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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. The rate of population growth is questionable, as quite a few countries are actually in population decline. China apparently has overestimated its population to the tune of 600 million people. During times of conflict, birth rates decrease significantly. That fact is affecting both Russia and Ukraine. While it may not be part of any scientific climate change model, IMO it's reasonable to predict massive economic refugeeism, very similar to the movements of Americans during the 1930's dust bowl. Conservative models of the Tibetan glaciers are predicting the water flows from them will be halved by 2050, even assuming no further Chinese dam construction. That water feeds the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Mekong rivers. One billion people depend on those rivers for water to drink and feed themselves.
  2. Many foreigner - Thai relationships start out as transactional. They either stay that way, or move on to love and trust. I am under no illusions as to whether I am an ATM. Fine by me, as long as I get what I want in return. It's a very easy choice for many Thai women. Work until they no longer can, then exist on a government pension of 600 baht once they turn 60. Or hook up with a foreigner, have a quite comfortable life instead. IMO the average Thai man mostly regards us as better off than they are, but lacks the education to start questioning why. It's only Thais who have been outside Thailand that understand.
  3. I'm explaining why I did not read the woman had said she bought the mushrooms in the supermarket. No other MSM I read had that information.
  4. Scientists can make predictions based on current data and trends. While the outcome cannot be predicted precisely, if we keep burning fossil fuels at the rate we do now, any real scientist knows it's going to be hotter. Wanting a precise number is quibbling. Unless, of course, one of the world leaders gives us a nuclear winter.
  5. A classic example of what-about-ism. Religions are based on belief, climate change is based on fact and science. It's a convenient and dishonest label used by climate deniers. It's all too hard, let's just stick our heads in the sand and hope it goes away. News flash - it won't.
  6. If you want to post on an English forum, I don't see why you should get an exemption. Please explain why you can't use a grammar and spell checker. Judith Curry is aligned with climate deniers, downplaying risks and questioning the cost of rectification. One scientist's contrarian opinion. Another poster has supplied with a link establishing the claim to 95% is valid. Noted you did not answer my question w.r.to your own qualifications. IME deniers almost never do.
  7. Nothing wrong with the Tops in Chiang Rai, a wide variety of local and imported food. IME 7/11 is far more limited in range, lower quality.
  8. I've never met an Eskimo, doesn't mean they do not exist.
  9. Five golf courses for him to choose from. More if he goes to Chiang Mai.
  10. People who believe the earth is flat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_flat_Earth_beliefs
  11. I haven't bothered going to a bar for 7 or 8 years. I know one guy whose sole topic of conversation is how many caddies he has screwed in the current month. Another who can only talk about his investments. I actually get more varied discussion with my Thai GF, even though neither of us are fluent in the language of one another.
  12. You may be right. It's difficult to make sense of Trumpers, climate deniers, anti-vaxxers, and flat earthers.
  13. IME quite a few are too drunk to make any sense.
  14. I remember I remember the Russian film of 1959, "Destiny of a Man". It had other titles, such as "A Man's Fate". A haunting film. Another foreign film, IMO very funny, was "Mon Oncle Benjamin" with Jacques Brel. "Raise the Red Lantern" was a Chinese film, starring Gong Li. Strictly speaking, most films in Australia are foreign, not many are produced locally.
  15. It depends on what one calls a hard life. I've never been in jail. Not even close. Never was addicted to anything, gave up smoking 40 years ago. I worked hard, enjoyed what I did, saved my money. The last time I owed any money was 1974. OTOH, I got screwed over financially and emotionally in two long term relationships in Australia. I only have to look at most of the Thais I know, to realize they have had a much harder life than me. So have many who post on ASEAN.
  16. Obviously, you have not heard of single mothers. Divorced, separated, widowed. There is no suggestion of her having a husband or lover anywhere in the thread, except by you. Given her behavior, not surprising. If you want to take my post as insulting, it's your problem, not mine. If you find what I have posted so objectionable, use the report function.
  17. You think Thais are going to give a tinker's curse about a foreigner? And a woman to boot, in one of the most misogynistic nations on the planet? She is not married, according to the OP. Perhaps if you read the first post thoroughly, you might understand the situation better.
  18. Probably a Thai lawyer who works in criminal law. He/she will have contacts.
  19. The saddest part of this saga are the jellyback Republicans. If Trump gets to run, and loses in 2024, will the GOP have enough spine to tell a four-time loser enough is enough? This could only happen in America. In most other democracies, felons or those charged with a felony are automatically disqualified from holding office. It is also very rare for a loser in politics elsewhere to get more than one chance, two is usually the maximum.
  20. The OP has said she is a foreigner. The probability of her developing HiSo/Mafia connections approaches zero.
  21. If she is that obsessed, rest assured it will happen again. Be ready when it does.
  22. You have a Thai wife. She is a foreigner. Obviously speaks English. Find out who she is renting from, then have your wife speak with the owner. Record her when she is calling you a pervert/pedophile, then consult a lawyer. Thai penalties for defamation can be quite onerous, and include jail time of up to two years..
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