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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I am disappointed, I would have thought you knew the difference between humor and satire. Back on topic, how many positions of congress did you achieve with your first wife in real life, and how many have you added in your dreams? I need precise figures for comparison purposes. Have you tried it standing in a hammock?
  2. If I have any dreams about my former wife, they are usually nightmares. The marriage ended back in the mad century.
  3. China invaded Tibet in 1959, just outside your 60 year window. Which is probably why you set the limit. The current economic invasion technique is to make loans to poor countries to build infrastructure, then take over the infrastructure when the countries default on the debt. Africa and Pacific island countries are favored targets. After Thai food, I found Chinese food quite bland when I was in Hong Kong, before the CCP extinguished democracy there. As far as pollution goes, there are west-facing steel structures on Taiwan which suffer significant corrosion. Said corrosion is caused by sulphur dioxide crossing the 100 mile strait between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland. It's a bit mind-boggling to imagine what the Chinese population is breathing. I still own a pair of Florsheim shoes and a Brooks Brothers suit, from back in the day when America made good quality stuff. No doubt that apparel is now offshore after the bean counters sharpened their pencils, and politicians exported jobs.
  4. There's plenty of countries willing to trade with the USA too. Eat any lobster tail on the West Coast of America, the odds are pretty good it came from Tasmania. What rail and sky system? AFAIK, commodities such as oil, coal and grain do not fly. Where's the rail connecting China to India or the Middle East? Plenty of Trump apologists on various threads, first time I have seen a China apologist. Obviously you despise America, and don't live there. I am wondering if you would be any more comfortable living under Xi's rule.
  5. The statement from Xi should be taken with more than one grain of salt. "and not harm China's legitimate rights and interests". Xi and the CCP consider they have a legitimate right to Taiwan. If China is not seeking to challenge or replace the United States, why is it building the world's biggest navy? Answer: The US could choke Chinese imports by closing the Malacca Strait. Without said imports, China starves. Taking Xi's words at face value would be the same mistake Neville Chamberlain made.
  6. IIRC, it was Trump who started a trade war with China. Biden is calling a spade a spade. Unless you consider Xi is NOT a dictator, which is a bridge too far. I think I can say without fear of contradiction all other democratic nations would take Biden over Trump every time, stumbles notwithstanding.
  7. Those updates are bandaids on bandaids to fix bugs and protect against hackers, for whom Windows is the number one target. A major PITA. The last laptop I had with Windows on it, about ten years ago, got so badly infected by malware the shop I took it to advised me to throw it away. Unfixable. Since I changed to a free Linux OS, I have never had any virus/malware problems. The target is too small.
  8. A fairly elderly ASUS laptop with a MXLinux OS. It still does everything I want, so I see no reason to upgrade it. It seems to me PC systems, whether they be laptops or desktops, are in some kind of Red Queen's race, where Microsoft writes ever more complex operating software, and PC manufacturers expand memory, RAM, and speed. As I have no interest in solving Black- Scholes equations or Hamiltonian quaternions, I've dropped out. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  9. How can a plea deal be a two-tier system? Ordinary citizens enter into plea bargains all the time. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump was offered a plea deal - stay out of politics and social media, and you'll stay out of prison. I suspect most Republicans would be relieved, and only the most rabid would be bitching about it. Of course, that would also mean he could not raise any more funds from the morons.
  10. Here's me thinking it was because your typing fingers moved faster than your brain - an Epimenides paradox, maybe.
  11. An interesting link, thanks. If I combine deaths from liver disease with that from liver CANCER, the number of deaths from those two causes is double that of vehicle accidents - 41K vs 20K. IME there are several village idiots in my GF's moo baan, fetal alcohol syndrome is most likely the cause. Quite a few of the neighbors are heavy Lao Khao drinkers.
  12. You may be right. Having said that, I'll bet you find the mission statements of most companies are at variance with what they actually do. I haven't bought travel insurance for about 20 years. IIRC it cost me one Bangkok to Chiang Mai airfare when my flight from Melbourne was delayed by a day. IMO I would have shelled out many multiples of that cost if I had bought insurance every time I traveled.
  13. If you drink spirits instead of beer, you will lose weight faster. Weight is a function of the amount of carbohydrates you are eating. Beer is loaded with carbohydrates, spirits have next to none. My weight went from 93 kg to 78 kg on a low carb diet, and has stayed there.
  14. I think you mean indulged, divulged is a verb used to describe the disclosure of sensitive information.
  15. Had that happened, your country would have been toast.
  16. "Make the effor to spell it right?" Thanks for a good laugh.
  17. I suggest a spellchecker and Grammarly, unless you want to establish beyond doubt you are one of Hilary Clinton's "basket of deplorables". You're babbling. The New York Post is a Fox subsidiary, which right now has about the same credibility as Trump. Among sensible people, that is.
  18. Has the OP changed the country he is in? I have a WISE account, use it when I am in Thailand bringing money from Australia. In Australia, I found I had to go through the verification process again to send money. I said stuff it, I'll wait until I get back to Thailand.
  19. If you go to the end of Loi Kroh Road, just before the iron bridge over the Ping River, there is a Super Rich exchange about 20 metres after turning left on Charoen Prachet Road. Failing that, there is a Sakol money exchange just about directly opposite, which seems IME to be much busier. Similar rates and spreads. IIRC, they don't charge commission. I have bought and sold AUD, Euros and Swiss francs at Sakol, can't imagine ringgits would be a problem.
  20. What else would you expect from Republican Senators? " The evidence seems to be mounting" is a catchall for anyone without actual proof. Another look over there, while PTA dictates the direction of the GOP.
  21. LOL, if anybody has been getting ahead of themselves on the various Trump threads, it's been you. A breath of fresh air? More like the miasma coming off a cesspool. Trump said he was going to drain the swamp. All he really did was replace the alligators with crocodiles.
  22. The interview demonstrated Trump throwing in his usual denials, deflections and irrelevant distractions. If that's what happens with a journalist, imagine what a prosecution lawyer is going to do to him. IMO his lawyers will do everything they can to keep him from being cross-examined.
  23. I didn't consider binge drinking as a category, my mistake. I've never done it, and can't imagine I would ever want to do so, as I would not like the lack of control I assume is associated with it. The liver can heal itself from fatty liver induced by alcohol. Cirrhosis is scarring, it is very rare for it to be reversed.
  24. I think what you mean is processed meat contains carcinogens, I am not aware the WHO has sausages listed as a Class 1 carcinogen. Many processed meats contain nitrites as a preservative, which reacts to form nitroso-amines with hydrolysed proteins. Those compounds are most definitely carcinogenic in humans. AFAIK processed meats are not addictive like alcohol can be, although I do have a weakness for bratwurst, boerewors, and Cumberland sausage.
  25. Unless the policy specified the traveler could not drink alcohol while insured, I'd say there was a lack of good faith by the insurer.
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