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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. There are cut and polish compounds around, I seem to remember the Turtle brand. No doubt plenty on Lazada. Agree the only way to deal with oxidation is to remove it with cutting compound. If the oxidation is so bad the compound gets through to the undercoat, it's time for a respray. I was once told by a paint chemist red is the absolute worst color for oxidation, due to its higher sensitivity to certain wavelengths of solar radiation.
  2. The only effect edible pot has had on me is sedative. The meth pills are far more probable as the cause of violence. I am reminded of the Biblical phrase " Straining at a gnat, and swallowing a camel" when one thinks of the daily toll of violent incidents arising from the abuse of alcohol, in the hundreds if not thousands in Thailand.
  3. Working is for people who enjoy what they do, you obviously did not. You could try planting vegetables which are not prone to insect attack, or grow them where insects can't get at them. For example, I find it hard to imagine insects attacking chili, garlic and okra.
  4. IIRC it was bogs smith who had that particular whinge. I don't smash inanimate objects, but I have been known to yell at them.
  5. How do you know it was not broken over his GF's head? Do you belong to those generations that demand to be rewarded for participation, rather than achievement?
  6. I am category 1. Pre-COVID, I was returning to Oz about every 6-7 months for 4-6 weeks, then going back to Thailand for another 6-7 months. I get my pension paid fortnightly into an Australian bank account. I usually let the account accumulate to $10,000, then transfer to a Thai bank. I don't notify Centrelink when I have returned, Border Force does that. The supplements are usually restored after a fortnight or two has elapsed. I notify Centrelink when I leave, the supplements cut off after six weeks. I had this pattern of travel for about ten years, until COVID messed up the world. I have not submitted a tax return for 3 years.
  7. You are assuming Border Force communicates everyone's whereabouts to the ATO. IMO the ATO are too busy to keep track of everyone's location, even if they were given the information. It would be difficult for the ATO to classify someone as an expat if said expat was locked out of Australia due to COVID. I have been in Thailand non-stop for 3 years, no-one has said anything. Prior to that, I was returning to Australia every six months. I have no idea what time frame converts one to expat status. As previously stated, it depends on individual circumstances.
  8. You worry too much. It is not Centrelink's function to levy taxes on pensions, unless our resident prophet of doom has that in his batch of predictions. The ATO will start levying 31.5% tax on you when it decides you are no longer an Australian tax resident. That then depends on individual circumstances, under current regulations.
  9. IMO the only way the ATO will pick up on anyone is if one gets caught by a random audit. Said audits probably have a threshold, below which income level it simply is not worth their while. I got audited once, when I was earning big bucks. They have much bigger fish to fry, starting with profit-shifting multi-nationals.
  10. You would only start losing 30% if 1/ the ATO knew you had left Australia permanently 2/ The ATO had classed you as non-resident for tax purposes 3/ You had submitted a tax return. While the ATO apparently has the power to garnishee wages, I have not heard of them doing it with the OAP.
  11. Border Force knows where you are. Centrelink knows where you are. Overseas, IMO they don't care where. As evidenced by the removal of supplements after six weeks absence, and their reinstatement after returning to Oz. I doubt the ATO knows where you are, otherwise they would start taxing pensioners at 31.5% after 1 or 2 years' absence. Unless you tell them.
  12. Funny how insurance companies keep the premiums already paid, even when they are declining to honor a claim.
  13. It's not, because the medication also causes kidney damage. Most pharmaceuticals do. The healthy way to lose weight is to ban sugar, and avoid or minimize processed and high carb foods. No beer. Doing that, I shed 15 kg in 3 months, and have stayed that way. I'm guessing unless the OP changes his current food choices, he will stack the weight back on when he stops taking ozempic.
  14. Surf and OMO were identical, they just went into different packaging. The same applied to Rinso and Persil. The reason was a sales ploy called brand saturation. Rinso and Persil were soap-based, Surf and OMO were sulphonate-based. IIRC, at one stage OMO was doped with detergent particles stained with methylene blue, which the marketing gurus called blue beads of bleach. A total lie. Always amusing to hear about housewives arguing the toss which brand was better, when the formula was the same. The aforesaid were all Unilever products, I think FAB and tide were Colgate. It's now 60 years since I worked for Unilever, as a trainee chemist. Sorry to hear about your financial travails, Owl. I guess trust has been damaged by the revelations.
  15. Your work clothes can say a lot about your personality. Neatly pressed and clean will be a different kettle of fish to dishevelled, dirty or torn. The first says a person is fastidious, the second the wearer is a slob.
  16. It's 2-3 months of the year, I just crank up the air purifiers when the API gets to more than 50. During the rainy season and winter, the air is a damn sight cleaner than Bangkok.
  17. Interesting, someone who agrees with you is honest, therefore those who disagree or suggest you change things around are dishonest. I suspect you have not bothered to learn anything but the most rudimentary Thai, there are quite a few foreigners who don't. They expect Thais to accommodate their reluctance.
  18. My policy when overseas is to look at nothing, say nothing. Any linked service on MyGov has to email me, with no guarantee I will acknowledge it. If I open myGov, they will know it. So far, I have had no demands. I update my assets at Centrelink when I go back to Australia at a Centrelink office, not online. People seem to forget it was not so long ago Australians were locked out of their own country, then had to pay for 14 days quarantine when allowed to return, until July 2022. As long as my age pension keeps rolling into my Australian account, I don't see any reason to volunteer any information.
  19. Not trying to deflect. If that's what you think, your problem, not mine.
  20. The Yellow Shirts were a movement aimed at toppling Shinawatra, Democrats they were not. IMO there will be another military coup, the elites and establishment have too much to lose if democracy actually takes hold. The Thai armed forces have so many flag officers to choose from, to put in the figurehead position. Over 1700 of them.
  21. None of which I need, thanks.
  22. The laws are only outdated in your opinion. Halley's comet makes the next visit in 2061. Maybe your predictions will come to pass by then. IMO the BS rules should not even exist, no other Western country taxes its pensioners living overseas.
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