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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. My personal record is 80/40.
  2. Thaksin territory, the Bangkok elites would never agree.
  3. Was your friend more than just a friend? If you took a Viagra or Cialis on top of anti-hypertensive meds, that would drop your BP like a stone. IME the hypotension effect of Viagra takes about 24 hours to wear off. YMMV.
  4. Not if they have been castrated.
  5. Ukraine hosts one quarter of the world's chernozems, the black earth that is more productive of any crop than any other soil on the planet. It's estimated Shoigu has siphoned off one-third of the Russian military budget all by himself. When an army has officers selling tanks, it's got problems.
  6. It's an ambiguous headline. Like the one saying a body was discovered in the woods by a tramp in an advanced state of decomposition. One has to feel sorry for the poor tramp, having to live that way.
  7. Don't have to suck it up, there's always pushback......
  8. Please post your qualifications in meteorology and thermodynamics that enable you to make such a confident statement.
  9. 91 criminal indictments. Indicted twice as President. Only President in American history to refuse to table their tax records. Only President to lose a civil case for defamation, to the tune of $83 million. First President to be convicted of a felony crime. It's your posts that are dumb beyond normal belief. They're delusional.
  10. I'll do better than that, here's 15. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/16/politics/fact-check-dale-top-15-donald-trump-lies/index.html
  11. I can accept most politicians lie. It's the sheer volume of Trump's lies, averaging 21 per day during his presidency, that makes me think his supporters are down to their last two brain cells.
  12. Why do you cheat at golf? Why do you think dead soldiers are suckers and losers? Why do you want to date your daughter Ivanka? Why do you claim immigrants are criminals, with no supporting evidence? Why do you think it's OK to grab women by their pussy?
  13. Indeed. Tell me how many times Trump has lied about the stolen election. IIRC one lie he doubled down on cost him $78 million.
  14. Did they haul you out of the sandpit?
  15. Well, he does have a reasonable excuse.......
  16. IMO the OP is a little harsh. Russia has made significant contributions in music, dance, and literature. Russia still produces some of the best chess players. Russia's problems can be divided into epochs. The first is the history of the Mongols and Tartars, who kept Russia a society on the run for centuries. As the OP says, the Tsars also retarded Russia's development, with the serf system. When Communism took over, the planned economy failed, as all planned economies do. Inefficiency ruled every aspect of life. In fact, the only true statesman Russia has produced was Gorbachev, who ended up being deeply unpopular. Under Putin, Russia has become a kleptocracy. While Russian life expectancy has improved, it is still significantly lower than most Western countries. Russia is a human tragedy, because it has never developed into a true democracy, and with its resources should be one of the wealthiest nations on the planet.
  17. Sorry, you only get one entry.
  18. I see, The New York Times is a leftist rag. According to a New York Times report in 2018, Trump received at least $413 million (in 2018 prices) from his father's business empire. I know you want to be a contender, but I have to exercise judgment. Short posts don't qualify.
  19. According to Gemini, there are 181 skyscrapers higher than 150 meters. There are probably hundreds more high rises under that height. Perhaps one solution would be to relocate all the power , water and communications infrastructure several floors up, and let Bangkok become another Venice.
  20. False. He inherited $413 million from Fred Trump. He always tries to minimize what he got from his father, to aggrandize his own business acumen. Which seems to mainly consist of dudding contractors A major player in economics, with at least 7 failed businesses? ROFL. Trump has been a major player in courts too. 4000 of them, being sued or suing someone. That was before he even got on the wrong side of the criminal courts. You don't seem to understand all Presidents have advisers. Although Trump is notorious for disregarding any advice but his own. Thank you for suggesting a project to me. From now on, I will keep a screenshot of every post I think is smart and well-informed, and the ones I think are egregiously stupid. When I get to ten of each, I will post them on two separate threads, and ask for a vote by ASEAN members on which they think is the winner in each category. I will be excluding my own posts, unless they are responses debunking another, in which case both posts will be shown. My congratulations. You are the first contender.
  21. That would be a neat trick, raising a 50 floor condo. Has it been done anywhere? How many high rise buildings are there in Bangkok, anyway?
  22. Eisenhower was a general. Kennedy was a naval commander. LBJ was a schoolteacher. Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer. Reagan was an actor. They all had economists and career diplomats to advise them. Why would Harris be any different?
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