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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Oh, I see you are an egotistical, self-loving, vain, person 😂
  2. Ha ha ha, it's Asean Now forum, 90% of the comments are speculation. I'm confident, seen it so many times, guys go missing, miraculously they are found safe and well. The whole missing person thing in Thailand Bloody joke. Mostly are attention seekers.
  3. It'll probably end up in on the bottom of the ocean next to the Russian sub.
  4. Yep, I've got nothing good to say about some of the foreigners arriving in Thailand. Lots of members here attack me because I'm anti foreigner, most are the trashy type. The worst thing about Thailand, my dislike is some of the foreigners.
  5. Wow, the mentally ill are living longer these days.
  6. Is he the father of the unborn foal?
  7. I doubt if they are interested in someone without money Have you been to soi 6 lately? Most of the girls are overweight, in their 20's, unable to get a customer. Smelly, horny, fat things looking for a young guy to shag for free, they're not getting customers. I'd say there's a dirty soi in Phuket where you will find this missing guy.
  8. Come down to the Soi Buakhou, every second guy is sickly looking. Looking after yourself is hard work, most people are lazy. It's a requirement for managing my well-being, put in the hard work, reap the rewards.
  9. Has Phuket got an equivalent to soi 6. He'll appear shortly, when the girls are done with him. He will need a dose of penicillin and a tube of herpes cream.
  10. Wow, that sounds a bit kinky. Maybe we should substitute paddle for whacking stick.
  11. I'd be in prison today if my parents never gave me the occasional SMACK
  12. Not blind. What goes on is the reason I chose Thailand to be my home, I love its many differences to the west, it's rough around the edges, similar to myself. I'm getting fed up with people wanting Thailand to be like the west. I don't want it to be the same s5it hole I left behind.
  13. I haven't fallen into a hole in the last 20 years I've been living here. I can understand if you are an incompetent person, not looking where you are going or want to blame others for your mishaps. Seems to be the norm these days, useless people blaming others.
  14. Yes. Sadly so many foreigners coming here want to change Thailand, always moaning and complaining, about stupid things like poor footpaths, monkeys climbing trees for coconuts etc. If you have a disability or similar and want good footpaths, have a safe holiday, stay in the west DON'T come here. If you struggle with bloody monkeys climbing trees for coconuts DON'T come here. These people piss me off, leave Thailand alone, I like it the way it is (was). 😡
  15. Nothing disturbing here, those items can be found any tatoo studio 😂
  16. Did they inspect her snatch for contraband. Typical female Indian hiding spot for protected animals.
  17. Please come down to Pattaya and lock up the illegal property owners.
  18. Those bloody invisible men, up to no good again.
  19. It's a much better place than Australia, it's going backwards. From your many postings, I see nothing but negativity from you, It's time for you to go home mate. I reckon you'll be back here quick smart with a positive attitude.
  20. Such a nice location. Bob can be seen daily renting himself out. Bob exercising.mp4
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