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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. There's key cutting guys big c, Pattaya Klang inside, Pattaya Tai outside car park, ask these guys. Also key cutting shop, Pattaya Tai, 50 metres west side of TukCom. I'm sure he can help you. I reckon you should buy a combination safe. 😂 Good luck
  2. It means as a foreigner you can buy the condo and have the Chanote (title) in your name. 'No foreign quota' you would have to set up a company or put it in Thai national name.
  3. These shipping companies employ maintenance crews that have very little knowledge. Sadly, the wages and conditions are poor, maintenance staff unskilled. For decades I've worked for offshore drilling companies, working on a drillship, when the drill bit is spinning through the seabed many kilometres below and the ship is on dynamic positioning, if there's a mechanical problem you want it repaired urgently. Our maintenance teams are remunerated well, only the guys who are well trained can be employed. These huge cargo ships, travelling at speed through congested waterways, you want mechanical issues resolved immediately.
  4. You are killing the planet, so many postings everyday. Your carbon footprint is huge. You need to reduce.
  5. It doesn't bother me, I'm a visitor here. A few minutes on the computer letting them know I'm still alive, NOT A PROBLEM. I wish the Australian government would be more controlling, introduce some of Thailand's policies. You are being paranoid, chill dude, how do you sleep at night. I understand now why you are an alcoholic.
  6. So sad, the parents have lost their little girl. It's a cruel world at times.
  7. I've never been treated in this manner. I reckon you'd be treated with suspicion etc. wherever you go in the world. Change your attitude, you're always negative and bitter, be positive and happy, you'll find life will be more enjoyable.
  8. I didn't recognise you. The gym membership is paying off, you look much younger.
  9. Don't feel sorry for me, I understand more important things in life.
  10. I work for the lottery office, we've tried to contact you several times.
  11. Block all annoying calls and sms, numbers you receive. Go into your 'calls received' menu and block. Easy
  12. Dude, why are you so gullible, you won't last long in Thailand. It's not a fair dinkum posting. The OP hasn't returned to the thread, it's a stitch up. How have you not identified that. Can't you read between the lines. I reckon you'll befriend one of those dodgy crypto guys, they will teach you a lesson in life. Go sit back down in the corner and read that Agatha Christie book you have on the bookshelf. Some people are so sad. Snap out of it.
  13. Aren't you a soi 6/1 guy? They tell me that you are down there regularly in your mankini.
  14. Hi there. Nope, no sales. Buy the Click over Wave, better ride and resale.
  15. Crikey, Too much information.
  16. Reading the headline, I thought it was one of those naughty Russian women.
  17. Sounds like a good idea but every year you'll be making twice as many trips to immigration.
  18. I often thought it was a scam, now I'm sure it was because I've spoken to many Aussies about the passport photo issues. Such a shame, it's a huge inconvenience to retake photos. Great news about completing the passport process through the mail. 👍
  19. Over the years I've had to go to the Embassy in Bangkok for me and my families passports. Sadly I've always had to retake passport photos. Did they approve passport photos when posting? I've always had to retake mine, they would send me to the photo shop next to the old embassy.
  20. I rarely go back to Oz, only when I need a visa for a country I'll be working in. I can't remember, around 2010, think it was, I went back to Oz, needed a visa and medical to work in Saudi Arabia. I had one of the first issued chipped passports, didn't even join the queue, scanned my passport and went straight through electronic gates. It was a little strange being the only person using the electronic gate.
  21. I saw you in Tony's outdoor gym 3rd road, looking good 👍 I see you have a new mankini. Make sure you don't mingle, once you start your story telling you'll bore them to tears.
  22. Apparently the OP was a little confused, his passport is good for travel.
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