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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. You'll find the start to your day will be much better if you substitute the Marmite for Vegemite.
  2. Agree, maybe it's just more of them coming to Thailand with mental illness. I hope Thailand can solve this problem, it's alarming.
  3. So, 2 ladyboy's/Kathoey's trying to kill each other. Nothing to report here, move on! I miss the good old days, when trans made me excited. Pontiac Trans Am, I miss mine. '77, black, targa roof, 4sp, smokie and the bandit. πŸ‘
  4. Hey, if I'm antagonized, I'm not going to shut up, I'll retaliate. Now let's get back on topic.


    I see you asked to have the topic relabelled. It was labelled Discusted not Disgusted. I hope the mods will remove my reference to your mis spelling in my comment above. Discusted or Disgusted
  6. Keep it a secret. You'll have bus loads of the sicko foreigners from Pattaya arriving now.


    Discusted or Disgusted By law, land owners must maintain their property by regularly removing noxious vegetation. You'll find the wildlife will return in several months.
  8. What you infer is utter codswallop The crews are all Philippino's and Indians. Working on a merchant ship you are away from your family for many months at a time getting a meagre hourly wage. I now understand why you are riding a 15 year old Honda Wave. πŸ˜‚
  9. That's your typical Aussie accent. πŸ˜‚ He's from up north, around 10,000 miles north.
  10. Around 15 years ago I bought a Buell, the bikes green book said I was Austrian not Australian. This crazy stuff happens often.
  11. It's a case of leaving your common sense at the airport syndrome. It doesn't discriminate, can even affect Judges.
  12. Looks like you got to help. What assets has she got? Offer to buy land etc., transfer title to your wife, you must be rewarded.
  13. How much is your air space worth, my air space keeps appreciating.
  14. Ask Bob Smith. I reckon he's got some contacts, that new, flashy gym he has a membership, got to have someone in the know.
  15. Why would you deny it? Nearly every store has CCTV, you are going to be captured on video.
  16. Phuket, Dangerous place. Russian woman goes crazy and attacks people when she is on her period. A couple of Kiwi brothers beating up the cops etc. too dangerous for me. Lots of crime. Come over to Pattaya, not so many crazy foreigners, very safe here.
  17. I read yesterday one member called you an oxygen thief. Not very nice, but very funny.
  18. Am I one of those stalkers? I'm always saying things that are informative, like you are looking much younger after your gym membership, I didn't recognise you at first. Anyway, I look forward to your daily postings. Try not to be so unpleasant, keep things positive and happy, you'll find people won't be so nasty. Too bad about the planet though, you are destroying it with your carbon footprint, daily postings creates huge amounts of carbon.
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