I have no proof there is or is not a god, that's why I am an agnostic. I tend to lean towards not, mainly because science makes advances. That can't be said of religion. The Koran, according to Muslims, is immutable and not a single word can be changed.
The printing press first appeared circa 1440, versions of the Bible and Koran existed well before that. Changes to the Bible are in phrasing only, and are disconnected from modern times. I mean, go forth and multiply, fill the earth? Look where that's got us in terms of pollution and climate change.
Your post is a classic example of victim blaming. IMO many pregnancies are terminated because the woman was pressured by a man to have sex without a condom, or they don't have access to other birth control methods. There's a saying, men give love for sex, women give sex for love. It's how we are wired, by genes or a god.
To me, it's the height of arrogance for men to be telling women what they should do with their bodies, when they instigate the situation.