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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I slow down to 75 km/hr in rain. I have been as low as 20 km/hr when it is torrential, or even pulled over. I stay in the left lane, because I am being overtaken by vehicles doing up to 40 km/hr faster. Is there even any mention of what to do in rain, in the Thai driving manuals? There is a Thai word for aquaplaning, although IMO most Thais would not understand its significance.
  2. False equivalence. I can't recall any media where Kamala claimed she had prevented war. IMO lefties are usually better educated than the right-wingers, which is why the right-wingers keep trying to drag them down to their white trash level. Check out domestic terrorism threats in most Western countries, almost always it has a right-wing label. Useful idiots for Trump, of course.
  3. Of course it is, you do know what inflation is, don't you? Obama decreased defense spending during his last term in office, Trump put it back on an upward trajectory. Based on percentage of GDP, spending under Biden is down. Bleating about Biden doesn't cut any ice. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/USA/united-states/military-spending-defense-budget
  4. Batteries don't like cold, and the range is reduced. Careful now, you'll have the electric Jesus fanboys after your hide.
  5. The US spends twice as much on the military because it is the market leader in selling armaments to other countries. The Ukraine war has been manna from heaven for America. It enabled the US to dispose of obsolete weapons, while highlighting the technical inferiority of Russian armaments. India and China are having significant buyer's remorse. Looking at numbers of US personnel on active duty, the figure has hardly moved for ten years. Russia and China's armed forces are much bigger. One Patriot missile costs $4 million. That's where the money is going, the system is keenly sought after by other nations. Trump calling out NATO is BS, he actually increased spending on defense significantly in his last year in office.
  6. Haven't you got a pussy to take care of?
  7. So what? It's not Harris herself. The only valid comparison is if Melania was screwing one of her Secret Service detail, which is rumored to be happening. OTOH, the visual image of Melania doing her wifely duty is one I can do without, as I am just about to have dinner. No mushrooms.
  8. It's a great advertisement for Russian tourism. Go there, be arrested on false charges. Then be swapped out for some felon of Putin's, said felon being a good argument for restoration of the death penalty. Trump wants to be Putin, quite simply.
  9. No doubt the GOP will be trying hard, because they have got down in the gutter with Trump. I doubt very much the GOP can find dirt which will stick like the tags of felon, rapist, racist and fraudster. IMO politics has got pretty sick when attacking an opponent personally is preferred over coming up with better policies, but then Trump and his supporters are pretty sick people.
  10. Your post has a sweeping assumption. If she looks anything like she posts...... see where I am going with this?
  11. Trash talking.
  12. Are there any renewable projects in the Bay of Fundy? Canada has plenty of coastline, even if it doesn't get much sun.
  13. Quite predictable, really. Trump is a grub. Many of his supporters are grubs too. Misogynistic, racist, poorly educated white trash. It's to be expected some of their posts will be grubby.
  14. I speak with my GF in Thai. She understands me perfectly, because she is so used to my mode of speech. I get some Thais who understand me, others who don't. I accept I will never be fluent, it doesn't worry me. The tones are just too difficult without years of practice. With the Thais that don't understand me, I call my GF on my mobile, she then gets the message across. When you've got a language where the word for knee, rice and the color white all sound the same.....there are dozens of examples like that.
  15. Nosey parker, aren't you. How about you start answering questions about yourself instead?
  16. There are actually two paths. There's a project for powering Singapore from solar farms in Australia via cable. The second path is electrolysis of seawater ( we have plenty of that too } to produce hydrogen, convert to ammonia for transport. Pilot stage at present.
  17. I've made sure I am worth more to my GF alive than dead. Not telling anyone how much you have is a good start.
  18. She's smart enough to go from prosecutor to VP, then Democratic candidate. Just how far did you get up the corporate or government ladder? Checkout chick, maybe?
  19. It's pretty simple in Australia's case. We get so much sunshine we could probably power most of the world.
  20. My guess is Trump would never agree to a debate without open microphones so he can shout Harris down. His constituency would love that, for them quantity is much more important than quality.
  21. South Australia has gone from 1% electricity from renewables to 74% in 16 years. Forecast to be 85% by 2025/2026. The shift from fossil fuels would probably be a lot easier if that industry stopped impeding progress, and deniers just shut up.
  22. ER - no. The bond was secured with a dubious loan from a California company with less NTA than the bond amount. I understand the legal eagles are still arguing about it. That was after Trump's lawyers said he could not come up with the $450 million in cash originally required.
  23. Not saying.
  24. I don't. Think how much it would cost for maintenance, and employing the people to run it. Much easier to fly first class. As the old saying goes, if it flies, floats, or f###s, it's always cheaper to rent.
  25. The last time I looked, one gold baht was 40,000 BHT. I can afford quite a few of those. I guess you've been sending in too many donations, or did you buy the gold sneakers?

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