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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. We have states in Australia too - six of them, plus two territories. Those states have been subordinate to the Australian government since Federation. The sky never fell in. Conservative and socialist governments have come and gone, by majority vote. It's probably an overestimate to say 1% of Australians have actually read our Constitution. Perhaps you guys would find life to be simpler if you did not have so many laws and lawyers.
  2. How many committees did Trump need to appoint Bill Barr AG? How many committees did he need to appoint an oil industry executive as Secretary for the Environment? How many committees did it take for Trump to fire James Comey from the FBI? BTW, the Trump organisation billed the American taxpayer $240 million for the 300 times he played golf while President. Your post is arrant nonsense.
  3. I see. So the Founding Fathers could foresee muskets would be replaced by weapons, which at Las Vegas killed 60 people and injured hundreds, wielded by a single person. Perhaps Americans don't realize some of their cherished traditions are no longer fit for purpose.
  4. Do you mind? I've just finished dinner.
  5. I can't say if it is the best song, but the "Cinema Paradiso" love theme "Se" by the late great Ennio Morricone always brings tears to my eyes. Sheer beauty.
  6. Evangelism is not a religion. it's a business. It sucks in donations from gullible people, just like Trump does.
  7. Trump has always operated on the principle (sic ) " So sue me, I've got more money and lawyers than you do". Unfortunately, most of the time it works.
  8. IMO the principle to follow is - never give a government department any more information than one has to. I won't be getting a tax number until Immigration tells me I have to have one. I won't be submitting a tax return in Thailand until the TRD tells me I have to. When I do submit a tax return, it will have zero income, because I will be transferring pre-2024 savings for the next 5-6 years. Plus any tax-free allowances, just to do their heads in. If the Thai government wants to waste its time chasing me, bring it on.
  9. 7 million more votes for democracy. Trump would have no chance at all if it was not for an undemocratic Electoral College.
  10. Trump has made it quite plain he will be clearing out the entire judicial system - Department of Justice, FBI etc. His past includes attempting to suborn votes in Georgia, putting up fake electors, and inciting an insurrection. He has appointed judges in multiple courts to follow his lead. It's a pattern in history - Franco, Hitler and Lenin. Seizing power with a minority, then consolidating it with the legal system. He's already got the cult of personality entrenched.
  11. I am not disagreeing with you. Get an aerosol particle that is fine enough, the diffusion process can be extensive. I am saying, however, that masks are effective in limiting the spread of larger aerosols. Evidence for diffusion was apparent when the Victorian Government designated hotels for COVID quarantine. As they all had central air conditioning systems, they actually helped the spread of COVID. Conversely, the only quarantine facility in Australia which was successful in stopping COVID was at Alice Springs, where each room had a dedicated aircon unit.
  12. At 125 nm in diameter, a virus cannot be projected anywhere by itself. It has to be attached to lung sputum or nasal secretions, spread by coughing and sneezing. The bigger the aerosol, the further it can travel. How far can one throw a pea compared to a baseball? It's simple physics.
  13. Perhaps the fact you don't or can't post these "other studies" is an indicator of their reliability.
  14. Now, if I had 1000 baht for each time the airhead used the terms "like", "you know", "OK" etc,,,,,,,,, articulate as a village idiot. Wow, what an in-depth analysis of Western males she sees here. Wasted 10 minutes of my time. Typical of the self-entitled Western women I left behind Australia. She'll be a harridan by 40. The only time I went back to Oz with my Thai GF, the men were envious, and the women were seething. She fits the pattern.
  15. Truly amazing the Trump supporters on this thread can't realize the thread title is a parody of Trump's " I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT" Truth Social post. They are also too dumb to realize such a post may incite one of Trump's more deranged followers to attack Swift. The pus bucket has the gall to blame Biden and Harris for attempts to assassinate him, while posting hatred. And his sheeple will find excuses for him.
  16. It's a pretty tall order, deprogramming 74 million people.
  17. Trump still owes the City of El Paso over half a million dollars for a 2019 rally. https://kfoxtv.com/news/local/trumps-campaign-still-owes-el-paso-over-500k-for-2019-rally-other-cities-also-unpaid He is notorious for not paying his bills. Why do you think no lawyer will work for him without payment up front? They have the example of Giuliani in front of them. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/bankruptcy-law/giuliani-says-trump-campaign-rnc-owe-him-2-million-in-fees https://m.usw.org/blog/2016/billionaire-trump-fleeces-workers-small-businesses What rock are you living under, that you do not know this?
  18. nypost is a conservative news outlet. If 20% of the population sampled are MAGA voters, then that would explain a 20% result. Let me check if you are in my stupid post competition already.
  19. She filleted Trump for 90 minutes in front of an audience of 67 million people. What cave were you living in when that happened?
  20. He is making a sweeping assumption.
  21. You mean like proof Haitian immigrants are not eating cats and dogs in Springfield? I can't prove a negative.
  22. What are you talking about? Cross rate on xe.com is 22.48. The exchange rate seems to fluctuate between 22 and 24. I pine for the days when it was 32. My 800K was exchanged at 29.
  23. Deport them. Keep doing it with tourists of all nationalities, to get the message across. We are guests in this country. If you can't behave, stay at home.
  24. Why would anyone say only mobsters take the Fifth, then use it 400 times in depositions?
  25. She never was a "Border Czar". That lie has been repeated by Trump et al ad nauseam. As Trump said to Stephanie Grisham, say something often enough, it becomes true.

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