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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. BS. The video shows the salute as clear as day. Twice. See an optometrist before you get hit by an oncoming bus.
  2. Musk is on video doing a Nazi salute during Trump's inauguration. There's no doubt about it happening, He did it twice, and retweeted it. He had better not do it in Australia. He would be arrested and charged with a hate crime. Fines won't worry him, prison would. That's assuming he got to Australia, some people are refused visas because they are classed as undesirable.
  3. The pre-emptive pardons are simply to protect people from Trump's well-known vindictiveness. Tell me what crimes you think Fauci, Milley and Liz Cheney have committed, apart from not kissing Trump's @rse.
  4. A broken clock gets the time right twice a day.
  5. So we have Trump pardoning the J6 rioters, and Biden blocking Trump from going after Fauci, Milley et al by issuing pre-emptive pardons. Farcical. Assuming he is still alive at the end of his term, I am wondering if Trump will pardon himself. He has asked if it is possible. Pardoning the insurrectionists is an attempt to rewrite history. It's what most dictators try to do.
  6. I have three implants, done in Thailand. About 8 - 10 years ago, function perfectly. I also had a partial denture fitted here. When an Australian dentist saw it, he said it was high quality.
  7. Guess who's sucking up for a job in Trump's administration.
  8. I am prediabetic. HbA1C is OK, fasting blood sugar is high. I consume fenugreek seed every day, soaked in water overnight. Some studies suggest it helps with blood sugar, and increases insulin sensitivity. It's not very palatable.
  9. So do I, over the next 6-12 months. Guess who will be saying I told you so?
  10. Gin and tonic? What better way to announce on this forum you are British.
  11. The comparison between Trump dancing and a hippo dancing is irresistible. Seriously, stick to making speeches. What am I going to do? Watch the tennis in Melbourne.
  12. Let's review the fact none of those offenses carry the death penalty. However, that's what Floyd got. Or the shooting of Justine Damond, an unarmed woman in a nightdress, shot by a policeman responding to her 911 call. The shooting cost ratepayers of the city of Minneapolis $20 million. Trigger-happy bunch, Americans. Tell me it is not so.
  13. I did mean Barack; however, you knew that already. Happy now you have had your troll for the day?
  14. I really don't understand all the hatred directed at Harris. To me, she looked and sounded quite normal. I hope Trump is capable of turning over a new leaf, and doing things that benefit Americans and the world, not himself and his cronies. Perhaps that hope is forlorn.
  15. I am wondering why people who post claims about other posters being mentally ill are unable to master the basics of grammar and syntax.
  16. I think most sensible people will disagree WITH DEI. Fixed it for you.
  17. IIRC there is an author called The Blether who wrote a book about why people should not retire in Thailand. Is that you?
  18. It's your opinion, not a fact. Attack the argument, not the person. Understood?
  19. IIRC in Australia an employer is not allowed to ask if a woman intends to start a family.
  20. Perhaps you are unaware Obama is male. The fact both Clinton and Harris lost to Trump convinces me Americans will never grow up enough to have a woman President.
  21. There are always people who game the workplace. I once had a woman on my team who was with me for 7 years. In those 7 years, she only worked for two of them. The rest of the time was taken up with two pregnancies , and study for a Ph.D in environmental chemistry. I told HR she was extracting the urine when she applied for the Ph.D study leave. When she resigned, I did get a bit of satisfaction from rubbing HR's nose in their stupidity.
  22. You may have a point, although the fact she is mixed race probably did not help in a racist country. Noted you have not disputed my statements with respect to policies and features of the incoming administration. It's difficult to know what would be worse, a successful Trump assassination, or a failed one. Americans are paranoid enough as it is.
  23. IMO history is on my side, seeing what happened in his first term, and subsequently. America used to make quality goods that were sought all over the world. Then bean counters and venal politicians took the jobs overseas. There are about 25-30% of Americans, rusted-on Trump supporters, who genuinely are as dumb as a can of soup. Worshippers at an altar. The voters who got him over the line have been conned by his promises. And the demonization of Harris. I can't see how cutting taxes for the rich and raising tariff walls is going to help the ordinary American with living costs. The last time Trump put tariffs on China, the CCP's retaliation meant massive subsidies were needed, to bail out American farmers. Trump is threatening tariffs against China, Japan and the UK. Combined, they have $2.5 trillion of US debt. When the rest of the world stops accepting the US can print money indefinitely, kicking the can down the road, the house of cards will collapse. Apologies for the mixed metaphor. Trump is appointing people to key positions on one attribute only - absolute loyalty. Competence and integrity are not deemed necessary. You're right, we will know within a year. I don't see the leopard changing his spots. Trump has totally polarized Americans. He will polarize them further if he carries out his promise to pardon the Jan 6 insurrectionists. IMO America is <deleted>.
  24. IME Japanese and Koreans are the hardest working. I've known some Christians who just went through the motions of working. Pay peanuts, get monkeys.
  25. IIRC Trump was elected on the votes of malcontents.
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