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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You are correct if the hydrogen is manufactured by cracking natural gases such as methane and ethane. You are incorrect if the hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of water, using renewable energy such as solar, wind or tidal power. If you are recharging your vehicle solely from the solar panels on your house roof, you can virtue signal. When you recharge from any public supplier, you're kidding yourself if you think you have transitioned away from fossil fuels. This is a public charger on the 118 going out of Chiang Mai. Dollars to donuts the electricity comes from Mae Moh.
  2. I turn my collar up to avoid becoming a redneck. Of course, I could achieve the same effect by wearing a MAGA baseball cap backwards. However, I understand that would involve a drop of IQ of 50 points, and I don't want to revert to the mean.
  3. IMO you are missing the point entirely. Where do you think the electricity going straight into the car comes from? Worldwide, fossil fuels still account for about two-thirds of all electricity generation. https://www.google.com/search?channel=fs&client=ubuntu&q=Worldwide+fossil+fuel+percentage+electricity+generation North-west Thailand gets its electricity from Mae Moh power station, fuelled by lignite, the dirtiest fossil fuel on the planet in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. If you are decanting electrons into an EV, you have simply transferred the pollution from the vehicle to the power station. There's no real difference between an ICE and an EV in terms of environmental impact, when one takes into account the toxicity of what the storage battery is made of. OTOH, use hydrogen as a fuel, the only bulk emission is water. Virtue signalling by EV owners they are environmentally responsible is utter BS.
  4. The CSIRO in Australia has already succeeded in converting hydrogen to ammonia - one atom of nitrogen, three atoms of hydrogen. Much easier to store and transport as a pressurised liquid, and non-flammable. The Chinese are very interested. Imagine manufacturing hydrogen from electrolysis of sea water with the abundance of solar energy in Australia, then converting to ammonia with membrane technology. Ship to Shanghai, reconstitute as hydrogen. All it needs is development funding, although IMO quite a few roadblocks will be thrown up by vested interests.
  5. I can say without fear of contradiction by any scientist the vast majority of materials expand with heat, and contract with cold. Willies are no exception. It's probably where the expression "the wandering Scot" came from. Emigrating Scots found living in warmer places made them bigger. Australia is hot, which is why we are 20 places ahead of you guys. BTW, I do have Scots ancestry. Clan of Ross and Cromarty.
  6. I knew that was coming. A pity the Scots didn't get a separate statistic, all that icy wind whistling up their kilts. Probably knocked down the average for the UK.
  7. Always knew Australia was ahead of the US and UK.
  8. The other advantage - rabbit poo doesn't smell like dogs and cats do.
  9. Good for you. I am struck by the similarities in our experiences. I am still with my GF, and helping her grand-daughter through university. I am Khun Ta ( grandfather ) to her. I occasionally buy food for my 61 yo regular massage lady. She loves tinned salmon. My GF cannot stand being alone, a trait I have noticed in many Thais. Perhaps the most sociable race on the planet. I would not say I am anti-social; however, I do like to socialize on my terms, then withdraw when I have had enough. With some people it may be an hour or so, with others 5 minutes is too much. Stay well.
  10. I love a good bullsh**ter.
  11. Yes, I might learn how to turn my brain cells into mush in 30 minutes.
  12. I have the company of my GF, and friends I meet occasionally. I just don't feel lonely on the occasions I am alone.
  13. You are faceless to me too. The problem with anonymity: one can make any claims on this and other social media. They may be true, or completely false. Hence my scepticism. I can accept there are plenty of non-p4p women in Thailand - caddies, nurses, teachers etc. However, claims a woman is self-funding in a relationship is a bridge too far for me.
  14. I am not lonely because I am comfortable with my own company.
  15. If I had 1000 baht for every poster on ASEAN/TV who has made this claim, I'd be driving a new 7-series Beemer by now.
  16. I'm stating fact. An unvaccinated person is six times more likely to be seriously ill from COVID than one who has been vaccinated, irrespective of misinformation rife on social media. Attacking me personally with a sarcastic post does not change said statistics.
  17. You will probably be screaming for it as they wheel you into a hospital ICU.
  18. IIRC USD or AUD 10,000 seems to be the amount above which red flags are raised. Although I have made telegraphic transfers for more than that, but not through WISE. I'm not a money launderer. although I once was asked by the ATO ( IRS to Americans ) if I had a bank account in Andorra. Where they got that from I have no idea, had to use Google maps to find it.
  19. Krung Thai seems to be unique in this regard, I have not encountered any limit with Bangkok Bank or Kasikorn. As far as sending money on sequential days goes, I suggest suck it and see. I just put living expenses, the statement has never been questioned.
  20. Hogamus higamus, Jack is polygamous. Higamus hogamous, Jill is monogamous. Muslims don't seem to have any problem with the concept, the Me-Too partisans do. Guess who is heading for extinction?
  21. I just wonder where America lost its way, although from a steel industry viewpoint I witnessed the decline. In my first visit of 1983, United States Steel had 3000 researchers in Pittsburgh. On my last visit there in 1999, there were less than 300. The blue collar workforce has gone from 76,000 to about 25,000. While Australia has less paranoia than America, it is a stifling environment for me. Very heavily regulated. For example, by law one cannot drive past a parked police car on a suburban street at more than 40 km/hr. Imagine how that would go down in Thailand. Lockdowns for me in Thailand during COVID consisted of two months of swimming pool and golf course closures, in Victoria one could not move more than 5 km from their house for months on end. Six lockdowns all up. Back on topic, I fail to understand why the OP cannot connect in Thailand. I can fairly be described as old and ugly, yet I wish I had 1000 baht for every time a Thai woman has propositioned me for a longer-term relationship. As I said before, IMO he has set his sights too high.
  22. Laparoscopic ( keyhole ) surgery is preferred over open wound hernia repair because post-operative risk is lower.
  23. Palliative care for terminal patients seems to be limited to paracetamol and tramadol. Medications such as oxycodone and ketamine are either illegal, or not available. The irony is, kratom is legal. I doubt hospital pharmacies stock it. In my dealings with several large private hospitals, I have noticed pathology services are quite slow. Urine cytology which takes a couple of days in Australia takes 2-3 weeks in Thailand. I am currently in Australia, on a course of targeted inhibitor medication. The drug is simply unavailable in Thailand. If it was, I am informed it would cost USD 7000 per month. Through the PBS in Australia, I pay AUD 7.30 To sum up, I go to hospitals in Thailand for initial diagnosis and treatment of low-level ailments, also vaccinations. For more serious stuff, I get on a plane to Australia.
  24. Apart from the personal use aspect, bum guns also help protect the environment. Western countries chop down millions of trees to make toilet paper. They then have to design and operate much bigger sewage treatment plants, to cope with the extra biomass generated by exclusive use of said paper. Dumb as.
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