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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. There's not much point to having money if you can't spend it as needed. That's why Russia has defaulted on its debt, the Western sanctions in the banking sector have blocked repayment to the bondholders. Fairly obvious it was going to happen, Russian bonds have been at a deep discount ever since Putin decided to invade. Those were government bonds, it gets REALLY interesting when company bonds fall due over the next couple of months.
  2. Usually, the reaction to sandfly bites becomes less with more exposures, unless you are one of those unfortunates with a sensitized immune response. I seem to remember you were having considerable problems after urinary surgery, is that improved now?
  3. I am in a trade-off, AFAICT the finasteride is working in keeping my prostate under control, BUT it is also suppressing my libido. As I have always enjoyed a healthy libido, a PITA.
  4. Russia defaulted on its debt on Sunday, the first time since 1917. Is that a valid enough claim for you? Russia's only hope is for someone to assassinate Putin, otherwise ordinary Russians will be going back to the privations of the Soviet era. If you think I am drawing too long a bow with that claim, I am keen to see what you can post in rebuttal. A pariah state, a ruined economy. That will be Putin's legacy.
  5. Russia has become a terrorist organization. I remember Billy Mitchell led a bombing raid on Tokyo, which while it did little damage, was an enormous psychological blow to the Japanese. Perhaps the Ukrainians are thinking the same way w.r.to Moscow, it's not all that far away.
  6. It's just one of the analyses being presented, to say it is typical is lying. Other analysts are saying the Russian forces are so exhausted they are only capable of incremental gains. You fail to understand Ukrainians hate Russians. With their history,it would be impossible not to. I'm predicting this war will end as it did in Afghanistan, the difference being the Russian body count will be much higher, and the stagnation of the Russian economy will be much worse than under Brezhnev.
  7. Perhaps also tell that to the thousands of Russian parents who are not even informed their sons are dead.
  8. You mean a demoralized army of conscripts? Armaments no other country will buy, because it's been demonstrated how vulnerable in the battlefield they are? Oil and gas he won't be able to sell, as Europe reduces its dependency? His manufacturing capacity is being degraded by the lack of spare parts that would normally be flowing into Russia. Nukes mean nothing, it's called Mutual Assured Destruction. Putin knows if he uses them, Russia would be obliterated. Dictators all end up believing their own BS, and surrounding themselves with yes-men. Their nightmare is ending up like Gaddafi, Hussein and Ceausescu.
  9. So will thousands more of Russians. Russia's own financial experts are predicting the effects of the war and sanctions will be costing Russia for a decade in terms of GDP. The only help they will get is from the Chinese, and they don't play nice either.
  10. Be extremely careful with Viagra, it was originally developed as a blood pressure medication. If you are taking other BP medications, it could be dangerous. I have weaned myself off BP meds, apart from cardura where I take 1 mg every second day. It's intended to assist finasteride, as Sheryl said. If I take Viagra, my BP drops significantly. My record is 80 systole/40 diastole, and I usually stay in the diastolic mid-forties for up to 18 hours. For obvious reasons, I have ceased using it.
  11. I get an Australian part age pension, and income from investments in Australia. At my current rate of capital depletion, I'll be dead broke by the time I am 112 years old. For me, the difference is living very modestly in Australia, and watching every dollar like a hawk. Here, I don't have to, and have a much better lifestyle. I do still watch what I spend, but that's more habit than necessity. It beats me why Australian pensioners are not stampeding to get into Thailand, rents, utilities and food have gone through the roof there.
  12. 3 baht per km with an elderly Vios, I guess you are driving something bigger.
  13. In Thailand, I don't have a tailored shirt, let alone a tie. IIRC, the last time I wore a suit was to someone's funeral in Australia about 15 years ago. Personally, I've always felt more comfortable in a white laboratory coat, although if I wore one here the plod would drag me away for not having a work permit. I've always thought GG's musings are the result of his choice of celibacy.
  14. That's Asian culture, females deferring to males.
  15. We probably walk at a similar pace. However, her taking about 200 photos in 9 holes of golf means she always lags behind.
  16. Depends on the age of the vehicle. I have my 2006 Toyota Vios serviced every 5000 km by an independent mechanic, who keeps it running smoothly. It also depends on the oils being used in servicing, full synthetics last longer than a petroleum based oil with additives. 10,000 km IMO is a reasonable service interval, I don't take any notice of time recommendations. Those are just to assist the bottom line of service operations.
  17. It was a joke, Joyce. Given the way you have reacted, best I put you on ignore now.
  18. AFAIK cannabis has no proven carcinogenic properties when smoked or ingested orally. OTOH, both alcohol and tobacco do. The statistics are overwhelming in that respect. There's no room for doubt alcohol fuels violence by removing inhibitions. I haven't seen any information to indicate cannabis does the same, its principal effect is euphoria. I intend to use cannabis responsibly, for an arthritic condition. In some countries, it is also prescribed for palliative care. Society needs to learn to use cannabis in moderation, just like everything else. It's now legal in Thailand, get over it.
  19. I'm not buying much in the supermarkets nowadays, local yoghurt and Mainland Cheese, the occasional treat of camembert. On a reduced carb diet, heavy on vegetables, packaged foods almost non-existent.
  20. Having eliminated 4 daily medications with a combination of diet, exercise and meditation, I figure I am saving 3000 baht/month.
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