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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. This is the ultimate cheese shop, Owl. Located in St. Andrews, Scotland. The floor of the shop consists of a trellis, with water flowing underneath to keep the cheeses moist. Stepping into the shop, I got high on the smell alone.
  2. I hope I never lose said urges, life is more interesting with them. Can't disagree with the last sentence, though.
  3. I looked up Dr. Sinclair's website. The number of drugs and supplements he takes is quite astounding. Dr. Sinclair is 53 years old. If he gets to my age (79) without seriously damaging his kidneys with the cocktail he consumes, I will be very surprised. Perhaps not, as I doubt I'll be here by then.
  4. In my younger days, I trained with a guy who was the South Pacific Open jiu jitsu champion. Two or three years running. He was a genuine hard man. The very first lesson I got from him was in any form of confrontation, the first and best option was to walk away.
  5. I take 5 mg of finasteride and 1 mg of cardura daily for BPH. If I take Viagra to counteract the libido-depressant effect of finasteride, my BP drops to 75/45. For about 24 hours. That has scared me off trying Cialis.
  6. Once I did the hard yards on diet, I could afford to break out with sandwiches and other goodies a couple of times a week without putting weight back on. Call it 90% diet stuff, 10% naughty. Cheese is fine. When people embrace a low carbohydrate diet, with no sugar, they are training their bodies to metabolize fat instead of sugar. Cheese is usually 40% fat. I would say cheese and yoghurt are the only safe processed foods around, unless one is lactose intolerant. Every other processed food or drink is normally packed to bursting with sugar and carbohydrate. Photos of cheese I eat daily, the ice-cream less often.
  7. Naughty naughty Owl. Bread is another baddie. This is my diet soup. It is made from sai ua, tasty cheese, beans, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Similar in taste to a mulligatawny or Dutch Curry soup, with low carbohydrate. Very filling.
  8. I absolutely do not understand why anyone would take any pharmaceutical when they do not need to. Metformin has side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. It also has the potential to cause lactic acidosis, which in turn gives rise to severe kidney damage. When did you last have an eGFR measurement? Avoiding Type 2 diabetes naturally is simple. Stop eating any form of sugar, lose weight and eat foods low in carbohydrate load. Execution is more difficult for those without mental discipline.
  9. Viagra and Cialis were originally developed to treat hypertension. Their use for erectile dysfunction came later. For someone with normal blood pressure, both drugs can give rise to hypotension, symptoms include dizziness, fainting and nausea.
  10. Boring, Owl. Here is just one of my diet dishes: Tomato, cucumber, olives and cream cheese. I did forget the basil pesto.
  11. Sorry Owl, that is not a diet, you are eating the wrong foods. Cereal and rice are bad, so is dried fruit as it concentrates the sugar level. On my regimen, I have gone from a body weight of 93 kg to 77 kg, while eating as much food as I feel like. BMI in normal range. Waistline has come in 3 inches. My intake has not changed, just the types of foods I eat. PM me if you would like to know how I did it.
  12. Maybe you'll like this one too, I apply it to posters I have ignored: Floccinaucinihilipilification
  13. Rimping near the Nawarat bridge has a large selection of imported cheeses, although no guarantee on cost possible.
  14. My friend actually died of a glioblastoma ( brain cancer ); however, it was the melanoma that triggered it.
  15. I have never been on Facebook. If Mark Zuckerberg wants my data to sell to others, he can pay me for it first. I simply don't understand why people are obsessed with the social platform. I suppose they could say I don't know what I am missing; however, I don't seem to feel any aching void that needs filling. I am damn sure nobody I know or don't know wants a photo of my last breakfast, or when I had my last dump. Same with Twitter, from the incoherent tweets I observe being quoted, I fear participation would automatically drag my IQ down 42 points.
  16. IMO you have it a**backwards. Good health results from good genes, or a disciplined approach. I don't know if there is any data to support the proposition good health creates good genes. My parents both lived to age 83, despite doing their best to kill themselves with cigarettes and alcohol for most of their lives. I gave up smoking in 1983, and have never been a prolific drinker. Nowadays, it's one Sangsom and Coke once or twice a week. Maybe one glass of red wine once a month. I don't know if I will live longer than they did. I do know I am more physically and mentally fit than they ever were, so I'll just have to wait and see. Bad genes do not necessarily mean one is going to die young, it just means the person would be well advised to be aware of said gene, and tailor their diet and exercise patterns accordingly. I had a friend who thought he was going to live into his 90's, because all his relatives were living that long. Melanoma got him at age 72, presumably he did not take adequate precautions against sun damage. He did have northern European ancestry, noted for being particularly vulnerable to skin cancers.
  17. AFAIK the US is not invading anyone, Russia is. Do try to keep up.
  18. Yes. When I lived in a condo in CM, the staff would copy stuff for me. IIRC, 2 baht per page.
  19. Legality does not seem to be an issue to the Thais I see driving them.
  20. I have a joint account with my Thai GF. It has 200K baht in it. That is sufficient for her to live on for two years. Probate on Thai wills usually takes about 6 months. I would dial the amount back to 1 million baht, as that amount of deposit is guaranteed.
  21. There used to be an internet shop in the small cluster of shops next to Thapae Gate, don't know if it is still there. It had copiers for customers if one wanted to print a document from a USB. Any condo in Chiang Mai will have a photocopier.
  22. IMO the days of people buying condos cheaply and selling them for a handsome profit 5-10 years later are over, there is an oversupply now. Some of the new condos have been built with toad <deleted>, rice paper and sealing wax, people buying those will be taking a bath later as they start falling apart. There may be value in buying locations where new transport hubs are being developed, e.g. the fast train from Laos,or the rail link to Chiang Rai.
  23. A lot of people would be financially better off without the English. They did not get to build the British Empire by being nice to others.
  24. It would be interesting to get real data on how much is contributed to the Thai economy by 2-week tourist Hooray Henrys, and how much is contributed by retirees like me who are supporting Thai families. Give me a break here. Somebody who wants to go on a binge can drink from 5 pm to 2 am. If nine hours of boozing is not enough, said person is heading for DT.
  25. The Scots make whisky, the English and other countries drink it.
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