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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. The chemicals used do have some serious side effects, it must be done under competent medical supervision.
  2. AFAIK blood tests do not detect depression, bipolar disorder, or chronic fatigue syndrome. You need to delve deeper with the medicos to find the root cause of your problem. Neurologists, internists. Psychiatric consults may also be indicated. Have you had COVID? "Long COVID" is a recognised medical condition
  3. I am not sure how the OP thinks he can resolve this problem with the keyboard experts here, dare I suggest he should be seeking medical help.
  4. Save his women and children for what? Stalin killed millions of Ukrainians in 1931-1932 by mass starvation, what makes you think a Stalinist like Putin is going to be more humanitarian? Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.
  5. Cheap at 200 mil. Putin knows his death would be welcomed by many people. That's why he has personal security at paranoia levels. IMO it would be poetic justice if he was poisoned.
  6. Or maybe he does not want one from his own country, I certainly don't. I'd rather chew razor blades.
  7. It's difficult to establish the bona fides of people one has met, let alone someone who is just a stream of electrons. Just delete the emails and ditch whatever the deal is if you feel uncomfortable.
  8. I have yet to meet a woman like that, all the ones I meet want me to take care of THEM. What am I doing wrong?
  9. I could afford to rent TWO condos with that amount of rent assistance. When retirees here get criticized by a couple of politicians for daring to live overseas, they conveniently forget we save the pension budget on rent assistance, the PBS, telephone and energy supplements etc.
  10. Given the person you are addressing apparently does not know the difference in meaning between the terms peddling and pedalling, permit me to doubt the English he taught was of great value.
  11. Peddling is the action of selling or promotion. Back-pedalling is when someone reverses a previously held belief or opinion. There is nowhere in my posts that I say sex for Thai girls is like going to the loo, perhaps you lifted that quote from someone else. As you seem to be determined to turn the discussion into some kind of urination contest, you're on ignore.
  12. I don't understand, why are you asking for advice on repairers if you can DIY? Why not just order a replacement battery from Amazon? Each to his own, I find the smartphone more convenient in size, and AFAIK the display does not cycle while I am reading, perhaps because I turn the pages at a good clip.
  13. Kindles are not made with repair in mind, that's just a fact of life. Can't be opened up without wrecking them. I suspect when they do get back to the US, they are analysed for the defect and a replacement issued from stock. I have a Generation 4 Kindle that I hardly ever use. Nowadays, I send all my Amazon book purchases to my elderly OPPO smartphone.
  14. I have never claimed working in a bar is a dream existence. I have said in previous posts some girls cope and survive, others don't. As for owning a bar, it's depressing that anyone would think I could be that stupid. As far as self-esteem goes, from the tenor of your posts it appears you are trying to impress everyone with your compassion and rectitude, in order to bolster your own.
  15. I speak quite enough Thai to make myself understood, and understand what bar girls are saying. So enough of the patronizing, OK? I am also perceiving a paradox between your purported perfect relationship with a property-owning GF who has never asked you for a satang, and the countless hours you claim to have spent in bars. Permit me to doubt the leopard can change its spots. These bar girls that cried on your shoulder while they told you their sad story - how do you know they were not lying to you?
  16. When I was in the bar scene, I saw quite a few farangs get quite angry when they were rejected by a bar girl. I can't recall ever having been rejected myself, although that could be a case of selective memory, or setting the bar lower in terms of beauty. No-one can MAKE a bar girl or P4P have sex with someone if they don't want to. I saw a couple of times where a persistent farang was ganged up on by Thais, female and male, in the vicinity. If I had encountered rejection, no problem. Plenty of other fish in the sea.
  17. Had a free Pfizer booster at the village clinic about a fortnight ago. Sore arm overnight. Quite a few COVID cases in the moo baans around Chiang Rai now. Apparently the new Omicron BA2 variant is evading the immunity conferred by Sinovac and AZ, so it's advisable to boost with one of the mRNA vaccines. I was talking with a young woman who sells strawberries on the main highway every year when they are in season. Her boyfriend is Canadian, they have not seen each other for two years due to COVID restrictions.
  18. Tom Clancy: "I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural wholesome things that money can buy."
  19. Tiger is Luk Kreung, not going any further.
  20. I've said it before, IMO Thais are the most cheerfully promiscuous people on the planet. Ask yourself who sets the example.
  21. It really depends on how smart the girl is, many P4P refuse to have sex without a condom. Some also do very well financially, and quit when they have secured their future. True, some are psychologically damaged, and descend into drug-taking and alcoholism. Having said that, your broad generalization does not apply to all bar girls and P4P's. Some are quite selective, and will only bonk punters that meet their criteria. A few will only go with men they consider to be potential husband material. Believe it or not, some enjoy sex, the cash is a bonus. I've had sex with women in a range of ages here, although I can't say any were my age. I shower daily, and dress neatly. Not obese. I won't argue the ugly, which does not seem to matter to Thai women much anyway. I found being polite and considerate worked well for me.
  22. Perhaps the greatest Australian film ever made is "Wake in Fright". It's extremely uncomfortable viewing for many Australians. It traces the disintegration of an idealistic teacher sent to a rural area of Australia under the bonding system.
  23. Which is? I'm interested in anything that reduces pill use safely.
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