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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. What points? It's all virtue signalling by EV fanboys. How much in funding do you think the researchers of those gushing position papers get? Follow the money. I would probably be looking at an EV myself if my Vios carks it, provided prices become competitive with ICE's. There's no argument EV's are cheaper to run by a big margin. What I don't swallow are the BS claims they are saving the planet, and EV owners are environmentally more responsible than ICE owners. 8% reduction is a lot? i guess you'd be happy if a bank kept 92% of your deposits. My only hero is Ben Hogan.
  2. No manufacturer would offer a warranty on vehicles that matched the expected life, the service departments of car dealerships would go broke. Dealerships don't make all that much profit on cars, maintenance is where the gravy is. The trick is to offer a warranty that matches present customer expectations, and enough reliability thereafter to have the buyer want to repeat with that brand. The American car industry in the 70's shot itself in the foot when it let the bean counters run riot, cutting costs at the expense of quality. It left the door wide open for the Japanese, and they gleefully entered. A lot of the early Japanese models were copies, e.g. Toyota copied Merc engines, Datsun copied Massey-Ferguson. Then they improved them.
  3. Mae Moh in Lampang is probably one of the dirtiest power stations on the planet, fueled by lignite. The attached mine has still got over 825 million tonnes of lignite left, produces 16 million tonnes per annum. The Thais certainly are not shutting it down. Just decommissioning older plant. https://www.enerdata.net/publications/daily-energy-news/thailands-egat-receives-approval-2-gw-new-coal-and-gas-fired-projects.html Never mind, the EV owners drive clean cars, where the recharging electrons come from isn't relevant.
  4. My urologist in Australia insisted on 6 months. FRCS, FRACS, very highly qualified. My urologist here wanted to give me a year, we compromised on 9 months. If I am clear in August, I will go out to a yearly checkup. I've had bladder cancer since 2006, with a couple of recurrences. That would explain my Australian surgeon's caution, my urologist here has not seen a recurrence in two and a half years. I get a pretty clear signal if it has come back, painless hematuria. Blood in urine. If that happens, I am hammering on the hospital doors.
  5. I somehow think your peek was very cursory, because for most of the video he is railing about the lack of fact-checking by motoring journalists of puff pieces put out by committees with a very big axe to grind. Here's a fact for you. Check all you want. If we stopped all carbon dioxide emissions from cars tomorrow, there would still be 92% of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide remaining. EV's are only scratching the surface, yet EV owners get all hairy-chested about how they are saving the planet. ROFL. IME ignorance is most frequently accompanied by laziness. I suspect you took a quick look which ran up against your confirmation biases, and could not be bothered watching what he had to say all the way through. Or you did watch, but lacked the ability to comprehend his message. Or did not want to. Either way, I can't be bothered with further discussion with you. Call that laziness if you want, I don't care.
  6. I've been subscribing to his channel for several years, he is a no-BS straight shooter. Hated by all car dealers, motoring bodies, and car magazines, because he calls them out on the nonsense they come up with. When he makes a claim, he invariably backs it up with scientific evidence and simple logic. For example, he makes the claim most EV owners are kidding themselves if they think they are environmentally responsible, because the process of making and disposing of batteries is highly toxic, and most EV owners are getting their recharging electrons from carbon dioxide-emitting fossil-fueled power stations. Spare me the solar panel BS, and tell me where his logic is wrong. The only real argument EV owners have got - and it's a good one - is the running cost per kilometre.
  7. On ignore now for stating I fabricate information. Said information was volunteered to me by a police inspector in Victoria. Goodbye.
  8. Because he is an experienced mechanical engineer, was a motoring journalist for many years, and IMO is worth listening to. He's not a car dealer, he brokers pricing between car buyers and car dealers. If you are going to dismiss videos because they don't fit your preference for shorter communications, your choice, your loss.
  9. Obviously you have never watched any of this guy's videos, he is a firm supporter of climate change science. What he is disputing is the BS car companies put out, in terms of their products magically becoming environmentally sustainable, when they are hybrids and full EV's.
  10. It's nice to hear a positive story on ASEAN, well done to Jeab and yourself.
  11. I changed the SSD on my desktop about a year ago, but I did upgrade everything else as well. There's limited capability on my laptop to make the same changes.
  12. I've found Thai doctors distribute antibiotics like candy, on the basic assumption anything they do is inevitably followed by infection. I have a cystoscopy every six months, and my urologist in Chiang Mai does the same. I've been throwing out the antibiotics I get for three years now, and I am still here. If your surgeon is following sterile procedure, antibiotics should be unnecessary. I suspect it is more CYA. Here's a suggestion: After your operation, don't take the antibiotics unless you feel unwell. Buy a clinical thermometer. If your temperature stays normal, it's very unlikely you will have an infection.
  13. The last time I took an antibiotic was in 2019, doxycycline. I am quite convinced it caused a recurrence of my bladder cancer. As I have not taken an antibiotic since then, I can only conclude your lifestyle is a fair bit riskier than mine.
  14. Antibiotics suppress the immune system. Through over-prescription, they are increasingly losing effectiveness against the serious stuff such as MRSA. I assume you heard about the antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea in Cambodia. Personally, I only take them when absolutely needed. The rest of the time, I throw them out, and let my immune system do the heavy lifting.
  15. You can buy monitors for a couple of hundred baht on Lazada, like these. Not saying it's the answer, but it may help pinpoint something while he is having the attack.
  16. I seem to get most of my SMS in Thai, if they can't be bothered putting them in English I can't be bothered reading them.
  17. Close, my exes were disposed towards castration.
  18. When I did my 90 day report online, I first had to register. Got through that OK , I then received an email with a long randomly generated password. , Logged in, submitted the 90 day report, filling out the fields carefully. I then got an email back with the completed form specifying the next due date of my 90 day report in September. A signature of some IO in Thai script, probably automated. I'd suggest your Immigration Office has its head up its a-r-s- e. Just do it, and see what you get. I'm printing mine out, and sticking it in my passport as the response suggested.
  19. Most batteries nowadays seem to be the sealed type, zero maintenance.
  20. Per month, or per year? Just asking........
  21. Heat in Thailand is quite destructive to battery life. I get 3-4 years out of a car battery here by lifting the hood after a long run, and letting the heat escape from the engine bay for half an hour, before closing the hood again. The date the battery was bought indicates the OP only got about 1.5 years out of it. IME recharging only works for a couple of months, then it's the inconvenience of a flat battery again.
  22. I was angry when I was younger, I don't have time for it now. Golf is a metaphor for life, no-one sees angry golfers winning tournaments. It's the ones who stay calm and focused that do.
  23. I thought you were in Mauritius, or was it Turkey? You do seem to move around a lot, itchy feet? Visiting any ex of mine I'd put in the same class as having a colonoscopy without sedation.
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