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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Thanks, good input. I reckon 2000 watt is the size I'll buy. This company is located in BKK, they sell for 40k and delivery 1300 baht. https://fb.watch/erfgu6F-rc/ This is a nice colour.
  2. Thanks for your reply. I've seen the ones for sale on lazada, I'm just shopping around, if anything available at a cheaper price.
  3. Where did he buy from and how much did he pay?
  4. Wow, watch out for those Aussies, bad eggs. ???? I've been to Parramatta court and Fairfield, glad those days are over. All driving offenses
  5. Sadly, the world is full of these selfish people. They have no concern about other people's health and welfare.
  6. Shouldn't be too hard to spot
  7. Yes, thanks. I didn't realize. I've already posted these numbers. They're the same numbers on the side of the smaller bottles
  8. Three brothers from Ireland were thought to have monkey pox but it was diagnosed as herpes.
  9. I sure hope he hasn't infected the poor working girls.
  10. Wow, if true that demographic is really getting hammered with serious infections.
  11. I don't go to Makro that often. I like the 6am opening times so I pop in to pick up a few items if I'm on the road early. Each visit the checkout chicks asks if I have a card. Any benefits to having a Makro card?
  12. ok. thank you. Will do now. The other place's water is of very bad quality. I'll PM you my number I've been waiting for your message. You've probably been busy so I stopped the guys and asked for their phone number. He pointed to the side of his truck. He's waiting for your call, I told him you were a foreigner.
  13. I read this hotel dual pricing has been canceled. Too difficult to implement
  14. Try these, from Lazada. I use them on my xDiavel. Very comfortable.
  15. Yes, agree Over the years I've always taken my purchased s/h vehicles to the DLT here in Pattaya but it's so far away. I'm centre of town, it's around 40 minutes drive (give or take) and lots of queues etc. For the little fee I paid, happy to do business with these guys. So glad I saw the sign in English saying' name transfer' out front.
  16. My post was to help those looking for a new motorbike, I posted to help other members. If you want one of these new motorbikes you go on a waiting list. I'm showing members that it's an easy process (if you have a Thai name) to quickly transfer names.
  17. I say, bring back the ice age.
  18. Nope. Authorized inspection centre Over the years I've taken vehicles to these inspection centre's, there is a small fee for processing, having the green/blue book stamped and initialed. Some people prefer to travel to the main DLT by Regent school, the small fee doesn't bother me. My time is worth much more than this small fee. To some people on a budget, 100 baht is a lot of money. The hours waiting at the main DLT office is not for me.
  19. I needed a new motorbike quick. Mityon has a 2 to 4 week wait for new motorbikes (parts shortage), so I found a second hand 2022 model with 5000 Km's. Myself and the owner took the bike to the DLT inspection station opposite the big ship 7-Eleven on Pattaya Tai Saturday afternoon. I paid 1700 baht for the transfer, spent around 30 minutes in their office. I picked up the green book this afternoon. I put the bike in my daughter's name to simplify the process. The DLT office owner has great English speaking skills, I think him and his wife run the business, really nice people. Great service, large air-conditioned office, very impressed.
  20. It's the same in Australia. Compulsory third party insurance does not cover vehicle damage
  21. I don't know how old you are, but we will all be riding them in the near future.
  22. It doesn't bother me. I do everything legally, riding an electric bike early mornings without a Green Book is the biggest crime I'll commit.
  23. Cops are strict here in Pattaya on foreigners, it's a cash cow for them. The bike I saw yesterday is exactly what I'm looking for, I might buy it, just use it early mornings before checkpoints are set up.
  24. OK thanks. I'll keep an eye out for the different models, I'd hate to buy a bike to find out it's been superceded. ????
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