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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. You sound like a whinging child. Complain to your lawyer, or maybe find a competent lawyer. Have you even got a lawyer? All you're doing is encouraging the Thai bashers, giving them ammunition with this moaning posting.
  2. How can they stop, I reckon some of the AN members are not doing these things.
  3. What about, what about!!!!! What are you bloody talking about, the issue that you've mentioned above happen in every country. These are daily articles I read from abroad, open your eyes.
  4. I've been living here for more than 20 years, never had any issues with the Thais, do the right thing, it all goes fine. Sadly, I've had a few run ins with foreigners. Worse thing about Thailand is some of the foreigners.
  5. The Swiss ElephantMan is a nutjob, he's getting what he deserves. Its not the first time he's been an idiot in Thailand, he has a history of no good, Thailand does not need these trashy foreigners. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2024/03/03/a-swiss-man-who-kicked-a-phuket-doctor-has-another-dispute-with-an-ambulance-driver/
  6. I was down there yesterday afternoon, having few beers, opposite VT 8. The cops were asking cars and bikes to turn around, that were going the wrong way, no fines. The cops in Oz would make a meal out of all the tosses driving the wrong way, writing heaps of tickets.
  7. Any relation to the Swiss 'Elephant Man', crazy guy who kicked the lady doctor on the Phuket beach?
  8. I don't think Thailand is for you, please stop with the weird comments.
  9. Strange comment. Are you on medication, you been drinking again? I'm sure you'd take it on the chin if a crazy foreigner 1. Kicked you from behind while you were enjoying a quiet talk with your friends in a public place, then started yelling at you like a madman. 2. Throws a glass at you and cuts you open.
  10. Gawd, I'd put money on it that he's one of the few angry, hostile AN members we've got here. Come on mate, are you out there, identify yourself. 🤔
  11. Crickey, crazy foreigners are everywhere. He looks like my neighbor 😮
  12. Swiss guy is an evil person, he's got a history of no good. A foreign man pointed at the rescue vehicle with his middle finger https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2024/03/03/a-swiss-man-who-kicked-a-phuket-doctor-has-another-dispute-with-an-ambulance-driver/
  13. Yes, I agree, mix it up, time spent at the gym is worthwhile.
  14. Maybe they should put the keyboard up for an hour a day and go to the gym. The daily gym routine is different at first, quite difficult to get use to but once you get in the swing of things it's so rewarding.
  15. Page long replies. I reckon they are lonely and bored, nothing better to do. Its a hobby for some.
  16. Are you normal? This is not normal behavior!
  17. I'm commenting most days, NOT posting, there is a difference. I reckon I post a topic/article once a year. If you are going to be sarcastic and mock me, please get your facts right.
  18. I can't remember the last time I posted on AN forum but most days I read some of the many interesting AN new postings. I haven't got much time so I generally just glance through the first page or so then leave the page open and return later if interested, opening a new page for reading a new posting etc. Most times after glancing over the very first page I read, hate, hostile, antagonizing comments between members, it's really weird and sad, it happens so often. I used to react, these seasoned antagonizers, they know how to intentionally make you angry. I've been disciplined in the past, sadly receiving a point that never expires, what ever that means, anyway I know better now, I try not to reply and recently learnt how to totally block these nasty members. I'm sure the mods see this poor behavior, it seems strange that these boat rockers are not banned from AN forums.
  19. Modesty is no more. If I was excessively overweight or obese I'd be covering up, ashamed of my physique. I see fat, obese women in Australia wearing next to nothing, not embarased, no humility. Probably why OnlyFans is doing so well.
  20. Come down to Pattaya, I see elderly, obese foreigners regularly bare chested, in public places, gross.
  21. I bought 2 condos side by side for my children that I visit everyday, they are unoccupied but I use the facilities, gym, sauna, pools and on occasions sleep there, my house is less than 1 kilometer.
  22. I know lots of guys that spend a couple of hours in the gym everyday but they're not fair dinkum, spending most of the time chatting with other gym users, very little fitness, it's a social club for them.
  23. I reckon there are a few of the AN members that wake up every morning to just antagonize and comment with hostility. Some members continue to insult and put others down I'd say are mostly retirees, on a pension. They've come to Thailand to live when the sterling to baht was over 70, it keeps going down, now they find themselves with barely enough to survive. These people are frustrated, having little money which means they can't go out as often as they would like, they can't buy things that they would like or need, or vehicles to go for leisure drives or shopping, vacation/holidays etc. this leads to frustration. I'd say they're stuck behind the keyboard day in day out, no car or bike to venture out and about, maybe living in a 30m² apartment above a beer bar or living outback Nakhon Nowhere with a spouse that no longer talks with them or a spouse that's departed because of his miserable attitude, these guys have no friends, they are miserable with themselves and miserable with everyone else. Just cranky old men.
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