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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. It was the FPV........ Foreign Police Volunteers, these guys can be found sitting in the desk sergeants office Pattaya police station soi 9. Tourist Police Volunteer??????? I've not seen foreign TOURIST police volunteers. The tourist police office is located Pratumnak, never seen foreigner volunteers working there only, Thai volunteers. Howard Miller, around 2001, when I arrived he was a very public person, television, social gatherings etc., there's a few stories on the internet. I heard he was a very naughty boy, now living back in the UK. Below is an AN/TV page from 2009.
  2. 6am riding the bicycle around town is fine. ????
  3. I reckon we'll see lots of creating writing here on this topic. Some comments should make for a good fiction novel.
  4. Is there such a thing. I've never seen foreigner volunteers working at the tourist police station or out and about. They do have foreign volunteers at Pattaya Police Station soi 9. https://www.fpvpattaya.com/ They take applications on this site.
  5. I'll be polite and say goodbye. I'm going to leave this chat now. I'm not bothered with you complainers anymore and yes, you are correct, I am a complainer but the only thing I complain about living in Thailand is the complaining, whinging, whining, moaning foreigners. Oh yes, one more complaint, Thailand....too many beautiful women. Please, if you can, try not to be too negative, keep your nasty, hateful comments to a minimum, your comments are toxic, the weak read your comments and then these weak people become whingers and whiners, hateful and nasty. Thailand doesn't need more of these negative foreigners, it's not fair, Thailand is so beautiful, the people, the food, the weather, the country. Lovely Thailand.
  6. And you'd be another one to complain about paying 300 baht for a CofR, then accuse the IO of corruption. It's very different living in Lomsak/phetchabun not many foreigners there. I've got family in Phetchabun/Lomsak and the wife has a resort in Khao Kho, we go there regularly and it's great place to get away from the complaining foreigners, hope never to see you there. Whinging Pom's. https://fb.watch/dl4goacNKz/
  7. I have children born here in Thailand, the eldest studying Bangkok university, I've been buying property since 2001 in Thailand. I know the systems, they work well for me, just because your friend has lived in Thailand for decades doesn't give them magical super powers to allow them to be disrespectful, hostile and abusive. Thailand has a system that works for the Thais, why question it, their systems were in place well before you arrived, you're only looking foolish, if you don't agree with Thailand and it's systems, then leave the country, go back to wherever you are from and see how long before you are wanting to be back in Thailand, put up with it. I realize that I can't stop the haters, the moaners and complainers, too many of you guys. I see too many of your type in Thailand, I'm riding my PCX and I come to a small intersection, I hear this madman blasting his horn, yelling and screaming, it's a foreigner, some psycho who shouldn't be here. I'm shopping at the supermarket, I hear another outburst by a foreigner, complaining, being hostile, it just never ends. Your anger and hostility at immigration only makes for the next foreigner and every foreigner that day behind you having an angry IO to deal with. Don't look down to the Thais, look up to them, show them some respect. It may be a Phuket forum but the topic is read by people across the world, the weak read your comments and they become complainers, whinging, whining, hostile and angry when doing their day to day activities in Thailand. I'm embarrassed to be a foreigner in Thailand at times, grow up people.
  8. OMG, what have these brothers been up to. Phuket girls, take care.
  9. Visa's are easy for me in Thailand, just need to have some money in the bank. Try getting a visa for Australia.
  10. Makes no difference how long, show respect to the authorities, don't be childish. Thailand has been my home for more than 20 years, I'm always respectful. Because you've lived here for ages doesn't allow you to be disrespectful. I pay the fees when asked, never questioning. It's a little bit of money to share to the immigration staff, why be cheap.
  11. I've been getting CofR for 20 years, I've never got a free one. The 300 baht goes to a good cause, I heard some of this money gets shared amongst the immigration office workers, some of these hard working young people get very little money (salary), so I'm happy to pay. BTW, send us a message from the lock up, you'll end up there one of these days saying things about corruption etc. to the IO.
  12. Yes, offshore drilling. My employer pays all my local taxes. Every year I get a tax payment certificate. I work legally. Some of the smaller drilling companies may do things illegally, no taxes, no work permits etc., not my business.
  13. Yes, offshore worker. I get paid in USD I see USD in my Foreign currency bank account. I'm not admin or payroll, I've no idea what goes on back end. USD is my salary.
  14. Nope, my company pays my salary every month, no matter what country I work, always in USD. My salary, bonuses all in USD. My employer provides the necessary work permits for every country I work.
  15. I don't block anyone, but I would like to not receive or somehow block the sad and confused reactions I get at times, bloody annoying. I'd like these members to reply in a courtesy way as you have done, this would allow me to reply in a professional manner. I've been stalked by a couple of members in the past who would continually give me a confused or sad reaction to my comments for no reason, just to annoy.
  16. Why are you concerned and interested in this topic? We all know that you work here in Thailand. In your workplace, do you have poor working conditions, not getting what you're owed, are you concerned about when you get the sack? These are all issues with working in Thailand, poor wages and conditions etc, put up with it or get a job where you're from. I've worked in many countries and Thailand for a long time. Thailand is not the place I'd like to work and get paid in Thai Baht, when I've worked in Thailand I get paid U.S. dollars and working conditions to those of the west.
  17. Midnight, Plenty of parking this time of night. This guy got it all wrong, he'll probably end up in hospital one day. Best he keeps well away from bike riding. Looking at the photo I reckon he's probably a danger to himself walking the footpaths.
  18. Wow, that's some name. it's a mouthful. I bet he will never have a problem with identity theft. Now.......this will be a busy number.
  19. Just a thought. I was working in Mexico 2019, the night before my flight back to Thailand I popped into the service station and bought a 6pack of Corona's, just for a laugh I pulled out my Bangkok Bank debit card, to my surprise it worked, just needed my PIN. A Thai debit card may do what you want.
  20. Oh dear, sad story. I hope the cops will read between the lines, it tells a different story.
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