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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Looks like your typical Nirun and Flybird condominiums here in Pattaya. Quality tourists living there.
  2. My friend bought a used 2019 aerox (keyless). How to tell if it has Y connect?
  3. I just heard Boss is on his way back to Thailand as well. Apparently they'll both be sharing the same cell.
  4. Fake news. The local radio station news it was reported that the Kuwaiti had a girlfriend. Kuwaiti with a spouse (girlfriend), nope, never seen one with a female (human), only males.
  5. You missed my point. You said expect your bargirl to stop working bar, then yes, you must pay. Lots of Thai men support former bargirls in the same manner The point I was making, Thai guys don't necessarily support their gf's. My ex gets no money from her Thai bf, this is why she visits me, she loves her Thai bf, sadly for extra income, to feed their baby etc she works for me.
  6. It's not just the Thai bargirls making money, Western woman making lots of money too. https://fb.watch/myI8Fn7CJV/?mibextid=Nif5oz I've got to say, she does nothing for me, poor guys living in the west, if that's all they've got.
  7. After being together with my gf for 12 months she has gone back to her Thai bf (father of her infant child), she said she still loves him, wants to be with him. It was sad for me, I'd been with her for a year. We remain friends, she comes to see me every week or two, spends a few hours with me, I give her some money, she goes back to her bf. It's not perfect but it's better than nothing, I still have feelings for her, she's the most beautiful, petite woman I've ever been with. Her bf has a job, he gets an average wage, he doesn't give her any money, they share all expenses, rent etc. My ex gf works in a makeup factory, gets an average wage, her mother takes care of her baby, she pays her mother 5000 baht a month and my ex pays for milk, nappies etc. I'm middle aged, the Thai bf is same age as my ex, 26yo. Weird world, she loves her bf, gets no money from him and she comes to me regularly, we still have a great sex. ????
  8. It's hard to forget. I reckon you're poster of the decade ????
  9. Sorry mate, my mistake. I've never been a moaner or complained or said anything negative about Thailand, sadly this forum is full of Thai bashing members, I'm always defending Thailand from the bashers. I'm outnumbered, some members become nasty and hateful towards me, but I keep defending. I rarely reply to any members comments when reading the different postings I only reply to a members comment on my comment, mostly because I have a short fuse, members can be a nasty, always being impolite, they say things that they think are clever or funny but sadly they are being disrespectful or rude. These members are miserable inside, they want us all to be miserable like them. I misread your comment, I just glanced at it and assumed it was a typical reply. I regularly get attacked, receiving the hostile, antagonizing comments so I acted swiftly to your comment not reading it in full. BTW, Something I've noticed recently, things are slowly changing on AN Forums, I'm reading a lot of PRO Thailand comments lately, maybe the nasty moaners have left Thailand now, being miserable in their own countries.
  10. Agree but I reckon a bigger problem is staff and at times their lazy attitude, lack of commitment and job dedication. I've known my gf for 12 months. She's worked for an electronics factory, Makro, Tesco, Pet supermarket and now she's got a new job make up factory. She's always taking time off work for this and that. If I was her boss, I'd be ripping my hair out. It wasn't mentioned the work history of the woman that was refused leave, she may have a work history similar to my gf, her employer is fed up
  11. These foreigners moan and curse about everything, not just driving in Thailand. These guys are born miserable, they wake up miserable each and every morning and they go to bed and sleep each and every night miserable. I'd hate to be one of those people, living a miserable life, so sad.
  12. what do you mean "you're losing my mind?" you need to be mentally tougher than that. watch out for snakes in the grass. some people are deliberately trying to make everyone else miserable for xyz reasons ... they can't stay in thailand etc ... ignore people who are not objective and who have a hidden agenda. whatever you do, don't lose your mind. it's the only one you got. Why are you replying to my comment to bob smith? Are you another member losing his mind or are you antagonizing me? What's your beef, why are you being hostile? Have you been licking those frogs of yours and getting high again?
  13. I always buy 1st class insurance to protect myself against these uninsured drivers, too many on our roads. My Thai neighbour has around a dozen vehicles, none insured or taxed.
  14. That's the consequences of living on the Darkside. Cheaper real-estate but that's about it No one wants to go out in the sticks. Found a beautiful housing estate 20 years ago, bought 2 houses haven't look back since. I'm living the dream. 1km to Pattaya Beach, 1.5km to Jomtien Beach hal·le·lu·jah ????
  15. I thought that was Australia, looks so similar ????
  16. You said why are you spreading hate against foreigners?? I'm not spreading the hate, it's you. You're negativity is toxic. Get some professional help You're losing my mind
  17. Where have I mentioned hate or hatred. It seems your mind is full of hate. I hope you get well, get some help dude.
  18. Dude, you really shouldn't be here in Thailand. You're just encouraging hatred and bitterness amongst us all, the weak will follow your bad attitude. Foreigners are the people you want to avoid these days. 20 years ago lots of great foreigners, happy, positive but sadly these days too many of your type.
  19. Best place on the planet. You just got to stay away from negative, moaning, miserable foreigners. Oh, Yeh and politics and religion. Be happy people, life is great ????
  20. It got all the stats, your likes, your number of postings and date joined.
  21. Some of my English friends who never wore condoms were always in the clinic getting jabs for the clap. I reckon it's the type of girl, these guys would always get the cheaper, uglier, heavier girl, they did make comments on occasions about the stink, the stench some of their girls had. I always went for the cleaner, more expensive, the top shelf girl. I've never had an STD/STI
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