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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. LOL, do you even know what the Russian and American comparative GDP's are? Russia's GDP is set to contract by 10% in the coming year, and that's the prediction of Russia's own economists. They are also predicting 10 years of economic stagnation. All countries depend on foreign capital, where do you think Russia's foreign investment will come from? There isn't any, Russia is a financial leper. Take Russia's aviation industry. It's a big country, with a lot of distance for aircraft to cover. How long do you think the Boeings and Airbuses in Russia will keep flying, when the maintenance crews can't get spare parts and software updates? They'll be cannibalizing aircraft in another three months. On the battlefield, Russia is losing men and equipment at a rate that puts their war in Afghanistan in deep shade. The troops are demoralized. As a delusional post, yours takes some beating.
  2. Putin knows as well as anybody if he starts a nuclear war, everybody loses, including him. Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia. Orwell really was prescient, wasn't he?
  3. I tip according to circumstances. I am acutely aware there are some Thais who only have one-third or one-quarter of the income they used to have pre-COVID. I won't tip if the service is perfunctory. As I have developed a network of services I know are reliable, I always tip them. I trust the OP feels better now.
  4. The rainy season arrived in Chiang Rai six weeks ago.
  5. AFAIK there is no evidence marijuana users proceed to heroin addiction. Personally, I would like to see all present illicit drugs legalized, with the exception of meth. The only condition I would insist on is if one commits any crime under the influence of any drug, they get treated as if they were stone cold sober. I'm tired of hearing BS excuses for intoxicated people.
  6. There used to be a street foot massage place about halfway down Loi Kroh Road, opposite the hotel there. Don't know if it is still there, about 10 chairs IIRC. Private massages in a room, more places than one could shake a stick at. I just tell them bow-bow, mai ow chuck wow.
  7. I used to get eggs like that when we went away to the Army camp at Puckapunyal, can't say they were a memorable taste sensation. That, and powdered eggs. No-one commits food atrocities quite like the military. I store my eggs in the refrigerator, they don't last more than 3-4 days.
  8. IMO that could be the problem with many medical practitioners, it's a one size fits all mentality, particularly in Thailand. I was prescribed doxycycline as an anti-malarial. It took two recurrences of bladder cancer for me to realize it was caused by the doxycycline suppressing my immune system. I haven't had a recurrence since I stopped taking it 5 years ago. When I mentioned it to the urologist treating me, he was dismissive.
  9. I haven't got up past 85 kg since I reached 84. Having said that, I am quite disciplined in what I do. The best advice I got on weight loss was from a doctor who said push yourself away from the table before you feel full.
  10. In my GF's village, it's a barter system. The next-door neighbor trades bananas for windfall rice from the surrounding rice fields, my GF's brother grows frogs he trades for other foodstuffs. Scorpions are on the menu. Thailand is known as the food bowl of Asia, unless everything is exported, no food crisis here. The day market in Chiang Rai is always crammed with fruit and vegetables. The only time I have seen an empty shelf at Big C or Tops was in the early days of COVID, when some Thai guru on social media claimed eggs were a good prophylactic for COVID. I wondered at the time what a Thai with a shopping trolley full of eggs would do when they realized they would need to eat a couple of dozen a day to stop them going rotten.
  11. You are incorrect, I consume very little straight fat or oil. Cheese and yoghurt, yes. I am treading my own path on diet, it is reduced carb rather than keto. As it has resulted in me going from 92 kg to 84 kg in a couple of months, IMO it's working. I fail to see how an absence of dairy products prevents osteoporosis, just as I am wondering how many diabetics have been adversely affected by Dr. McDougall's advice on high carbs. I am in full agreement with his stance on alcohol and processed foods, and substituting diet AND exercise for medications.. I'll be getting my BSL and HbA1C tested next month to see if there is any progress there.
  12. Not buying green bananas refers to the fact I might pop my clogs tomorrow, so no point in buying something I may not get to eat. It was a joke, Joyce. Nothing wrong with carbs for people with normal fasting blood sugar and HbA1C levels. For diabetics, they can be lethal. I am pre-diabetic, and would prefer to avoid the next step.
  13. A link for that? I'm wondering how many people they have killed with that kind of BS. Hyperinsulinemia is far more likely to occur with high carb diets. I suggest you check Dr. Ken Berry on YouTube. IMO you are laying the foundations for longer term liver harm with +5 bananas a day, Fructose does not metabolize in the body like glucose, and it does not show up in fasting blood sugar and HbA1C testing.
  14. I think I'll stick to rechargeable torches at that price, thanks anyway. It's very rare for the condo electricity to go out, more frequent in the village.
  15. She doesn't, that's just an assumption I have made based on the dates of infection. I doubt she would have got Delta again, after getting a Pfizer booster shot, before she got the second dose of COVID. It looks like Pfizer is not much protection against Omicron infection, although she was over it in about 4 days. Somewhat teed off she had to isolate for 14 days in the house, orders of the Phu Yai. Strain or mutation, it's just semantics. I was with her when she was infectious, tested negative all the way through. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  16. At your age and fitness level, you can get away with it. At my age and pre-diabetic, I can't.
  17. Posts are removed for being spelling police, and how are we to know it was not a Freudian slip?
  18. Tougher on the left leg for sure. Right leg no problem. 79 yo, I don't buy green bananas. Don't buy them at all now, too much carb.
  19. Hedonism is my reward for achievement. IMO it is meaningless unless one has worked for it first.
  20. The vaccinations in my GF's village were Pfizer. Boosters. Sinovac isn't about immunity, it's like tossing a coin. It's more about reducing severity, from personal experience I can attest to that. BTW, 78 yo when I had Sinovac. You may be right. Having said that, IMO people who have already had COVID get some immunity from future variants, it's like the flu in that respect.
  21. Omicron has been in Thailand for quite some time now. My GF got Delta back in October last year, then Omicron three weeks ago. IMO the relaxed attitude to Omicron here arises from the fact most of the vulnerable are vaccinated, and the symptoms arising from the variant are mild. Add in the fact anyone can test themselves for COVID with inexpensive ATK's they can pick up in any market or 7/11.
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