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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IIRC, there was a Mitsubishi 3000GT on sale somewhere in Bangkok a couple of years ago. Now THAT'S displacement. Twin turbo, the FRS is a pussy in comparison.
  2. Offering a warranty, and actually doing what it says, are two different things. GWM is a case in point, as a seaside-dwelling Australian found when his GWM was rusting out after 12 months, due to poor corrosion protection. To make the situation even more farcical, the dealership that refused to honor the warranty was located in the same beach environment. I understand the situation was only resolved in the customer's favor when Australian consumer law was invoked, there are no such laws in Thailand. There's nothing mind-boggling about anti-China sentiment. It's the nation that gave the world a pandemic, and the origins of coronavirus are still unknown because the CCP will not allow an open investigation of the source. It's done some pretty nasty things inside its borders to its minorities, and annexed Tibet. It is building up its military to have a shot at Taiwan. One of the most polluted and polluting countries on the planet, due to its commitment to economic growth at any cost. The CCP started a trade war with Australia as punishment for politicians speaking their minds on human rights abuses. That rebounded badly when items such as lobsters and wine found other markets, making what got to mainland China even more expensive. When Chinese tourism was at its height in Chiang Mai, I learned from several Thai shopkeepers they detested the Chinese. Rude, pushy, forever trying to drive prices down. Crowded out other potential customers. Personally, I've found Chinese to be polite and helpful as individuals. When they are in a pack, they change completely. Perhaps you can enlighten me, what's there to like about China?
  3. The big questions with the Chinese brands is how good their after-sales support is going to be, and how durable the vehicles are. They haven't been around long enough to establish the track record the Japanese and Koreans have.
  4. Not many large engines around now, turbo-charging 1.0 to 1.5 litre capacity seems to be the go. Unless the OP wants a Isuzu or Hilux. An older Mitsubishi Diamante or Nissan Cefiro might fill the bill. A couple of the Honda Accords, but getting expensive plus how complicated is a ten-speed auto?
  5. Yesterday, my GF unearthed a nest of scorpions in the garden. Aroi mak, I pass. Have eaten snake a couple of times, it's like sweet chicken. The OP has made just one post, with no further comment. Perhaps the PM's are going back and forth as I write.
  6. "Make it happen" are the key words. I pushed to have Sinovac and AZ, because I was not prepared to wait until Moderna and Pfizer trickled through the red tape. When I was denied a booster shot in Chiang Rai, I got Pfizer in my GF's village. I was quite prepared to pay for all my jabs, but as it happened they were all free. I certainly would not have had any vaccinations just waiting for someone to notice me.
  7. Perhaps he gave you the finger not because of the horn blast, but because you were in a Benz.
  8. I'd agree giving the finger to the OP was stupid. Thais know exactly what it means, and some could react violently. Having said that, "decent brakes" and "locking up brakes" is a contradiction in terms, one can't lock up a brake system with ABS. I doubt there are many modern cars without ABS nowadays.
  9. The cancer-causing component of processed meats is nitrite, used as a preservative. In the presence of amines in an acidic environment, nitrite forms nitrosamines, which are known human carcinogens. As Paracelsus said, the dose makes the poison. Eating sausages with nitrite preservative once a week is statistically unlikely to kill a person, eating them every day increases the probability. Perhaps it is worth noting some bacon is preserved with nitrite too. It's a bit ironic nitrite occurs naturally in human saliva.
  10. AFAIK saveloys, hot dogs and weiners are mostly cereal, with a bit of meat extract flavoring.
  11. I was pointing out the advertisement was fairly useless without those details. Other posters seem to agree with me. If that's trolling, guilty as charged. Quiet day in your neck of the woods?
  12. It seems to be by many doctors. Get above a reading of 10, it's time for a manual prostate check. Enlighten me with your own medical qualifications, please.
  13. My Yamaha TTX with 27,000 km on the odometer suits me fine. Don't bother, I know it's a pussy scooter. As Clint once said, a man's got to know his limitations.
  14. Damn, forgot the cajun sausage. Had it in New Orleans several times, quite addictive food there.
  15. It would give a health benefit by stretching the calf muscles. Asanother poster has said, the same effect is achievable using a kerb or step.
  16. Limited flights, most Russian aircraft are leased from the West and are now only flying domestic routes within Russia, to avoid being seized. The flights with non-Russian airlines still open are hardly likely to accept Russian rubles in payment.
  17. I am beyond redemption, I love sausages. Cumberland, Bratwurst, chorizo, boerewors, sai ua - bring them on. I defy any bacteria to live in sai ua, it's like expecting an Eskimo to live on the equator. At age 78, I guess my lifelong addiction to sausages has boosted my immune system.
  18. That was with the bone graft included. However, that was about 7 years ago. Inflation. Swiss bone graft, Swiss implant.
  19. As I can only speak Thai, not read it........... My Vios in Chiang Rai still has Phrae registration after 5 or 6 years anyway. Let me guess, the 500,000 km vehicle was a big diesel? 125 cc on gasoline is a tad different in terms of engine longevity. I suspect Papa Al is extracting the urine.
  20. I wear a mask because it is mandated, and also polite to do so. I have had three COVID vaccinations, and have had COVID as well. The logic of wearing a mask after all that does escape me. Unless I have the above information tattooed on my forehead, or I carry a sign, a mask is part and parcel of living here, illogical as it may be. I can't be bothered taking someone to task who chooses not to wear a mask, life is too short. If they get fined as a result, no sympathy from me.
  21. The bacteria are multiplying on the mask. I get that. What I don't get is the only source of bacteria on the inside of the mask comes from ME. Some credible data on the number of bacterial infections caused by masks would be useful.
  22. Please try to keep up, Thais are already running first or second as the world's worst drivers.
  23. I have had three dental implants in Chiang Mai, 55,000 baht each. A good implant takes 3-4 months, anything shorter has a much higher failure rate. Mine are still going strong after about 7 years. The best bone graft material is Swiss, Chinese bone graft material has dubious origins. We get what we pay for.
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