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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Yeah, strange for those of us that don't understand it Anyway my mates daughter is now Jane Doe Junior Because Her father John Doe Junior Holy mackerel
  2. While we're on the subject of elderly guys and dangerous acts on busy Thailand roads. I'm seeing heaps of elderly foreigners riding mobility scooters on busy roads. These guys sit well below safe visable height, some use a small flag but this is not the solution. I don't see the Thais doing this, maybe more sensible. Bloody dangerous Take care fellas
  3. Sounds like an urban myth to me. No, it's true, as I said earlier. You won't find a stunner at 500 baht. They're usually average looking, a bit overweight, ageing..... not my type. I prefer paying a little extra for something I like.
  4. My friend has a sad face attached to all my comments. Must be a Kiwi, no safety/common sense. Just kidding ????
  5. It's obvious by the sad and confused faces I'm receiving in my comments that I'm outnumbered. I'm fine with that but you guys are scaring me, we all know how dangerous the roads are in Thailand but there are heaps of you guys that think it's fine for a 74-year-old Thai man to cross a busy road. What's wrong with you people? I'm a big fan of safety and allowing a for a 74-year-old Thai man to cross a busy road in Thailand is just an unsafe act. I'm not attacking the elderly, why are you guys so stubborn, why can't you see the danger OMG
  6. What's better (and more humane) is have the pedestrians use the walk bridge. I understand he was unable to use the bridge but he shouldn't be crossing a busy road. It's a bloody traffic hazard to have an elderly person crossing a busy road, you're just not expecting a pedestrian, it scares the bejesus out of you, the sudden unexpected hazard on the road. Drivers reaction could create a pile up. I've seen driver's pannic when seeing an animal on the road, vehicles braking, swerving. This old guy should be more responsible.
  7. Yeah, lets slow down the traffic to a crawl. It's bad enough when there's a traffic accident, all the rubber neckers slowing to look at the blood and guts on the road
  8. Point taken My comment is not an attack on the aging AN foreign members, the one percenters of Thailand. Chonburi, Thailand, Thai MALE, crossing busy road. I can't remember the last time I saw a walking 74-year-old Thai male walking, if I did see one walking I'd say it's not a good pace. Geeze, sometimes this forum is nonsense. I've had photos taken down of 20 year old ex girlfriends because aging members complained, complaining that she looked underage. Hello out there, AN forum has younger members, you elderly guys are not the only ones that make comments.
  9. It's clear from the article that he is an old man. An aged pedestrian is just as dangerous on our roads as a reckless driver. When driving at speed you're not expecting a hobbling old man crossing the road, it's so dangerous, just going to cause a bloody accident.
  10. Sounds good, just make sure the cars blue book is in your name/wife's name before you hand over any money.
  11. Cnr Buakhao and Lengkei there's a lovely lady outside family Mart selling all sorts of stuff. She has a kiosk, nice facility. Have a chat with her, I'm sure she has something you'd like.
  12. Steroids, alcohol and cocaine, apparently turns guys psychotic The article reads 'well built foreign man' This is why I chose the word 'Steroids' Turning guys psychotic, that's above my pay grade, I have no idea....... probably so many other things can do it, including your chosen words. BTW, it's alarming how many aggressive 'well built foreign men' are arriving here in Pattaya. Careful out there guys
  13. My mate is American, he has, first, middle and last name also he is a junior (is this only American?) Anyway his Thai daughter now has junior in her name on all her documents, bloody amazing. The Thai's don't understand junior/senior.... Anyone else had this happen?
  14. Yep, Pattaya is getting back to normal. All the weirdos coming here for a holiday. I see a lot of these guys getting around. Steroids
  15. Early this morning I was stopped at the red traffic light (Pattaya Klang), I had 2 marked motorbike police in front of me and 1 behind me, they were on their way to the assembly point on beach road to start work. Beside me was a guy on a 3 wheeled Honda Wave with his food on board checking his phone. The lights turned green, as we took off he was still looking at his phone, the cop adjacent did nothing, he was beside him for 50 meters, the Honda Wave guy still looking at his phone. It's a little unfair and hurtful because these same cops pulled me over in the past and gave me a ticket. It's so sad that the cops don't understand everyone needs a ticket if breaking the law, this is educational, road users learn to obey the road rules, which will result in less accidents, less deaths, less pain and suffering for the family and friends of those who die or get injured.
  16. Over the many years living in Thailand I've seen and read about the most horrific road accidents. Sadly, things never change, never improving road safety. All the beautiful Thai people perishing every day on these dangerous roads, such a bloody waste.
  17. Dude, you got to be more careful, accidents happen everywhere. Try being more focused when out and about, never let your guard down.
  18. I know that the UK law has changed this year. (Most pedestrians in the UK never understood that one.) Is that also true in Thailand? Not too long ago we had a crackdown on pedestrian crossing at marked crossings and red light crossings here in Pattaya Lots of fines issued
  19. That's a wild assumption Yes it's wild but not an assumption. Sadly accidents happen too often with my above description. It's Thailand, I wish people would be more safety aware when on our roads. Too many lives lost.
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