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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Actually, I think this is reality......
  2. Toyota have had several recalls, tarnishing the brand Hyundai have had a number of awards for high reliability. It also ranks high in customer satisfaction. I don't know if it is the same in Thailand, but my son's Kona N enjoys a 10 year/100,000 km warranty. My advice? Test drive one.
  3. I have driven a friend's Kia Stinger. $20K cheaper than its Benz counterpart, 35% more turbo boost. A seriously good car. My son bought a Hyundai Kona N in February. The computer has 4 drive modes, Economy. Normal, Sport and N. The N mode is also known as the Jesus Christ mode. That's what people say when they first put their foot down. Really for racetrack only.
  4. Australians don't have to worry, our socialist government will continue to take care of us.
  5. Hyundai and KIA are rated as better vehicles than Toyota nowadays. While Toyota retains the reliability cachet, it's a pretty staid brand. Have you ever been in a Kia Stinger, or Hyundai Kona N, before you posted the opinion they are inferior? I remember the Toyota Avalon in Australia. Critics said it suited buyers who had been dead for at least six months.
  6. I didn't know that, google listed it.
  7. IIRC it was either Germany or Britain that came up with the first jet. I don't recall America inventing radar or decryption either. Charles Babbage came up with the first computer.
  8. I'd be buying a Hyundai Kona N AWD. 1 million baht, seriously good car.
  9. A BYD is less expensive, although Kia is a top quality brand. It depends on the OP's ease of access to charging. It's more convenient to charge at home.
  10. Wars are all about theft. Land, water, resources. Some are even fought over religion, which is utterly deranged. Old men send young men into wars, then stage ceremonies when they die to honor them. IMO there would be far fewer wars if those old men had to stand in the front line.
  11. Quite clearly, you are way overpaid.
  12. You seem to spend the extra dosh on becoming lardasses. What makes you think Australia does not have freedom of speech?
  13. Take a look at this video of Sky News. The guy at 2.47 minutes is unbelievable, both in stupidity and scariness. Takes the sobriquet of d!ckhead to a whole new level.
  14. It seems to me when I try to start a thread on anything I have experienced or observed, it gets buried under a barrage of nay-sayers and trolls. Perhaps posters are no longer bothering, and ASEAN staff have to resurrect old threads as space fillers.
  15. IMO he will lose because in pandering to the Christian far right, he forgot there are more women voters than men. He made it worse by picking Vance as his VP. The women voters have a choice between someone of their own gender, or a sexual predator who boasts of overturning their right to choose. Only the rusted-on head cases will be voting for him.
  16. How many MAGA supporters were included in the population sample?
  17. There is no evidence to support the claim conservatives have higher IQ's. But then, you constantly post without checking your facts anyway. Now who does that remind me of?
  18. MS supports Trump too. I guess that puts him in the low IQ bogan camp as well.
  19. The Prime Minister is twice as smart as you. He's earning $600,000 a year, what are you getting for posting BS here?
  20. I can afford to live there, but it would be unbearably dull. You're correct though, I could not afford a GF 23 years younger than me there.
  21. The average Australian IQ is 99. The US is 98. Trump supporters are 3-4 points lower. Our population is 26 million. 74 million voted for Trump in 2019. We can't balance it out, we are outnumbered 3:1 by the stupids.
  22. I was. One year if married, two years if de facto.
  23. AFAIK the important difference is the assets brought into the marriage. If I have 20 million baht in assets, and the Thai I marry has none, that 20 million is still mine when we divorce. It's only assets accumulated during the marriage which are split 50:50. There's child maintenance, fair enough. I don't know if there is alimony. I do know palimony doesn't exist, because defacto relationships are not recognised here.
  24. If one checks Thai family law, IMO it is far more sensible on how assets are divided.
  25. More like frothing at the mouth.
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