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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Mengrai Labs in Chiang Rai highlights results out of range, and also gives the normal range of every parameter. 2100 baht. Your results do not appear to include fasting glucose and HBa1C, or PSA. Presumably you are not concerned about the potential for diabetes and prostate cancer.
  2. An indication of where you are and the price would be helpful. 59,000 km is low mileage? What are you smoking?
  3. I'd suggest contacting Ronald Elliott, the Honorary Consul in Chiang Mai. I am fairly sure he is able to witness documents. His phone number is 09 185 76996, use Google to find his address. I seem to remember he had some directions posted. Oops, sorry. Thought you were in Chiang Mai. You should be able to find a notary public in Pattaya.
  4. A gasoline ICE starts in a few seconds, I think the glow plug on diesels take a bit longer. I ditched Microsoft as an OS after the abortion that was Windows Vista. IIRC, an auto industry executive wrote an opinion piece comparing the performance of Microsoft with that of a car, which highlighted what consumers have been conditioned to accept in computers, and which car buyers would flatly reject. Hang on to that Commodore, it may be worth megabucks some day.
  5. You've reminded me of a joke that was doing the rounds some years ago. Q: What's the difference between a social worker and a rottweiler? A: The rottweiler sometimes gives the child back.
  6. The British have an unparalleled record when it comes to persecuting people that saved their bacon, and rewarding those who were total incompetents. See: Douglas Haig.
  7. Many years ago, I had a conversation with an eminent criminal psychologist. He explained many criminals have been moulded by the abuse they have been subjected to when they were children, by adults who should have been nurturing them. He did say there was a small percentage of criminals for which there was nothing in their upbringing or environment to explain their cruelty, and disregard for all forms of life. He said while it was not a term psychologists favored using, there were individuals who were pure evil. There's one leading Russia as I write this.
  8. In that case, I would say anyone who re-offends AFTER either method has forfeited their right to life.
  9. Never happen, much of the Thai tourist economy depends on randy punters. Not to mention the BiB collecting their weekly kickbacks from the bars and karaokes, if they don't already own them..
  10. I am not sure chemical castration is a permanent solution, there is no data on this thread to say it is. OTOH, there is no room for doubt when the castration is surgical. During my days in college and cadets, it was widely rumored we were all fed potassium bromide to inactivate our urges. If it was, IMO the effects were only short-term.
  11. What's the OS? The Linux MX on my laptop and desktop takes 20-30 seconds, can't recall it ever hanging up on me. I forget who coined the term fatware, but most of us know which OS is being referred to. Another Bill Gates quote: "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning" I'd say Microsoft must be very knowledgeable by now.
  12. Lord Kelvin was born in Ireland, I rest my case. He's not a scientist, but....... "No one will need more than 637Kb of memory for a personal computer." ( Bill Gates )
  13. I am thinking of getting a tattoo. On my forehead. Stating I have been triple vaccinated, and have also done 14 days quarantine in a Thai hospital. I don't need to wear a mask, go away. I hope to find a tattooist that is skilled enough to fit all the text in. Thai and English text.
  14. People have been trying to disprove the laws of thermodynamics ever since they were formulated, let me know when you've invented a perpetual motion machine.
  15. You may be right, it depends on whether the person concerned has a strong mind, and how much they are suffering. Palliative care does not always cut the mustard. I'd like to see voluntary euthanasia legalized in all countries, and I do wish the god-botherers would stick their heads in a latrine.
  16. I'm surprised by the difference in local and general anesthesia here too. In Australia, general anesthesia is about one-third of the cost of the cystoscopy or colonoscopy itself. Here, it triples the cost of the procedure. Perhaps that is supply and demand, too few anesthetists. I would suggest the cost component of a hospital stay in Bangkok Hospital CM is more than that of Rajavej. Never had to stay in either. Apart from the cost factor, I prefer a local because I am good to go after an hour's rest. With a general, recovery is longer and I can't drive a vehicle for 24 hours. Not without looking like many Thai drivers, anyway.
  17. The penalties for plagiarism and data falsification in science are quite onerous, and have ruined more than a few careers. Science most commonly gets corrupted when politicians start telling people what they think they want to hear, in preference to what they should hear. Of course, that has nothing to do with their standing in the polls. While Michael Crichton is an entertaining writer, it is quite laughable to cite his contrarian views on science as an authoritative link.
  18. The second sentence was added subsequent to my response to the first sentence. As the work I did for the last organization I worked for, as an employee and consultant, is still in use today, 20-40 years later, I'd say it was not a pointless waste of time. By your own admission, you detested your work and was only in it for the money. Probably thought of it as pointless too. Just because that is your attitude to your work and life, you should not assume others think the same way. Do you have anything in your life to be proud of? Something for which people will remember you kindly after you've gone? I suspect that's the difference between us.
  19. I have had Stage 1 bladder cancer since 2006. All of my surgeries in Australia to remove it were done under general anesthesia. I have yet to have a recurrence in Thailand, touch wood. At Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Mai, I was presented with the option of having my cystoscopy under local anesthetic ( 18,000 baht ) or a general ( from memory, 53,000 baht ). I gritted my teeth, and opted for the local. While it is no fun, I can cope with the discomfort. Dr. Wittawat explained what he was doing every step of the way. When he did the biopsy, there was a bit of pain as the nibbler took a chunk out of my bladder wall. Some blood afterwards, which cleared in 24 hours. It all depends on individual pain tolerance. I'd suggest doing the local route first, with the biopsy. If the pathology comes back positive for cancer, then go for the general anaesthetic for removal. In my case, with the small inflammation area, the pathology took a week to come back. I'd say 100,000 baht is probably a fair price for complete removal. The stay in hospital would be to ensure you stopped passing blood, which is inevitable with such surgery.
  20. I am always amused by the fervent condemnation of socialism by Americans. They don't seem to realize the US military is one of the most socialist organizations on the planet.
  21. I have one world patent ( expired ) that was very useful in saving my company millions of dollars a year in corrosion claims, most of which came from the automotive industry. I also invented a test method which measured nonionic surfactant in wastewater with far greater accuracy than the test method listed in "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater", the bible of all water chemists. AFAIK it is still in use today. I could go on, two examples are enough. I don't know if those are of use to you personally, but it is not all about you.
  22. Ah, the standard response of someone who won't provide a credible link, and won't answer questions because it would reveal their lack of knowledge. On ignore now.
  23. The difference is by your own admission you never really enjoyed what you did. I might still be working as a scientist if age discrimination was not so rife in Australia. I loved working at a laboratory bench, finding new insights into processes. Stock traders make lots of money because they deal in mind-boggling sums. Many are burnt out by age 30, due to the stresses involved. I may not have been the best paid employee in the companies I worked for, senior managers usually were. I earned enough to keep me happy, and the same managers called me in for many a problem or issue.
  24. I suggest you provide a credible link to your assertion, and not some conspiracy website. Attacking the credibility of the argument is not the same as attacking you, which is not permitted on this forum. If you want to take it that way, it's your problem, not mine.
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