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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. What a bloody shame, why don't people wear helmets? I saw lots of Thai's wearing their dusty helmets during the rain storm we had yesterday. Sadly, it seems the only time they wear.
  2. Oh good, she has an excuse. Does it mean we can look forward to more of these assaults every 28 days? What a bitch. 😡
  3. Cops are being kept busy rounding up all these psycho foreigners.
  4. Why did she ask you to leave, are you one of those deadbeat foreigners, the scruffy, untidy, smelly type?
  5. You are the biggest scaremonger here, there's enough hatred from members, Thai basher but you take the cake, you just keep stirring, making up phoney stories. I read that you were packing your bags and heading back to where you come from, what's the delay? Thailand is not for you. Good Bye
  6. I just heard on the local radio station Pattaya FM103, that the brothers are spoilt brats. Their parents in New Zealand just sold a family business for $10M, brother was CEO.
  7. What's wrong with people. These brothers would never do this in New Zealand on their own police force, nor would they try to bribe the law. Things never change, foreigners coming to Thailand leaving their common sense at the airport.
  8. I wasn't being a wise guy, I was being fair dinkum. Not sure how long you've lived in Thailand, things are different here. You say it's a secure development, that just means there is a security guard asleep on site somewhere, or perhaps it was an inside job, the security guard organised the theft. Once you get the cable replaced put in your own security, steel enclosures for the cable, CCTV cameras etc. Why is the house unoccupied? Get it occupied asap.
  9. I saw him in the clip wearing his mankini. Looked like he was enjoying himself.
  10. Looking at the freaks in that Instagram clip there's hope for some of our AN forum members to make a bit of cash serving customers at that restaurant.
  11. I hope you have plenty of candles, you'll be in the dark for a long time. Go solar, I can see this happening again once you buy the new cable. BTW, where are you located, I'll come around and help you finish off the ice-cream.
  12. Don't believe everything you read on AN forums. Lots of story tellers, playwrights and screenwriters here. A few of the members have a Phd in Creative writing
  13. Crikey, a cultert, boasting........technology. I've read it all now.
  14. Good to see the Kiwi's making the headlines. Thailand wants more tourism but they really should filter the tourists, too many lowlife foreigners arriving.
  15. You may not need statin's Have you done a coronary calcium score? I'm not expert, I'm fit and healthy but I've been listening to a few podcasts (healthy living) that discuss statins regularly. This doctor is the GOAT, he's switched on, so much knowledge. Statin's are needlessly over prescribed.
  16. I'm not there, can we add another. I'm offshore oil worker, drilling rig. I'm here for 28 days, working abroad (sometimes Songkla) for 28 days. A good title for us rig pigs would be 'LIVING THE DREAM'!
  17. If it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.
  18. I like your optimism, it will never happen. Where are you located? Here in Pattaya there are several locations for those who are blessed with good luck. Sadly, the only luck I have is bad luck. 😞
  19. Omg, don't even think about it, I would avoid buying a used car in Thailand with your skilset. Spend the extra, buy a new one, you're covered by manufacturers warrantee etc.
  20. I understand why a grumpy, complaining, sorrowful AN member would be opposed to those with a sense of humour, harmless fun. Some of us here enjoy life. Enjoy your miserable day.
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