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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I have found Chiang Rai to be more laidback than Chiang Mai, cheaper COL. I lived in CM for ten years, the traffic congestion has got worse every year.
  2. Exactly. In the top or bottom toolbar, there is usually a WiFi symbol )))) turned upwards. If it is black, the internet is connected. If it is grayscale, it is not. That's on a desktop, tablet or laptop. I can look up the status in the Settings icon on a smartphone. There's some complicated solutions to a simple problem on this thread.
  3. Read my post again. What does the term "extremely pure" mean to you?
  4. It makes sense to put solar panels on farmland that requires 25 acres to support one sheep, or 100 acres to support a single cow. There's plenty of that land and worse in Australia.
  5. Yes, it has fat as well. What else?
  6. The poll is to determine the status of retired Australians living here. It is not intended to be judgmental of anyone, call it curiosity if you will, based on another long running thread.
  7. I doubt glass fibre goes back that far, and certainly not to the rigid specifications required for relaying light 100 km. The glass has to be extremely pure, which makes it high tech. As I worked in the glass industry in a technical capacity for four years, I think I know more about the subject than you do.
  8. Protein is protein. The two consumer attributes lab protein would have to satisfy are taste, and competitiveness on price.
  9. Somehow, the business owners always seem to be able to hang on to their mansions, holiday condos, and flash cars.
  10. Alcohol does not react with stomach acids, nor is it broken down there.. Alcohol is detoxified in the liver by various enzymes, the metabolism steps are alcohol - acetaldehyde - acetate - water and CO2. Acetaldehyde is highly toxic, and a known human carcinogen. "In the liver, alcohol is metabolized by the oxidative and non-oxidative pathway. In the oxidative pathway, the major pathway of alcohol digestion, alcohol is oxidized to acetaldehyde by various enzymes including alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1), and catalase" Source: National Institute of Health.
  11. AFAIK high tech has always been high risk, which is why I have never invested in the sector. Some people have made a lot, others have lost out. OTOH, I have never lost money buying and selling precious metals - gold, silver, and platinum.
  12. Actually , he does not. He says the question of tax residency is dependent on individual circumstances, as determined by the Commissioner of Taxation. Pensioners should not be paying non-resident tax if they are still classed as resident in Australia. Permit me to doubt the ATO is interested in chasing pensioners who have used the non-lodgment advice available on the ATO website, as they are below the taxable threshold. I know one guy on an OAP who has been residing in Thailand for ten years full time, and put in a non-lodgment advice nine years ago. He's heard nothing from the ATO since. The non-residency rules were intended to tax affluent people living overseas full-time, who are deriving their income in Australia. Much as you wish it to happen, for reasons best known to yourself, it hasn't. Probably because the return with pensioners is not worth it.
  13. I've had one claim with Roojai after my GF had a fender bender. 3000 baht excess, cost was 4500 baht. Fixed in 4 days, no problem.
  14. Half the time, the Brits and Yanks can't even see it.
  15. What happened? Hard to say, except I am more comfortable in Thailand than I could ever be in Australia. Australia may be idyllic to some, looking at the coastal fringes. The interior is harsh and brutal in summer or winter. Every so often, it kills one or more tourists as a reminder of how deadly it can be. The clip is not entirely fiction. Australia has its share of psychos. I did live in a golden age in some ways. I bought a house, and paid off the mortgage in 18 months. The generation of today have to look forward to debt lasting for 3 or 4 decades, at the mercy of interest rate fluctuations. I enjoyed working in the field of science, being productive and creative. The tricarboxylic acid cycle featured in one of my published papers. The best quote comes from one of your under-appreciated Presidents, Calvin Coolidge. I took it on board very early.
  16. The Barmah-Millewa Forest is the biggest stand of red gum trees in the world. The wood is frequently used as foundation stumps on weatherboard houses, due to its durability and resistance to rot. Kookaburras can become very tame, I used to feed a couple on my balcony with bits of meat and witchetty grubs.
  17. We have real hardwoods in Australia, most of the softwoods are introduced species. Mountain Ash, Red Gum, Ti-Tree, Mallee roots and Tasmanian Blue Gum all burn hot and long. Ironbark was named that for good reason. http://www.wallisandmatilda.com.au/man-from-ironbark.shtml I shower, baths IMO are for hippopotami.
  18. I understand you have a former President who is quite proficient with lying. But then, most politicians are. Why is it Americans pronounce aluminium differently? Elements such as sodium, calcium, potassium - about 23 in all - seem to present no difficulty. Imagine the chaos if everyone dropped the "i" in all the others. My apologies for not responding sooner, I was busy carting firewood and performing my ablutions.
  19. Bamboo is delicious with chili powder. Zero calories, and a rich source of fibre and minerals. Now is the edible bamboo season in Thailand. It may have been you who informed me bamboo must be cooked properly to remove cyanide compounds. Only giant pandas can detoxify raw bamboo. In my youth, I sometimes had to wear two pairs of underwear to avoid embarrassing myself in public. Any girl dancing with me close up knew what was on my mind, and in my trousers.
  20. I am disappointed, I would have thought you knew the difference between humor and satire. Back on topic, how many positions of congress did you achieve with your first wife in real life, and how many have you added in your dreams? I need precise figures for comparison purposes. Have you tried it standing in a hammock?
  21. If I have any dreams about my former wife, they are usually nightmares. The marriage ended back in the mad century.
  22. China invaded Tibet in 1959, just outside your 60 year window. Which is probably why you set the limit. The current economic invasion technique is to make loans to poor countries to build infrastructure, then take over the infrastructure when the countries default on the debt. Africa and Pacific island countries are favored targets. After Thai food, I found Chinese food quite bland when I was in Hong Kong, before the CCP extinguished democracy there. As far as pollution goes, there are west-facing steel structures on Taiwan which suffer significant corrosion. Said corrosion is caused by sulphur dioxide crossing the 100 mile strait between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland. It's a bit mind-boggling to imagine what the Chinese population is breathing. I still own a pair of Florsheim shoes and a Brooks Brothers suit, from back in the day when America made good quality stuff. No doubt that apparel is now offshore after the bean counters sharpened their pencils, and politicians exported jobs.
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