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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. My word, I'll have to mount your post on a wall. We actually agree on something.
  2. Yes. The problem is you. I guess you'll just have to accept there are people who don't suffer fools gladly.
  3. Yes, the climate is changing. It's the first time a species on the planet has caused the change, in the space of a few hundred years, instead of millennia. Yes, the Earth is not an isolated system. That's why we live in a SOLAR SYSTEM, which for all intents and purposes IS isolated from the rest of the universe, apart from the odd comet. I guess you are just so much smarter than Thomson, Clausius, Nernst and Fowler. Where should I send your Nobel prize, genius? Describing what is settled science as mumbo jumbo is simply a demonstration of your abject ignorance.
  4. I suggest you stop lying, because there is nothing in the X-sourced post to confirm the liberal judges sided with the conservative judges. An opinion piece by a jurist. It says nothing about the Supreme Court being unanimous. I guess mundane is code for: don't bother me with details such as lying. The get a life remark is a typical put down from someone who does not have one outside these threads, probably sitting in some miserable bedsit in the UK trying to stay warm, even in what passes for summer..
  5. He hasn't been sent to jail after sentencing for 34 counts of falsifying business records, so perhaps your claim of a bus ticket is a tad exaggerated. Get real, man. When has Trump ever lowered himself to get on a bus?
  6. Sadly, the adaptability of bacteria to pharmaceuticals means what works for one person does not necessarily work for another. Good to see in your case, fingers crossed for the OP.
  7. I was talking about MAGA, the rest have been conned. Already, the GOP is talking about a $5 trillion cut to welfare, and Trump is not even in the White House yet.
  8. I suggest you post proof the liberal judges sided with the conservative judges, because I suspect you are lying.
  9. I have to laugh when Trump supporters talk about brainwashed sheep, they are pure Merino.
  10. IIRC Bill Barr said "Trump is toast" as Jack Smith built his case. That was a Trump ally.
  11. I suggest you prioritize your spending to afford the carbapenems. You are right, definitely not good long term. What's more important, your health or money?
  12. Thanks. All the more reason to avoid putting banking apps on my phone. Too many thieves nowadays, perhaps we should revert to amputation of the right hand.
  13. How does one clone a phone? I understand skimming, my cards are in a Faraday cage.
  14. The only debit card I have registered online is with Lazada. Should I be worried?
  15. Unless you have a business relationship with Advice IT, I don't understand how they can access your account and withdraw money. Do you order equipment from them regularly? It sounds like Advice IT has been hacked by an outside agency.
  16. Residency is probably the worst, from what I have heard the hours are brutal. Welders and roof tilers don't have the risk of being assaulted or killed by an aggrieved or mentally disturbed patient either.
  17. It's not a model, it's data derived from measurement. Scientists can measure CO2 levels 10,000 years ago, from ice cores. You obviously have a closed mind on the topic, end of discussion.
  18. Many Thais are fixated on new, as a symbol of success. Apparently a black car denotes a professional. IMO anyone wanting a black car in the Thai climate has rocks in their head.
  19. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, CO2 levels were 280 ppm for 10,000 years. Is this linear enough for you?
  20. OK, You are challenging me to explain thermodynamics in layman terms. Here goes: There are four thermodynamic laws. The ones that apply most to our lives are #1 and #2. Global warming is the Second Law of Thermodynamics in operation. Climate change is an example of the First Law of Thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics have no escape clauses. They are as immutable as Muslims believe the Koran is, and as unavoidable as the fact the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. Yet if I was to ask randomly selected persons to explain their understanding of the laws of thermodynamics without resorting to Google, I guarantee over 99% of the people would look blank. Similarly, I would be drawing blanks if I asked people what albedo and clathrates are, and how they can affect the rate of climate change. All the facts and evidence point towards global warming resulting from human activity, principally the burning of fossil fuels. I’m annoyed because I trained for 4 years to be a scientist, then worked for almost 50 years in that capacity, and in research. I think I can be deemed to be impartial, as I have never received research funding for anything related to climate science. It’s absurd to think I am part of a global conspiracy. The Second Law of Thermodynamics, in layman terms, states heat cannot pass from a colder body to a hotter body without work. When carbon dioxide and other gases such as methane absorb solar radiation, those molecules re-radiate solar energy as heat. The so-called greenhouse effect. That heat has to go somewhere. It flows into the colder oceans, with a corresponding rise in temperature. Global warming. The First Law of Thermodynamics, in layman terms, states all forms of energy are interchangeable. When we drive cars, we are exchanging the chemical energy in gasoline for heat and kinetic energy. Similarly, turning on a TV converts electrical energy to light and sound. Any meteorologist will tell you the higher the temperature of a body of water is, the more intense the wind velocity will be. The First Law of Thermodynamics, the conversion of heat energy to kinetic energy. Climate change. What concerns scientists most in this time is the potential for a “butterfly effect”. The term was first used by Friedrich Schiller in a short story of the 18th century, and refers to an insignificant event giving rise to catastrophic consequences elsewhere. Albedo and clathrates are first in line. When I say no-one can beat the laws of thermodynamics, even AI agrees with me. This is what it has to say: AI cannot beat the laws of thermodynamics. These laws are fundamental principles of physics that govern the behavior of all matter and energy, including the systems that AI operates on. AI relies on physical systems: AI systems are ultimately based on physical hardware like computers and servers. These devices require energy to function and are subject to the laws of thermodynamics. Energy conservation: The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. AI systems, like any other system, must adhere to this principle. Entropy and efficiency: The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system can only increase over time. This means that no process can be perfectly efficient, and there will always be some energy lost as heat. AI systems are not exempt from this limitation. While AI can be used to model and analyze thermodynamic systems, it cannot change the underlying physical laws that govern their behavior. I fully expect more ad hominem attacks from you, the most common form of dishonest argument. Have at it.
  21. If you don't accept most Thai women want financial support from a foreigner, IMO your chances are statistically improbable. Any high-earning Thai woman is only going to be interested in Thai males, for status reasons. Claims by more deluded or mischievous posters notwithstanding. You may find a soulmate accidentally. I was having my share of fun and games until I met someone who changed my mind. I give her what she wants, she gives me what I want. About 12 years now. I would suggest Pattaya is not the place for long term relationships. I met my GF in Chiang Rai. Filipinas can be just as predatory as some Thais, there's no guarantees.
  22. Er - I think you have difficulty recognizing sarcasm.
  23. He's a lucky idiot. Fighting a fire with a garden hose is lunacy. One needs an independent tank water supply, flame proof clothing, a helmet, glasses, gloves, boots and a fire fighting pump capable of delivering over 400 litres/minute. Been there, done that when I built in a fire-prone zone. What would he have done if the water supply failed to his garden hose? He may be a hero to some. To me, he's a lucky idiot.
  24. I was under the impression gratification came with.... Fellatio.
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