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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You can see how they fill a shirt, can't you?
  2. I have not had the problem with shredding, I'll bow to your greater experience. You might be buying single or double ply, I always buy 3-ply.
  3. A hug from my Thai quasi-granddaughter, when she gets one as a birthday or Christmas present.
  4. IMO Dolf is AI, one of the prototypes that was not sent to the junkyard, because he/she/it could produce sentences. Obviously, more than one-liners is stretching capacity. AI would explain posting frequency, humans need sleep.
  5. You only look at their faces? Weird.
  6. I got used to it very quickly, as it is practical and cost-effective. The only differences between toilet paper, and the more expensive paper serviettes, paper towels, and Kleenex tissues, are in appearance and packaging. The process used to make the paper which goes into the various products is the same, there is no difference in the level of hygiene. White paper is produced by bleaching wood pulp with chlorine, sulphite or peroxide, any bacteria or viruses are destroyed.
  7. Most of the planet is in population decline, Russia, China and Japan are faring the worst. Be careful what you wish for. Most women are monogamous. They are attracted by physical good looks, money, power and intelligence. OTOH, most men are polygamous, if they can afford to be so. Obviously, you are still thinking of how to respond to my statement about the anachronistic attributes of the various religious texts. Or perhaps you don't want to.
  8. I have no proof there is or is not a god, that's why I am an agnostic. I tend to lean towards not, mainly because science makes advances. That can't be said of religion. The Koran, according to Muslims, is immutable and not a single word can be changed. The printing press first appeared circa 1440, versions of the Bible and Koran existed well before that. Changes to the Bible are in phrasing only, and are disconnected from modern times. I mean, go forth and multiply, fill the earth? Look where that's got us in terms of pollution and climate change. Your post is a classic example of victim blaming. IMO many pregnancies are terminated because the woman was pressured by a man to have sex without a condom, or they don't have access to other birth control methods. There's a saying, men give love for sex, women give sex for love. It's how we are wired, by genes or a god. To me, it's the height of arrogance for men to be telling women what they should do with their bodies, when they instigate the situation.
  9. The above post assumes: 1/ The OP is a tax resident of Thailand. 2/ The funds are income, and not savings accumulated prior to January 1, 2024. I have found transferring up to 40,000 AUD via SWIFT transfer gave me the sacred FET notation. My bank in Australia charged me $30. Bangkok Bank exchanged the funds at 0.5 baht under the cross-rate. I do all my transactions with WISE now, as I get charged a flat fee, and exchange for baht at the prevailing cross-rate. The OP should check if WISE transfers get a FET notation.
  10. OP, do you want lightweight steels, or graphites? It sounds to me like you need senior flex or soft regular graphites. Bear in mind kick point also is a factor, I'd recommend getting only one shaft fitted until satisfied. Matrix Ozik are probably the best shafts around, but expensive.
  11. As I have said before, if no-one responds to the s*!tstirrers, it deprives them of oxygen.
  12. There are several like the character Loki in "Vikings".
  13. I just stay out of the way, as I don't know if the water is out of some disease-ridden klong, or has chunks of ice in it.
  14. I've tried various versions of Linux, IMO Linux Mint is the easiest for my purposes. I really doubt Windows has anything to offer me I do not have already. LibreOffice, Openshot video editor, VideoDownloader, scanning and printing is all I need. My last memory of Windows was acquiring a virus so virulent nothing could be done for the laptop that was attacked by it. It continues to baffle me why people shell out good money for an OS which is under daily assault by hackers, when free Linux hardly ever gets molested.
  15. Have you ever noticed electricians blink rapidly?
  16. What is this Pike you keep rabbiting on about? IMO it sets a new high for inane posting. Christopher Pike is a captain of one of the endless Star Trek spinoffs, what's so funny about that?
  17. When you assemble your latest project, I trust you are aware of the Thai penchant for not earthing electrical circuits. My son found that out when he was putting together a desktop for me, and the case was live.
  18. So you reject mouthwash because you believe it causes cancer, and happily imbibe whatever tipple you are partial to? Tipple which contains ethanol, listed as a Class 1 carcinogen by the WHO back in 1989. It's like a rabid anti-vaxxer I know, who is horrified at the thought of getting 0.5 ml of Moderna or Pfizer in their arm once a year, and drinks like a fish every day. Really quite funny.
  19. I replied to Dolf because I was feeling masochistic. The highway was closed for a planned burn, could not get down to my favorite Indian restaurant. Lugged 80 chunks of firewood into my son's shed, another 80 to go this afternoon. Counting the days until I get back to Thailand.
  20. I guess that's a burden I'll have to bear, as I don't suffer fools gladly.
  21. IMO I have reached the stage where a good dump is more enjoyable, and does not take as much time.
  22. I have friends who are religious, I don't inflict my views on them as long as they don't try to proselytize me. The problem I have with "God's love" is it seems to have gone walkabout, when it comes to those who were sexually abused as children, by the very people who were entrusted with their spiritual care. The eleventh century was when celibacy was mandated for all priests in the Roman Catholic Church. On the surface, it was intended to increase the purity and detachment of the clergy. It also protected the church from inheritance claims. Any psychologist will tell you when natural human instincts are suppressed, it is a breeding ground for various perversions. This is not a case of rogue priests. It's a statistical inevitability. And the church continues the tradition of celibacy. As Pascal said, " Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." As witness a grifting ex-President, flogging $59.99 bibles to pay his legal bills. Him as a messenger of prayer and love? Bring me a bucket, please.
  23. DILLIGAS Just for you, "Do I Look Like I Give A S..."
  24. IMO the most likely explanation is texting on his mobile. With the dark windows, no-one can see them doing it. Illegal even in Thailand, but then TIT.

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