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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Tigers are just a fraction of the problem. Economic refugeeism is the big one. Pray tell, what are your scientific qualifications enabling you to judge mine? There's that word judgmental again. It's pretty simple, our air and oceans are getting warmer. Second Law of Thermodynamics. Resulting in climate change, i.e. more violent storms. Bigger bushfires, check out Australia. First Law of Thermodynamics. As less than 0.5% of the world's population has any training in the discipline of thermodynamics, much easier to shoot the messenger with dumb#ss comments. Troll someone else, O Prince of Pontification.
  2. What's the life of a deodorant, 8 hours? You get up and mix with other people during the day, with body odor getting worse as time passes. Yuck indeed.
  3. Hire a flamethrower.
  4. Forests burn better when it is hot, even a child knows that. Your comment is the usual deflection.
  5. Funny about that, many of your posts are judgmental.
  6. Here we go again, the usual chorus of deniers. Scientifically illiterate. Can't be bothered, goodbye.
  7. How much ginseng, Owl? I wouldn't want to get toooo horny.
  8. IMO the problem I had in both my long term relationships in Australia was the fact both were high maintenance. I got to the stage I just could not be bothered with all the s##t I kept getting, which got worse with time. 28 years ( married ) and 16 years ( defacto ) so it's not as if I was a quitter. If I had not had the mental baggage of duty and responsibility, I probably would have ended both in a couple of months. Maybe longer with the defacto, at least she was good in bed. Both screwed me out of half my assets. About 8 years with my Thai GF now, she is not high maintenance, and does things for me a Western woman simply would not do. We would average one argument every six months, usually miscommunication or cultural differences. Done and dusted after an hour, no sulking. I walked out on both, with relief. Enjoyed freedom again.
  9. What a horrible thought, I would sooner swallow razor blades.
  10. Seems to me Nivea assumes everyone showers before they go to bed. AFAIK most people in Australia shower in the morning before going to work or school.
  11. There are organic compounds in sweat. A proper test of the hypothesis would involve using antiperspirant on one armpit, and not the other, then observing if there is a difference. When I read these types of assertions that have no authoritative link or reference, I question it.
  12. Please post a link to the research/statistics indicating anti-perspirants cause cancer. I'm not aware of any epidemic of armpit cancers, what type of cancer are they supposed to cause? What compounds in the formula are flagged as endocrine disruptors?
  13. AFAIK aluminium salts are all colorless, it is probably organic components in the deodorant that causes a yellow coloration. I get the same effect on my shirt collars with sunblock, which does not contain aluminium.
  14. The hypothesis aluminium is linked to dementia has been discredited quite some time ago. The most recent observations of the brains of deceased dementia patients indicate magnesium deficiency. The aluminium hypothesis arose out of sample contamination, when an aluminium microtome blade was used to prepare brain schists for spectroscopic analysis.
  15. The last three are not cars.
  16. Definitely not. Aren't you getting a bit long in the tooth to be obsessing about happy endings?
  17. If you want thought-provoking, Arthur C Clarke's short story "The Star" certainly is.
  18. Agent provocateur. The guy in the picture looks like he is almost out of time anyway. My apologies if you got someone to take your photo.
  19. Why? I use deodorant after showering in the morning. I would have thought it's preferable to avoid being smelly during the day. In any case, people do a lot of farting while they sleep, which tends to defeat the purpose of deodorant.
  20. My question was entirely appropriate to someone who is either dyslexic, or chooses to read what only suits them. If you consider my post is abusive, use the report function. I also stated currently hydrogen is mostly made from cracking methane, restating that in another form in your post is hardly original. Lithium is not abundant in seawater in terms of concentration, at 0.17 mg/L. One would have to process 5800 tonnes of seawater to obtain just 1 kg of lithium, assuming a process operating at 100% efficiency. The average EV battery requires about 8 kg of lithium. A Tesla Model S needs over 60 kg. I won't waste my time any further. Goodbye.
  21. Can't you read? I said "using renewable solar or wind power". In case you have not noticed, Australia gets a lot of sunshine, wind and even tidal power. 15 metre tides anywhere north of Roebourne. A lot of hydrogen currently is produced by cracking methane, which I agree for fuelling an ICE is a pointless exercise. Just as pointless as recharging an EV from a fossil fuel power station, in terms of environmental sustainability. I also said the mines can't produce enough to meet lithium demand. Battery factories and refiners are another part of the bottleneck. I did forget nickel as another element in short supply.
  22. Under what rules would he not have portability? Is this the 2 year BS?
  23. At my age, I am nowhere near any of those numbers, not that it worries me. As another poster and one of my friends said, I'd rather have a good dump. When I do get it on, I like my GF to enjoy the sex too. She didn't when we first met, it took patience on my part. If I had your attitude to sex, I would save myself a lot of time and money by buying a rubber doll at an adult store.
  24. Generate the hydrogen by electrolysis of water, using renewable solar or wind power. Convert the hydrogen to ammonia, transport to anywhere in the world with better outcomes than transporting fossil fuels. Reconstitute as hydrogen for distribution. The technology is already there, it is a matter of scaling it up with capital investment. The Chinese are very interested in what's coming out of Australian research. It's the ideal answer to their major pollution problems. You may be right, EV's win out. However, you are missing a couple of reasonably important points. The first - it takes very little adaptation to convert an ICE to being fuelled by hydrogen. We are already doing it with LPG and CNG. There's a lot of sunk cost in ICE factories, car makers would be delighted to extend plant life. The second - EV supply has a major bottleneck. Manufacturers simply can't get enough lithium, cobalt, manganese, neodymium and praseodymium to meet current EV demand, let alone future requirements. For lithium alone, mine production has to be about ten times what it is now. "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?" ( John Maynard Keynes )
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