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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. How many Thai wives do you have? A photo you sent me does not look like her. You also said she had become fat, like a German hausfrau. Looks in pretty good shape to me.
  2. You are probably correct when it comes to Thai bargirls in their twenties and early thirties. After that, IMO the clock is ticking, and the Thai BF will be trading them in for a newer model. IME the number of Thai women in their late thirties and forties who just want a man to "take care" are legion, and they know it won't happen with Thai males. My regular massage lady is a case in point. Now 60, she is not beautiful, but has a cheerful and slightly nutty personality. She bemoans the fact I am already taken. When she was 30, her Thai husband of 10 years said you are not beautiful anymore, I'm out of here. Left her with an infant to support. I used to know several farangs in Chiang Mai who recruited their women from the hill tribes. All that was needed to "take care" was a roof over their head, food, and a couple of thousand baht a month.
  3. The Gica's should work OK. I am still gobsmacked by the fact those kits are less than $3 ( AUD ) here, and $25 in Australia. Some scumbag is making a motza.
  4. It helps. However, other attributes women look for are power, money, and intelligence. It's imprinted in their genes to seek men who give their progeny the best chance of survival.
  5. I am not sure they are still around, but Chinese Lepu RAT kits are defective, as they can return false negatives. The kits that involve transferring the swab contents to a vial for mixing with a few mL of liquid prior to application to the test bed are correctly designed. Having experienced spartan hospital quarantine conditions once already, I would definitely self-isolate at home after a positive RAT reading. I would only go to a hospital if I had breathing problems.
  6. My GF would be genuinely bewildered by the suggestion I am a dirty old man. She regards me as the best thing that has ever happened to her, and prays to Buddha for a long life for me. Your comment demonstrates a basic ignorance of biology. Men are still quite capable of enjoying sex in their 70's, 80's and 90's. Just ask Rupert Murdoch. OTOH, once women hit their sixties, for the vast majority, it's game over. I don't see any reason to become celibate due to my age, and I am ruling out masturbation. In fact, your post could be taken as age discrimination.
  7. Go into any shopping mall in the US or Australia, count up the number of beached whales and DDG females. Do the same in Thailand. On a statistical basis, it's like a Nissan Almera taking on a BMW.
  8. Spot on, she's usually hovering around the 40 - 42 kg mark. A Western woman at that body mass would be anorexic.
  9. My GF is 23 years younger than me. IMO she likes the security of knowing I don't go out drinking at bars, and would never be violent towards her. Unlike her former Thai husband, who drank, gambled and was abusive. Sure, money is part of our relationship, but there is also mutual respect and playfulness. No problem for her if I get under her feet occasionally.
  10. I am personally challenged by things I can do something about. The rest is wasted energy. 1/ Staying mentally active 2/ Maintaining/increasing physical fitness 3/ Staying below 90 kg 4/ Enjoying sex with my GF 5/ Breaking my age on the golf course 6/ Maintaining communication with friends 7/ Staying alive and unscathed in Thai traffic
  11. Human nature being what it is, I prefer to remember the women that were good, and forget the ones who were not. If men before me helped make them great lays, all I can say is thank you. Having said that, there are members of both sexes who are just naturals. No tuition required.
  12. Get outside the cities into the boondocks, there are still quite a few slim ones around. Rural Thais can't afford those food categories. My GF says she is too fat when she hits 43 kg on the bathroom scales.
  13. 35 years is old? IMO that's the age when women are at peak sexuality. I suppose some men like the Pygmalion shtick.
  14. Depends on what one defines as best. I would much rather have sex with an experienced woman in her thirties who knows what she is doing, and how not to get pregnant, than some teenager who has all the skills of a starfish.
  15. As Mandy Rice-Davies once said: "Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?" Perhaps it was his oral skills, Mick certainly has the lips for that.
  16. Djokovic ran his own tournament in Adria, against medical advice and without much precautions. Quite a few players were infected. He has consistently refused to confirm his vaccination status. Tennis Australia and gun-for-hire medicos were too smart by half, cooking up a spurious medical exemption to get him to play. He's one of the fittest human beings on the planet, two jabs won't hurt him. Most Australians were outraged at being taken for mugs. Deporting him for failing to follow visa requirements will no doubt outrage the anti-vaxxers too.
  17. It always mystifies me why some foreigners refuse point-blank to learn any Thai. While I will never be fluent, I can usually communicate successfully. It's also good mental exercise. I've been in quite a few situations where being able to speak Thai has saved me a lot of inconvenience, even something as mundane as explaining I had a slow tyre leak at a garage.
  18. I am 78. Avoiding fossilisation depends on whether one is prepared to exercise physically and mentally. I've seen some in their sixties who could fill in as trilobites.
  19. I found it useful in getting myself vaccinated. IMO it will also be useful for domestic air travel.
  20. I was visually stunned by the Burmese/Indian gene mix I observed in Yangon. Maybe not as good in facial terms; however, they had spectacular butts. Fully clothed, walking away from me, I felt weak at the knees. Would have loved to unwrap one, but I had my Thai GF with me.
  21. Good thinking. I am dreading the time I will have to get off my scooter. My test for that will be when I can't control it anymore with my GF riding pillion. It also depends on the amount of confidence you have in your GF's driving skills. Most Thais are abysmal, because the instructors and licence requirements are likewise.
  22. My GF is from Chiang Rai. AFAIK she has no Chinese genes, possibly some Burmese in the mix. To me, Issan girls are more solidly built, and their dark skin is gorgeous. Saying one is more beautiful than the other is like saying strawberry ice-cream is tastier than chocolate. They're both good.
  23. According to what I have heard, Mick Jagger is hung like a horse and also knows how to use it. Add that to his fame as a singer, I can understand he has no problem. Some of the guys I was referring to would need a mirror, tweezers and pepper to find theirs.
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