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Posts posted by NightSky

  1. To the op..


    if you didn’t read about all the scare mongering stories every day that frankly won’t affect anyone who has the correct legal papers then would you feel better?


    As long as your papers and finances are in order then unplug for a while. Don’t read news and take a holiday to the beech.


    see how you feel about the purge after a week or two 


    to be fair there have been a lot of crooks hiding out here it’s just a matter of ensuring you are legal and sitting tight until the storm blows over..



  2. 2 hours ago, Emdog said:

    This is fun. Ibuprofen? Aspirin used to be hard to find, haven't looked for years as I brought lots...

    I'm a Yank & miss Dr Pepper. Wife brought me some UK made from Singapore. UK mix not quite right compared to USA made.

    I always bring coffee (being Yankish) and guitar strings.

    I find those pods reprehensible on environmental level. It is not that hard to make a good cup of coffee.

    On the contrary my dear Yankee Doodle chapee it is the UK version of Dr Pepper that is preferred around these parts..


    ..To follow after a traditional UK chicken tikka kebab with chilli sauce of course..


    ..and don’t forget lucozade (original flavour) oh and our northern friends iron bru made in Scotland from girders of course. (Don’t ask me what girders are I never knew either - ask a Scott maybe)


    dr pepoer


    iron bru


    its all full of sugar anyhow. 


    Instead try a dash of lime juice with honey in water, natural detox juice.



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  3. 3 minutes ago, Puccini said:

    Is TrueMoney operated by the Thai governnment?


    Who knows if they have access or influence..


    ..all I know is that China have influence over their large businesses data and they govern their people using strict 'points' based system and moving everything digital facilitates this.


    In this respect Thailand are following in China's foot steps as they adopt and implement similar technologies, don't you see it?

  4. 2 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    What is this addiction to mobile phones and apps? Why would anyone want to give their banking, phone, contact, face details to companies that are inevitably hacked later? What's wrong with paying with a normal debit card, preferably contactless so that there is not even the effort of signing a receipt, and with a limit in maximum expense?


    I may have many issues, but nomophobia is not one of them.


    SO that the government can then access this data to manipulate and control the population of course..


    Just like 'little China'

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  5. 19 minutes ago, elliss said:


            So , when your old and feeble , it would be nice to have your children care for you.

             Reap  what you sow.



    If you have kids so they can look after you isn’t that a little selfish?


    if i had kids I certainly wouldn’t want them wiping my geriatric backside if I ever get to that stage and I doubt they would thank me for that.


    Be successful and save your money so that you can look after yourself is a good idea no?


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  6. I don't know about fan speed and im not an aircon engineer but from my own experience, when the aircon isn't working first job is to get it cleaned properly (usually once every 4 to 6 months).


    If its a very old unit it needs replacing (this might also reflect in the electricity bill and performance and noise of the unit), dont put up with over inflated electricity bill because running a good aircon shouldn't cost a fortune.


    Also the unit needs to be the right size for the room area (BTU/square meter)


  7. What really annoys me is when a Thai asks if you have kids and when you say no they then ask why...


    My wife and I were both asked the ‘why not’ question twice, once by a shop vendor and once by a builder And I feel like saying mind your own business.


    Don’t worry even if you don’t have kids Your genes wont die out like some people think since everyone shares 99% of the same genes anyway and the remaining 1% is probably around with nieces nephews brother sisters etc. 


    Youll probably be doing the world overpopulation issue a favour anyhow 


    If you can afford to help some  orphanage kids who dont have a family already maybe.


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