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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. If you are going to be foolish on a bike as you say 'never get on a motorbike'. Ride sensibly and safely you'll be OK.
  2. Road rage, why are people so angry on our roads. Every day I see an angry foreigner yelling out, blasting his horn aggressively at someone on the roads here in Pattaya. I give way to everyone, if it's safe to do so, everyone has right of way when I'm on the road. The Brit was probably angry because he was riding his 18 year old scooter. My Air Blade died about 12 years ago.
  3. You need to exercise daily, treat it as a hobby, don't go in too hard but be consistent, daily exercise will change your life. While you are at it, get a bicycle, ride regularly, short trips, focus on the surroundings, the trees, mountains, you'll notice the difference, less ranting. Try not to be a menace, keep left, never be abusive to other road users........ Everyone has right of way, you're not in a hurry. 😎
  4. Oh, thanks It was reported that there were 2 deaths on the local radio station.
  5. I see this guy regularly, he's one of the hundreds of crazy foreigners I see around town.
  6. There was a similar incident flight departing New Zealand recently. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/cockpit-accident-believed-cause-nose-dive-latam-boeing-787-wsj It was blamed on turbulence, several injuries but later after the computer files downloaded (black box) it was found there was an accident in the cabin by one of the flight crew.
  7. AN should introduce a minimum IQ level for members allowed to post here on its forums. IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a measure of your ability to reason and solve problems. Some members here lack problem solving skills and prefer to abuse others rather than enter into a discussion.
  8. TRANSFORMERS The transformers in Thailand are exposed to the weather. The conductors insulation can become damaged, brittle or chewed on by rodents etc. Once it starts raining these damaged conductors short circuit. Transformer explodes and needs replacing.
  9. I had to Google it. Wow, wish I I was there. It would be a great ride with the Aussies, they should keep you entertained. Enjoy the ride mate. 👍
  10. Crikey, these acronyms keep growing, it's expanded, not enough letters, had to add a mathematical element. 🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈
  11. No such thing as a gloomy month in Thailand. The rainy season is the best time to visit Thailand, the rain washes everything down and waters all the beautiful gardens and parks, keeping things fresh. The days are much cooler. Why are you scared of the rain, like so many people. Are you a Brit? I've got a few British friends, they get depressed in the rainy season, strange people. ManUp dude. 🌧️
  12. Yes, I think I had too many. Thanks for the kiss, jup jup 😬
  13. If you think me addressing the problems with people coming to Thailand is moaning you have serious issues. I hope you get well soon. I often find it ironic that despite the wonders of being alive, many people who relocate here refuse to be happy.
  14. This is one of the many problems that foreigners face when moving to Thailand. I reckon it's why some foreigners regularly complain about Thailand, they don't do their Du diligence, then they become bitter, start blaming Thailand for their miserable life. We have serial moaners here on AN, never posting knowledge or quality information only posting unpleasant or meaningless messages. Some of these foreigners only look at the many different vlogs etc, Dan About Thailand and others. These YouTubeers only point out the positives, rarely do they talk negatively or explain the extra living costs. Lots of extra out of pocket expenses here in Thailand for foreigners. It's expensive for children's quality schooling, family health and medical, child birth, it goes on and on. Not that affordable for some, especially families.
  15. Can't think of anything worse, being locked up for so long, the best years of your life. Anyway, hopefully he can enjoy the outdoors again now. I reckon he'll be coming to Thailand, first stop, not a better place on the planet to enjoy the outdoors, beautiful scenery and beautiful people. Just got to watch out for the occasional dodgy foreigners.
  16. Crikey, after looking the photo I thought he was a Brit. 😂 Crazy China man.
  17. I grew up in Sydney, not too far from many beaches. I need to live near the sea. Nothing better than riding my PCX down Pattaya beach road, north to south, past Bali Hai Pier then through Royal Cliff, down Pratumnak and then Jomtien Beach road. So many different things to look at, the view is always changing, dynamic and of course the many pretty girls to check out on my way. 👀 People are so friendly, I always get a nice smile after greeting a strangers (females) with a 'morning' 👍 Riding past the many restaurants I often look inside, people enjoying their meal (you get the occasional guy complaining about his undercooked cheeseburger 😡), I prefer to keep quiet riding past the grumpy guys. 😂 Love life, wouldn't be anywhere else.
  18. These bikes will be rented to tourists, they will ride them on the road causing hazards to other road users.
  19. The local radio station here in Pattaya said maximum speed 25km/h. In the wrong hands they are Accidents waiting to happen. Sadly, road users get very aggressive sitting behind slow vehicles.
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