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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Wow, dude you must be spending a fortune on legals. Try staying under the radar. Find some new friends maybe it's the people who you hang around.
  2. Sounds so similar to the bar scene in Pattaya. Stupid foreigners buying beer bars, then having their Thai gf run it. The only people making money on small business in Pattaya are the builders (renovation guys) and the sign writer's. I see the old Oasis GoGo on Buakhao has been renovated again, they tore everything out, stripped it down and refitted it out, the outside was in finished in a gold flake that looked awesome but it was ripped off before the bar opened. It's got new name again, it was renamed Bling but before opening it was stripped down again, now it has a new name again, looking forward to the opening.
  3. Yes, speculation, hypothesis and conjecture only comments on AN forums.
  4. I reckon there would be a few lovestruck AN members who'd like to sue some of their ex girlfriends
  5. Too many crazy foreigners coming to Thailand these days. We've always had the odd crazy foreigner making headlines, sadly these days we are seeing daily articles.
  6. Another quality soi Buakhao foreigner. Hope he's not another crazy Brit, been too many lately.
  7. Did someone use your fingers without your knowledge? Looks as if you wrote “unlimited” This happens quite offen on AN forums. ????
  8. You could be correct, I wouldn't know, I haven't read any articles on AN regarding anti-social noise by Thai's.
  9. They're even a menace when they stay at home, recent AN article Brit playing music too loud nightime, upsetting the Thais.
  10. I read somewhere that it was being relocated, maybe looking for cheaper rent ????
  11. I understand why some Thais are racist when I read these articles of foreigners being gooses. Too many of these stupid foreigners coming to Thailand these days, 20 years ago you'd see 1 or 2 a year but now it's a weekly article.
  12. The Brits and their juvenile, angry tantrums keep this website busy with lots postings for us to read regularly.
  13. For a minute then I thought it was another Indian loses gold necklace to ladyboy story
  14. I'm not interested in people who shop at Aldi
  15. Am I talking to you? Did you post the negative comments regarding pricing etc? Or are you just annoying me with irrelevant information?
  16. The pricing is irrelevant, it's the novelty. Sadly, it's all the 99 baht breakfast Guisers and the Cheap Charlie's that really tick me OFF. You'll find these guys are the moaners and whingers, always finding something to complain about.
  17. Waste of time drinking Cats P1SS, Budweiser zero alcohol. ???? Worked on rotation in Saudi for a couple of years, they served that disgusting drink at the airport lounge, what a joke. Weirdest experience, an airport lounge without alcohol.
  18. It's actually quite sad. It was always a great venue to take family and friends when visiting. From your comment I bet your enjoying your miserable stay in Thailand.
  19. I've got a few toys also, house is essential, couldn't maintain or upkeep all the vehicles from condo carpark and if renting what a nightmare it would be relocating with all my expensive items (crap), I'm a hoarder. BTW, regarding mortgages with spouse. I knew this guy who had a mortgage with Bangkok Bank, his wife borrowed money from a loan shark, paid out the mortgage and sold the house.
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