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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IMO the OP could save himself a lot of angst by engaging a reputable agent to assist him in the process of getting a non-O visa based on retirement. After his first assisted extension, he can then decide if he wants to go it alone.
  2. I don't need to be on Twitter, I get enough reminders on ASEAN.
  3. If you can tell me how reinstating Trump on Twitter is going to make it more thorough and detailed, I'm all ears. His tweets border on incoherent. According to what I am reading in non-social media, Musk's ban on working from home has had to be rescinded because too many staff were pulling the plug. I am not involved with Facebook or Twitter. IMO Facebook is for narcissists, and Twitter is for twits.
  4. IMO Xi did not shake hands with Prayut, because counting his fingers afterwards would have been even worse, in diplomatic terms.
  5. IIRC, you were the person complaining of personal attacks on you. You started the thread over a month ago, stating "may not see 23.7 again." 23.95 as I write, seems to be fluctuating between 23.8 and 24.2. Not within a bull's roar of the collapse you have been shouting from the rooftops. The AUD 40 cents on the USD? BS. The Fed has been printing a sugar hit of stimulus, the US economy is experiencing the bullwhip effect of that stimulus as it tries to reign inflation back. Stimulus in Australia was much less, and applied more judiciously. You want facts, there they are.
  6. IMO it doesn't really matter, with his actions since buying Twitter it looks like Musk is going to consign it to oblivion anyway. Staff are deserting in droves, probably advertisers will too. The world is probably anesthetized to Trump's tweets, except for his following of knuckle-draggers. Perhaps Musk should stick to his knitting, IIRC Henry Ford lost millions on Brazilian plantations.
  7. The deflection is yours, a look over there in response to the title of the thread. Implying I am ignorant because my point of view differs from yours is adding gaslighting to your previous attempt at begging the question. If anything, your tribal allegiance on the topic of EV's tells me where both of us sit w.r.to said attribute.
  8. Why would I bother to try to keep up? There are men and women. Anything else is a sideshow, I don't get involved. As long as they do no harm, have at it.
  9. So you can cherry-pick one instance. Now tell me how many apartments and civilian buildings were targeted by the Americans in al-Nasiriyya. How do you know the power infrastructure there was not a critical element of the Iraqi military machine? Telling me I am wrong does not make it so. I suggest you check out the meaning of the term "begging the question." I have no idea who took out the Nordstream pipeline, and I have no interest in conspiracy theories or deflection from the topic. War is brutal and nasty. I would suggest in Ukraine, the Russians have taken those attributes to a new level of moral turpitude. An army with no honor, convicted murderers and rapists allowed into the front lines. Fact. The super yachts belong to oligarchs who support Putin, a kleptomaniac. Murderer and poisoner of any one who opposes him. If you are suggesting said oligarchs should get a free pass on their obscene wealth, gained by swindling ordinary Russians, it says a lot about your own moral compass and biases.
  10. IMO the best Dilbert quote was " Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level , then beat you with experience." I see daily reminders of that aphorism on ASEAN.
  11. AFAIK the US and its allies do not deliberately target civilian buildings and infrastructure in pursuit of military and political objectives. Possibly Israel, in trying to eliminate terrorists who fire rockets into Israel from the cover of civilian buildings. OTOH, the Syrian and Chechnya experiences are being repeated wholesale in Ukraine by Russia. Ukraine's hands are tied in terms of responding in kind. False equivalence.
  12. The best bone grafts are Swiss, Chinese material is inferior. That may explain some of the price variation. In Chiang Mai, my three implants were 55,000 baht each. A quality implant takes time. Rapid implants have a failure rate of 40-50%. Good ones, less than 5%. Im my case, after allowing an extraction to heal for six weeks, the bone graft material was laid in and the implant post screwed into my jaw. Come back in 3 months. Final stage was installing the cap on the post. I had mine about 7 or 8 years ago, no problems afterwards. The
  13. I am very amused by Thais wearing T-shirts which, to put it politely, have phrases which are extremely raunchy, with all kinds of sexual allusions. Do they know what the texts in English mean? I doubt it.
  14. IMO Putin was never going to attend APEC. The risk of a coup in the Kremlin, or assassination while he is on foreign soil, is just too great. Russians are starting to understand what this war is really costing Russia.
  15. IIRC the concept of zero was developed by the Arabs, not the Indians, before they became religious ratbags.
  16. AFAIK nobody recovers from hepatitis in 5 or 6 days, I have had several friends that were flat on their backs for a couple of months.
  17. IMO first step would be comprehensive blood testing, which can be done at a pathology lab for 2000 - 3000 baht. The lab will report normal ranges as well as results, so the OP can see for himself if anything is out of kilter, then seek medical advice. It may not be gout, because the first gout flare is almost always in a single joint, multiple joint flares come later. IIRC, I was prescribed indocid for my one and only gout attack about 40 years ago. A doctor diagnosing gout on the basis of BP, pulse and temperature is not one I would go back to.
  18. As I understand it, some Indians and Arabs have a preference for anal sex. Not all of them, obviously, or their ethnic groups would become extinct. Apparently that, and skin color, is why some Thai women selling sex won't have them as clients.
  19. I would only be trying "it" if I was never going to return to Thailand. Please post examples of people who have been extradited from other countries to face charges in that respect.
  20. Here's a news flash, COVID is not over in quite a few countries, including Thailand. It keeps morphing into new variants. The data is saying an infected person is 70% less likely to infect others when wearing a mask, and an uninfected person is 30% less likely to become infected when wearing a mask. Anti-maskers don't like those facts, just as anti-vaxxers don't like the statistics that say vaccination reduces the risk of death or "long COVID" by an order of magnitude.
  21. I am assuming the OP is a law-abiding citizen. AFAIK Thai jurisdiction stays within Thailand.
  22. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Within the bounds of normal courtesy. It's not rocket science.
  23. IMO America has surveillance capability that can probably track every missile fired. The fact Biden said he did not think the missile came from Russia indicates it was probably fired by the Ukrainians defending against incoming missiles. It obviously would suit the Ukrainian book to have a NATO country hit by a Russian missile. Hiram Johnson was right when he said truth is the first casualty of war.
  24. I remember the Polestar EV that went across the Nullarbor in Australia, accompanied by a truck with a generator on board for recharging. A good thing the diesel powering the truck and generator was recycled fish and chip oil, not nasty fossil fuel. I have no doubt EV's will eventually reign supreme in urban environments, it's a no-brainer. Having said that, I doubt there will be a charging station at Wilcannia any time soon. The auto industry has had a century to work out how to store gasoline safely in an ICE-type vehicle. Batteries are stored energy, there's a ship at the bottom of the Atlantic attesting to that fact. Myth#1 is true if the power plant supplying the charging electrons is powered by fossil fuels, because that simply transfers the pollution from the vehicle to somewhere else. Myth #1 is false if the power is coming from nuclear or renewables. The world on average is still generating 60-70% of its electricity from fossil fuels. Looking at the Thai and Australian auto markets, the biggest sales are ICE behemoths - Hiluxes and D-maxes. Not everyone is convinced of how Myth #5 is relevant. Australia actually mines more lithium than the next two countries combined. IMO the big change won't come with vehicles. When households and towns are generating their own energy from renewables, then storing it in various ways ( including batteries ) that will turn current energy production and distribution on its head.
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