I am polite to others, that is the way I was brought up to be. Although some posters on ASEAN do make that quite difficult at times.
Without knowing the social status of Thais, and whether I should be wai-ing first or second, it's simpler to not do it. Life is complicated enough without such trivia. I am not interested in social status anyway. I have been with some very humble and poor people, and rubbed shoulders with very rich and powerful people. At the end of the day, everyone has to sit on a toilet.
I have made the effort to learn the Thai language, which I regard as more important. Is there anything more ridiculous than a farang who does not want to learn Thai, offering a wai to Thais?
I shake hands in my country of origin. Thais are not used to doing that, every handshake I have had from a Thai here is like gripping overcooked spaghetti.
I am not protesting about adopting cultural mannerisms, I simply don't regard them as significant to me. I adopt the parts of a culture I find useful.