testament to the stupidity of the US.

    The wall was needed well before Trump. He simply cashed in on knowing it's what right minded folks want.


    Got to laugh when you make every illegal crossing the border sound like Indiana Jones. Perhaps they all carry a bull whip as well. You've got folks from China and the Middle east crossing as well. But at the end of the day it doesn't much matter what you, I or anybody else on this thread wants.


    Carry on.

  5. 1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

    Well what you 'believe'  may need adjusting. We had plenty of the "wall" in Europe and thankfully it was taken down chunk by chunk. Good job they hadn't built the wall in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"  or it would have had a different ending with everyone in the USA piled up against the wall frozen to death. With modern technology there is no need for a wall, in fact a wall makes it harder for the use of modern technology to detect people crossing borders. All that will happen is there will be a completely new industry involving tunnelling under the wall (or ladders over it). The reason not just the 'left' but most sane people are against it is that it is a stupid idea.

    Tunneling is not "new" by any means, has been going on for a long time. To say remote locations with no natural barriers does not need a wall is unrealistic. It would be a great help to our Border Patrol if these barriers were in place in conjunction with new technology.


    The "Wall" in Europe was for keeping people inside, not quite the same nor are we in a movie.



    • Thanks 1
  6. 18 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    That would be Trump's and NRA's solution.  Make every place in the US like a mini-fortress.  It would sell a lot more guns, so that would make gun & ammo sellers happy.

    It would also create a lot of biz for security guards, and suppliers of bulletproof glass, attack-trained dogs, vault-like windows/doors, locks, security cameras, ....etc


    A simpler solution would be to ban military-style weapons and ammo, but that's too sensible, and is the way that nearly all other countries ww lessen gun killings - as compared to the USA.  

    What kind of weapon was used? I didn't see it mentioned.

  7. 7 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    So, to your way of thinking, prohibition works? And even if the wall is effective - which experts say it won't be and why not chuck that fentanyl over it? - that will stop drugs from getting into the USA? Or slow it down? Really, with all the huge profits to be made?

    The "Wall" is not only for opiates, it for illegals of many nationalities. To be placed first where no natural barriers exist. I believe it's only because it's Trump who is advocating the wall the left are so against it.

  8. I would consider PI more dangerous than TL. So many houses have broken bottles embedded in their outside walls......

    Because of the exchange rate of 48 p/1USD most things are cheaper. I've only been to Subic area so my views may be skewed. The girls in PI would love to come to the US and of course the entire family in due time.

    For a visa run it should be a blast.

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  9. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:

    There is a place with a sign on the road leading to the jungle bar. 

    If you pass the Micassa restaurant on your right you reach an offset junction go straight through, if you know what I mean, new coffee shop on your left and about 100  metres on your right you'll see the sign.

    Thanks, I'll try it tomorrow.

  10. Try the Lamai 99 hotel, they have bungalow style rooms. Some of the bungalows front directly on the beach. On either side you have Richie's and Coconut Hotel. It is only 5 min walk to the Lamai nightlife and restaurants. Just checked prices and boy they sure have gone up 2000-3000bht/night and those aren't even directly on the beach.

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