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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. It's not a good message for new potential customers. You think people will want to go there, knowing the bouncers are willing to kick them in the head? I'd be giving the bar a wide berth.
  2. They claim to want an open-minded discussion, as long as it is in positive terms only. One hand clapping.
  3. The use of chili and garlic in Thai food is widespread, they are both very effective bactericides. Perhaps you need to train your mrs better. My GF would never reheat food for me, she does everything fresh.
  4. You use the word rubbish in your response, I don't.
  5. I used the word "disproportionate". If there are the same number of Americans as Brits in Pattaya, but Brits figure far more frequently in terms of incidents, that's significant. IIRC many soccer events have been marred by British fans.
  6. It's popular with all nationalities, your point is?
  7. Who started the fight is debatable, the response by the bouncers was clearly excessive. Having said that, I do wonder why there seems to be a disproportionate number of Brits who get into such altercations. I have never been asked to leave any bar. If I had been, you would not see me for dust.
  8. It's quite possible the mold originates from night time sweating into the pillow through the cover. Under normal occupation, no problem. When the condo is left for an extended period with no air circulation, the mold starts. I am not sure how much sweat comes from individual regions of the body. However, IMO the head would be at the top of the list.
  9. You have reliable statistics of EV owners charging from renewable energy, against those getting their electricity from a fossil-fuelled power station?
  10. Are you saying 95% of the world's scientists are fools? What are your own qualifications, to enable such a judgment? The grammar and spelling of your first sentence leads me to believe it's a low bar.
  11. I hit off at break of day, when it is cool. After the round, I return home. Usually I have one or more of your prolix posts to assist me into a nice nap in my office chair, after logging in. One of the advantages of being proficient at golf is nubile females are happy to play with me, or caddy for me. Sometimes the play involves instruction at close quarters, a very pleasant way to interrupt the walk. I have tried night golf, did not see any women venturing out.
  12. Show me where I have said EV cars are rubbish, please. 70% of world electricity still comes from fossil fuels. In the case of Chiang Mai, Lamphun, Lampang etc., it comes from one of the dirtiest power stations on the planet, fuelled by lignite. It spews as much toxic cocktail as all ICE's, with a dash of radon to add flavor. If you are charging from home solar, good for you. Most EV owners are not.
  13. Refrigerant is a gas at ambient temperature, and is slowly lost over time due to fugitive leaks, Any connection is a potential leak source. Technicians use soap solution or a thermal conductivity detector to look for leaks. Normally a top up is needed every 5 - 10 years, anything more frequent indicates something is wrong.
  14. I've always been fond of nil illegitime carborundum, although si tacuisse, philosophus mansisses gets the gold medal.
  15. You may be right. I regard posting on ASEAN as one of my forms of mental exercise, to ward off Alzheimer's. Physical exercise is only half the deal.
  16. Ultracrepidarian is a new word for me, thanks. Your hypothesis depends on whether EV zealots have any interest in ICE threads. Maybe they prefer the cachet of exclusivity, plenty of cults in America to attest to that. "reserve is true'? tut tut.
  17. Friedrich Schiller ( 1759 - 1805 ) originated the concept in one of his short stories, appropriately doom-laden. It's quite possible Fichte either borrowed it, or alternatively came up with it contemporaneously. Much like Darwin and Wallace with evolution theory.
  18. Seems to me the OP is getting his dopamine hit by posting multiple threads.
  19. I am not anti-EV. I acknowledge their advantages. In fact, I was one of the first people in Australia to have rooftop solar on my house, and it paid off handsomely. My ICE will probably outlast me. It makes no sense for me to buy an EV, except perhaps as a status symbol. I have never wanted to impress friends, neighbors and relatives with possessions. I tread my own path. Having said that, I am anti the spurious virtue signalling that goes on with EV owners who are recharging their pride and joy from fossil-fuelled power stations. Unless they are recharging from a renewable source, their virtue signalling is egregious stupidity. I am also anti EV owners who refuse to admit the technology has unresolved problems, and seek to ridicule those who point them out. It's as if EV has become a religion, AFAIK most religions reject dissent. Religions also rely heavily on belief, and are well known for discarding fact if it does not fit the narrative. BTW, do you know who originated the term "butterfly effect"?
  20. I get some sleep during the day, reading posts of yours. At night, I focus on pleasant fantasies. It does not matter if I don't sleep then, although I mostly do. No, I do not have bedbugs.
  21. Mine are easy. However, I refuse to list them, as they may take that as validation. Annoying trolls.
  22. Perhaps CF won't be so welcoming after their first EV fire, given their inside parking layout it could get very interesting.
  23. Don't park your EV inside at Central Festival or Big C in Chiang Rai either.
  24. There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. How many ICE's catch fire on the move, or in a collision, as compared to when they are parked? How many parked ICE's create a fire that engulfs other vehicles, as an EV fire demonstrably can? You should look at the figures more closely before making such a facile conclusion.
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