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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I don't know if the Russian accusation is true, because the Ukrainians are saying it wasn't us. https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/2022/04/02/russian-oil-depot-ablaze/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Saturday News - 20220402 Russia launches a war, bombs the living daylights out of multiple cities including hospitals and apartment buildings, and then squeals foul play when they get some back at a strategic asset. Reminds me of when the RAF raided Berlin, or Doolittle bombed Tokyo from aircraft carriers. What are those guys smoking in Moscow? It's a war, you expect your opponents to sit on their hands when it comes to your own soil?
  2. I understand it is called look over there.
  3. I bought a Mazda 2 2018 secondhand two years ago. Brilliant small car, one of the few to avoid the CVT fashion. It had 18,000 km on the odometer. Bought it at ExpatAuto. With the fruit salad it had on it, RRP new was 600,000 baht. I paid 440,000 baht. What's not to like about saving 160,000 baht on a car that is barely run in?
  4. I can't recall saying there was money in Mensa. Do you measure how smart someone is on how much money they make? That's as shallow as a mud puddle. I assume the Premier League is the place where players are paid grotesque amounts of money to strike a round ball with their feet and heads, and practice their diving skills.
  5. Be aware of the following pitfalls: Winding back odometers is a national sport in Thailand. The floods in Bangkok in 2011 created quite a few rustbucket cars. Some Asians service their cars regularly, others regard it as an unnecessary expense. In general, foreigners are more likely to observe servicing intervals, and do not ignore warning lights on the basis it might go away. I also recommend Expat Auto in Chiang Mai. The other option is ToyotaSure, the used car arm of most Toyota dealerships here.
  6. This is a quite detailed discussion of the EV recharging options, I assume the same physics apply in Thailand.
  7. Look over there post, the president you refer to was a Russian stooge. So you don't think Putin is a war criminal, after all the indiscriminate bombing and missile attacks on civilian targets such as hospitals? Thanks for confirming your moral vacuity. You're on ignore now, I can't stomach you anymore.
  8. The majority of the population in the Donbas was Ukrainian, until Stalin starved it to death during the Holomodor of 1931-1932. Russians were then transferred in to fill an empty region, to pretend they have ancestral claims is disingenuous. IIRC, it was not Ukrainians who shot down MH17, but Russian separatists. How's that for brutality? Another Kremlin apologist.
  9. A tiny far-right party that has self-destructed. https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/PaperDetails/58970 I suppose my bias is towards democracies, not murdering obsessed dictators. Noted you do not even have the decency to agree Putin is a war criminal.
  10. North Korea is protected by China, that's the reason the US has not obliterated NK already. Plus the opprobrium that would ensue from starting a nuclear war.
  11. I am wondering what Putin's TV performance would be in European parliaments, assuming he would not be arrested as a war criminal the moment he set foot outside Russia. No doubt he would be asking for sanctions to be lifted, good luck with that. Your comment about the Dutch and German parliaments demonstrates your confirmation bias yet again. Australia will be delivering Bushmaster vehicles after Zelensky addressed the parliament there. Zelensky is fighting a war to preserve Ukraine, your post is just picking nits. If you do not consider Putin to be a war criminal, IMO it demonstrates the moral vacuum you live in.
  12. This BS is why I am advising my friends in Australia not to come here, and many in Thailand are not traveling because they do not want the hassle of getting back in. Perhaps the authorities will come to their senses, but I won't hold my breath.
  13. LOL, you expect me to do your research for you? Propaganda or not, media reports from the West are from multiple independent sources, and AFAIK not subject to censorship. OTOH, independent media in Russia has been shut down, along with Facebook and Twitter. Guess where the overwhelming proportion of propaganda is. Borrowing from Bkk Brian's post: "The Red Cross who is there co ordinating said: “Past attempts at corridors have not worked,” he said, explaining that they had come under shelling from Russian forces. “If this is successful, it will be the first proper evacuation from Mariupol.” Is the Red Cross enough of a reputable source for you?
  14. What is your explanation of the high kill rate of Russian generals? Very good intelligence on their whereabouts by the Ukrainians? Betrayed by their own conscripts? I'm just using Occam's Razor, the most probable place to get killed is on the front line. It's pretty obvious the Russians did not anticipate the level of resistance, nor did they anticipate the Ukrainians being armed with equipment that is destroying their tanks wholesale.
  15. If you regard what I have said as a personal attack, report it to the moderators. Don't forget to explain to them how what I have said is demeaning and/or abusive.
  16. We become smarter in using the current technologies, but we lose older skills. It used to be a requirement of chemical engineers to learn about thermodynamics, now quite a few courses omit it. In my field, the current crop of chemists may not be able to balance a redox reaction. The entry qualifications for Mensa are to be in the top 2% of the general population after undertaking a supervised and approved intelligence test. IIRC, it used to be an IQ of 150 or better to be admitted to membership. Being a member of Mensa does not necessarily mean one will be more successful or happier in life, in point of fact there are quite a few who have miserable lives.
  17. Google and Wikipedia are not the be-all and end-all, I occasionally find errors of fact in them. I'm all ears if you can help me understand how someone with an IQ of 80 will be improved to 100, I've always wanted to get into Mensa.
  18. Adding up and subtracting numbers in one's head seems to be a lost art, due to the advent of calculators. I'll sometimes tell a Thai what the correct change is while they are faffing about on their calculators. When it dawns on them I am correct, I sometimes get looks as if I have suddenly grown an extra head.
  19. "The authorities made it clear that the move was aimed at protecting investors and guarding against financial stability." I've seen some malapropisms and typos in my time, that one is Olympic class. Doesn't anyone proofread anymore?
  20. Perhaps it has not registered with you I have put you on ignore. For previous discourtesy. That is all the response you will get.
  21. Valid point. I try to be polite to everyone here, but some do make it a labor of Hercules.
  22. Beer in a coconut? Apart from a taste modification, did you have to drink it through a straw? Barbaric.
  23. Unfortunately, it's fairly obvious your brand of common sense has confirmation and denial biases written all over it.
  24. Putin is going to go down as reviled as Stalin, Pol Pot or Hitler ever were. When one has nothing but yes-men around them, they will be told what they want to hear. Result is Putin has seriously miscalculated on multiple fronts. https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/world/europe-news/2022/03/31/ukraine-russia-east/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=PM Extra - 20220331
  25. Somewhat ironic smartphones are dumbing down populations around the world, but I think that was your point.
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