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Posts posted by NightSky

  1. Its terrible how the HK'ers are being treated.. just yesterday they were beaten with batons by groups of so called police and shot at point blank range with rubber bullets, some reports say one woman lost an eye. 


    Twitter posts report these so called police came from Beijing..


    The world is watching HK'ers your plight is not in vein.

    • Like 2
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  2. 7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I make sure I buy all my veg at the local farmers market, this lot was 130bht (4 pounds).

    With a bit of meat (pork and chicken 120bht) and flour (2Kg 62bht), I see 10 bowls of chicken soup, roast pork with baked potatoes and fried mushrooms in gravy, 6 pizzas, and 3 loaves of bread. I also bought 30 large eggs for 100bht so maybe some French toast, scrambled egg or vegetable omelettes.

    That'll last me a week, no need to eat out at all.



    Five years back, I would eat almost every meal out, I don't miss eating out, and it's probably more healthy eating in. I have plenty of time as I'm retired and my food costs are now under 2,000bht/month, a bit extra for milk and Pepsi.

    Impressive although what about all the other household costs, sugar, coffee, milk, toiletries, (toothpaste, shaving kit, shower gel, deo, etc) then there’s cleaning stuff (bleach, dishwashing and cleaning equipment, toilet rolls, etc) not to mention breakfast and maybe an evening snack..


    A meal for 2 people can be had cooked at the local Thai food stall for 100 baht but I would be hungry all the time if that is all I ate one time per day not to say board of the same food almost every day. 


    Realistically on a budget we are spending about 5000 baht/month in macro then about 200-300baht per day on average and that’s on a tight budget.

    So 11,000-14,000 baht/month on food and household goods any less would be really cutting out most household essential items and neither of us drinks alcohol or smoke.


    my most expensive food items are milk and coffee. 

  3. 17 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Bit silly statement ! Plain and simple, if your wife wont go out and work - even as a gate guard for 12,000 baht a month to help out in the time the exchange rate is bad - then you married the wrong one. They are the stupid ones - not those with wives who marry and WILL help out. I have many friends with Thai wives who work to help out - great really having time to yourself and her having some money to spend. I've had many bargirls in my time - like most of us - but I married a school teacher - someone who has worked all their life and I can rely on. Bar girls are for fun - not great for marriage - and yes, I know some are different, but not many will go out and look for work after marriage. 

    So what you are saying is that all bargirls would never work and all non bargirls would work?  Isn’t that a rather sweeping generalised statement?


    working 40 hours a week for 12,000 baht/month its akin to slave Labor. 


    Also any Thai who doesn’t have a degree will not find well paid work unless it’s their own business. It doesn’t mean to say every thai woman who doesn’t go out to work to earn income is an ex bargirl like you are insinuating. 

  4. I don't want to scare or anything but rabbis is a real concern in Thailand and you mention biting? Go have a full set of bloods taken (about 500 baht in Bangkok usually for a dog), that is the first thing to do to identify any real problems. It might be just a tummy upset but best to be sure.


    My mother in law has kept these soi dogs for years and she lost one to a snake bite.


    They also tend to eat anything they find due to hunger which can also cause issues (sharp bones/food poison, etc).


    Good luck, I hope he/she is alright looks a lovely dog.

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

    If i had to take a wild guess about the Thai bashers and whiners. Oddly the same people who are constantly getting themselves into trouble. I would say #1 The Germans #2 The Swedes And tied at third place #3 The Brits & The Aussies .  They just have a knack for getting themselves into trouble.


    The video you posted looks like a ferrang being attacked by a Thai guy and then jumped by another Thai guy who happened to be walking past so total cowardice and by the look it’s the Thais causing the trouble in this video. Thais are not angels either.

    • Like 2
  6. Think about taxes. If you are receiving funds from outside Thailand and not declaring the money for taxes anywhere in the world then this might be a problem too.


    Pay your taxes where due and keep head down.


    If your work requires you to do any obvious physical work in Thailand look to get a work permit either via iglu or own company.


    as someone else pointed out an elite visa might be an option 



  7. 9 minutes ago, Somtamnication said:

    I went back last year for a 2 month stint at Cambridge. I found the food cheaper at the local Tescos (fruits and vegetables, in particular).


    They are more direct and no bs smile. But the PC is overwhelming, as are the amount of Chinese everywhere.


    Not my grandma's country anymore. I do miss the rule of law, however, and that exists there.

    I don’t see anymore PC or Chinese where i visit in UK. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

    I own several houses in the UK one is lived in by my daughter so I know the total outgoings.

    They now pay 474 pounds a month just for utility bills.

    Gas, Electric, insurance. Council Tax that alone is 174 UK. And the great BT phone and internet 150+ a quarter for a whole 10MB. And that doesn't include the TV licence. That compares with the less than the 100UK I pay here for my utility bills.


    Enjoy your cheaper Mars bars I know where I would sooner be. 


    Hope your getting on well with the storms you have at present, that's just a precursor till the 10 months of Winter sets in.

    You can’t be comparing like for like. Internet in UK is 27gbp/month not 50 etc


    Most utility bills are more expensive in UK but food is cheaper. Although it depends how much fuel you use as to how much it costs and also what energy rating your house is.





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  9. 11 hours ago, Isaanlawyers said:


    Two possibilities:


    1) You are a troll and liar. In that case, we should care what you say.


    2) You can prove to me that you can access the database of signature. SHOW ME (at [email protected]) who is the first signature in the SQL database and maybe 25, just for fun. And if you do so, you should help us to repair it instead of whining.


    I think you probably make money with visas and try to make the people afraid to sign. That's really how I feel and I am rarely wrong about people. They don't jump on every opportunities like you do to scare people without explaining how there is a breach of security.


    Waiting for your email.


    Im not a troll or a liar. Im stating very basic knowledge to anyone who works with websites.


    I have sent you a PM with details of how to easily fix the vulnerability on the website ????




  10. 33 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    The drunk farang start the fight.

    what the securityman going to do. You think because he farang the thai should not fight? Just allow farang to hit him?


    only one thai, but many say on thaivisa everyday “thai can never fight just one person”

    So what happened???


    And the farang say sorry. The Thai accept. 

    Why everyone say thai is the bad one when the farang make the problem?


    No one needs to be 'stomping' on anyone else's head especially when they are semi-unconscious on the floor, wouldn't you agree? 


    A very drunk tourist is no match for a security bouncer on shift, a gang wasn't required to do the stomping on this occasion although im sure the gang were on standby just in case there was a fair match.

  11. On 8/6/2019 at 9:57 AM, brewsterbudgen said:

    No, blacklisting is for overstaying.  Many people have ignored 90 day reports for years, and just paid the 2,000 baht fine when they extend their stay.

    Rather than pay 2000 baht fine every 90 days just pay me 6000 baht per year and provide details one time and I will submit your online 90 day report for you in 5 minutes. That’s a saving of 500baht per fine.



  12. 7 hours ago, davidst01 said:

    so why would you fix your rate if rates are falling... hope you didnt do it

    Because the fixed rate was much cheaper than the floating rate for first 3 years and then two years at percentage points below Bank of Thailand rates (MRR - 2.5%) which is why I asked about rates for those those two unpredicatable years where we are tied in the contract.



  13. Firstly If not a troll post, I always wonder why people have more than one child if they have no means to support the family. Im sure however this doesn't help you now. 


    You can thank David Cameron and the uninformed Brexiteers for crashing the GBP and unknowingly separating you from your family.


    I hope you have some good health to rebuild something.


    In the UK try roomfinder.com to rent a low cost house share or rightmove and sort by lowest cost rentals for a low cost one bedroom flat 300gbp/month. The further North you live usually the cheaper the rent will generally be (East Yorks, North East etc)


    Even this will cost you about 1200GBP/month to live. Sign on with all the work agencies in the area as a driver or warehouse operative or anything else you have skills for and show up for work when they dictate.


    I don't envy you being separated from your family.


    Hopefully the GBP will rise a little after October although you are out on a limb having no savings or investments and relying on luck to sustain good health especially living out in the sticks with 2 kids.


    You could beg and borrow 150,000 to show 400,000 BAHT for you visa renewal although this wouldn't fix the longer term prospects and likely only make things worse if you are unable to earn money in Thailand.


    Another way you could maybe fetch your wife to the Uk is if either you or your wife is a dependent for health reasons although with 2 kids Im not sure how that would work although then you would be a burden on the British tax payer which includes myself.


    Ive been away from the UK for at least 17 years but intentionally I have kept strong ties with the UK in case the Sheeshkebab ever hit the fan and for me its difficult to earn in Thailand without speaking the language good enough to apply for the line of work m an expert in.


    Good luck. As one door closes others usually open.



  14. I once saw a tv program about some Thai villagers who practiced something like this where s new born and mother live in a secluded house away from all men for about a month with only other women of the village to help. Not sure the reason behind it probably due to the Thai men always mao on Lau cow and not trustworthy around young babies. Strange but as another poster mentioned it’s superstitions and old wives tails. Many Thais still believe in these even if you don’t get Mau on lau cow. 



  15. 45 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

    "In a Reuters poll, 14 of 15 economists had predicted no rate change on Wednesday while the other forecast a quarter-point cut"


    So one REAL economist then ????

    When we went to fix our Thai based mortgage a few months ago at the government bank the clerk informed us interest rates would fall in Thailand over the next few years. This may have just been sales spiel since I asked ‘how could you possibly know that?’ They just replied that they know that rates will definately fall.


    maybe it was just to encourage us to sign but maybe they know something. It was the government bank head office after all, they may have reliable information since they manage the loans - it may be complete speculation on their part although who knows what goes on in this country behind the curtains

    • Like 2
  16. 9 hours ago, Angry Dragon said:

    Huh?  with a stronger baht imported goods cost less, thus shouldn't prices eventually decrease for all local goods and products that are made using any kind of imported goods?


    i like som tam.  som tam contains little tomatoes.  thailand imports little tomatoes.  the baht is now stronger, so little tomatoes are less expensive to import.  maybe my som tam maker will pass some of the savings onto me?

    I stand corrected it was late when I wrote it. 


    Although I see lots of imported food going up in price

  17. 1 hour ago, Isaan sailor said:

    Yep, the chickens are coming home to roost, Thailand.  You’ve become addicted to foreign hot money (building up your reserves and only God knows what else).  You’ve made bilateral trade deals with the ChiComs (who now will compete with you) And now exports and tourism will contract, along with your dollar-based agri-Business.  Good luck, Thailand—you’ll need it.

    I genuinely feel for the poorer rurally based Thai people who will survive as always but they will feel the pinch more than anyone.


    the poorest always suffer the most

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