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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. A 27yo male Brit sold into slavery... You've been watching to much TV mate. At first You people are hilarious, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but after a while you guys start to get on my nerves. 😑😑😑😑😑😑
  2. Hey jimjam maybe you can direct us to the non herpy massage joints.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 52 seconds  
  4. I wouldn't ride my xDiavel on long trips, 2 hours max for me, too big and bulky. My PCX is much more manoeuvrable and comfortable on long trips. Before covid I rode to Cambodia (Koh Kong), followed the Sukhumvit all the way. As you get closer to Cambodia (narrowest part of Thailand) the road follows the coast, amazing views. I stopped of 3 times, different hotels along the way. Returning to Pattaya I rode all the way only stopping for immigration, fuel and coffee. It was the rainy season, I dumped the raincoat (bloody noisy thing), rode for an hour in the rain then dried off the next hour in the sunshine, this continued all the way. I left Koh Kong at 7am, through the border at 8am, back in Pattaya 2.30pm.
  5. I'm both, got the xDiavel to ride for pleasure, when the weather is suitable and the Fortuner for family, shopping, in the heat of the day. Oh yeah and the PCX for quick trips. Boring just having one or the other.
  6. What's all the fuss, hundreds of people go missing around the world daily. Nonsense article, He will turn up, good to go.
  7. ^^^^^ Or maybe he is safe and sound 5000 miles away. What a bloody joke. πŸ˜‚
  8. These extremely large utility bills happen at times. The systems they use aren't perfect, occasionally mistakes can happen. No big deal, Just need to explain this issue to the utility provider.
  9. Maybe it was a ghost that took him. Maybe a UFO landed and took him to a place full of young virgin's Maybe πŸ€”
  10. Good security is needed, sometimes you get a few foreigners being d1ckheads, they need to be controlled but at times things go wrong. A 65yo in hospital is wrong. This nice girl, helping the guy up, looks like she's wearing her mother's shoe's.
  11. Why do you have tubes? Buy steel belted tyres, tubeless. 20 years ago I'd have a Mio with inner tubes, I'd get a puncture once a month, the tyres these days are so much better.
  12. Quite a few years after I settled in Thailand, I bought a Buell, it was loud and fast. I'd take it for a ride, give it a bit, ride down to Rayong and back to Pattaya. I would be sweating, anxious thinking the cops were coming from behind, never happened. Had a cop pull me up once to show me a photo of his Buell, cool cop. I've owned big bikes ever since, all noisy and fast, the last couple of bikes, Ducati's around 200hp. The cops pull me over at regular checkpoints, they love the bikes I ride, they are not interested in defecting my bike or giving me a ticket, I always get a smile and waved on. 😎 If I were in Australia, I wouldn't have a licence.
  13. How nasty and miserable foreigners can be. Thailand and its people, the most beautiful but foreigners, always moaning and complaining. Thailand seems to attract all the losers these days.
  14. Crikey, I'm glad I live in safe Pattaya, only thing you got to watch out for are the crazy foreigners. A few years back, a neighbor of mine, Aussie guy, driving down soi Kophai, pulled out his machete and threatened a Thai gold shop owner who was driving, then ran him over Crazy foreigners πŸ˜‚
  15. Omg, 1hr, 35 minutes TRAPPED. Lucky it wasn't middle of the day, sun blaring. More moaners, whiners. ManUp people.
  16. I read that it was every old man that comes to Thailand marries his virgin wife.
  17. Aaah, they will fly a few of their own over for an all expenses paid holiday. Thailand..... I reckon they have a few volunteers.
  18. This guy has been plastered all over social media, I thought they'd find him by now. So many times they go missing but found to be alive and well, living with their bird. I'd say the same thing will happen but it's been quite a while.
  19. I wonder if Bob Smith lives in the Bueng Kan province!!!!!!! He's always having a disagreement with someone in his neighbourhood. πŸ€”
  20. If the police did their job, stopped ignoring those breaking the law, these accidents would be less common.
  21. half the nonsense deleted was yours, remember? stick to the topic. dont hijack it. oh... if you stick to the topic youll have nothing to bait anyone on.. It's too bad the nonsense is always removed, it's fun to read when I'm bored πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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