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Everything posted by ClaySmc

  1. From The Guardian; maybe from a different perspective, but covers similar territory; though at first I though the doctor may have read this first. ‘I have no intention of getting infected’: understanding Omicron’s severity | Omicron variant | The Guardian
  2. It took me a while to track it down, but I think you mean: Air Mask | Fashion Face Mask - STYLESEAL Air Mask 2021 (style-seal.com)
  3. I never followed up on it, but since you mention it; it is very low. Checking on California I find it is 1073.00 and that is a very expensive state.
  4. I was unofficial told that if I don't sign up for plan B etc. I would be liable for a penalty but if my income is under a certain limit I could sign up for Medicaid and the state would cover plan B and work out a deal between them and Medicare that since I would not be directly paying there would be no penalty. You might want to verify that if you choose to go down that road.
  5. Thanks! That was a great article; just full of information on the whole history of mRNA. It even had some humor: I wonder how that prizewinner is feeling now?
  6. As I understand it the AZ and the J&J vaccines are traditional. So if available you might look into them for #2 or a booster.
  7. They are dreaming of Alpha... that was a long time ago? Experts in the field think herd immunity may not happen with Delta, but the more vaccinations the less serious cases or death for those vaccinated: Herd immunity is 'mythical' with the Covid delta variant, expert says (cnbc.com) If they want to have some control over it may be 80-90% or as the article states, never...
  8. It sounds like the health minister must have had a misunderstanding with someone on his end, when he denied it was his department's fault, and started to blame Senator Duckworth.
  9. Somebody got paid big bucks to come up with that "unique" branding...
  10. This just came out yesterday. It seems to address your issue: New study finds unvaccinated are 11 times more likely to die from Covid, CDC says (msn.com)
  11. You missed this part: Andrew Freedman, a reader in infectious disease at Cardiff University School of Medicine, told CNBC Thursday. "Those catching Covid now are a mixture of unvaccinated, partially vaccinated and double vaccinated people. A large proportion of new infection are in (unvaccinated) children and adolescents," he noted. "We know that the vaccines are only partially effective at preventing people from catching the delta variant, but are much more effective at protecting against severe disease, hospitalisation and death. Fully vaccinated individuals are mostly getting only mild symptoms if they do catch it, although a small minority, especially older and more frail people, are still getting more severe illness." Back to the issue of school children having to be vaccinated; if I was a teacher having to face groups students every day, and then go back home to my children, spouse, and extended family; I would not want your child in my class if he was not vaccinated and wearing a mask. Why put my family at risk so you can get a free ride??? Why should doctors and nurses treat you if you did not get vaccinated--they are at risk every day in their hospitals--you're just adding more risk to the equation. Sometimes society makes decisions based on the whole community. If you don't what to be part of that community you are free to leave and find a place of like-minded citizens.
  12. This is from July, though there may be more recent UK studies: COVID: the reason cases are rising among the double vaccinated – it's not because vaccines aren't working (theconversation.com) The latest data from Public Health England suggests that against the delta variant, which is now dominant in UK, two doses of any of the vaccines available in Britain are estimated to offer 79% protection against symptomatic COVID and 96% protection against hospitalization. Without the vaccine, what protection is there? This is a more recent article on why: Why are Covid cases so high when millions are fully vaccinated? Blame the delta variant, experts say (msn.com)
  13. Even if that is true, which it may not be, the people who get vaccinated for the most part (by a significant margin over the unvaccinated) are not getting major illness and dying at the rate of the unvaccinated. What that does is help protect the doctors, nurses and medical staff, and lesson the burden on ICU facilities. And if you look at any charts, the unvaccinated are the ones overburdening the hospitals now, ever since Delta has taken over; and the vaccinated who may have issues are those who have other contributing medical factors.
  14. And your article states: For every million Pfizer second doses given to 12-17-year-old-boys, around 60 had the condition She points to a recent US study which suggests that having Covid-19 could be six times more likely to trigger myocarditis in young men than the vaccine, with a rate of about 450 per million infections. And then you can hope they don't get Covid, so then those numbers don't apply. That may be a crapshoot regarding the youngsters; but brings things back to protecting other members of a family or the public. You might not have an extended family living together, but many Thai people do. You have the right not to send your child to school, but do you have the right to put other people at risk??? Having said that; I don't think it is an easy decision for a parent to make. It may be a bit too early to mandate things, but we live in a society where everyone has to be taken into account. Sometimes that is not too easy.
  15. Seems to be old news you have there. Here's the latest: UK plans to offer Covid vaccines to teens later this year | Financial Times (ft.com) Looks like they were waiting for Pfizer to complete testing and get approval.
  16. Two Sinovac doses boosted immunity to around 117 AU while two AstraZeneca boosted it to 207. However, with the Sinovac-AstraZeneca cocktail, immunity soared to an average of 716. Meanwhile, two shots of Sinovac followed by an AstraZeneca booster saw recipients’ immunity surge to 1700. Sinovac then AstraZeneca offers higher immunity than 2 doses of same brand (nationthailand.com) I think this study is why the Thai govt. started using the combo of Sinovac and AZ.
  17. This study says 3 weeks apart, but that might be a minimum to wait: Sinovac then AstraZeneca offers higher immunity than 2 doses of same brand (nationthailand.com)
  18. He fails to explain that most of those vaccines they bought were the expensive and worthless Sinovac.
  19. For someone who isn't able to get Pfizer or Moderna, getting another AZ as a booster gives a very big boost to the Sinovac: Sinovac then AstraZeneca offers higher immunity than 2 doses of same brand (nationthailand.com)
  20. Others may know more, but two weeks between shots #2 & #3 seems too close. I've read that a booster doesn't need to be given until months 5-9. Here from Pfizer: If You Got Pfizer, This Is When You'll Need a Booster, CEO Says (yahoo.com)
  21. Originally it was to be 10 million, as 9.5 million paid for the October order, then it went to 5 million, then -1.5 million for the Red Cross... it seems to get less and less... soon it will disappear altogether and they tell us they will do us a big favor and substitute Sinovac
  22. AZ + Moderna is a common combo; Pfizer is the same type of vaccine as Moderna, so I don't think it is any different. Angela Merkel receives Moderna as second jab after AstraZeneca shot - BBC News ...and this on AZ + Pfizer: Mixed AstraZeneca-Pfizer shot boosts COVID antibody level - study (yahoo.com)
  23. I wouldn't want it either, but if you can only do two Sinovac or Sinopharm and then get a booster of AZ, that would give you great protection.
  24. I would normally agree with you that the Chinese versions are worthless, but if that's all you can get, then this link I posted in another thread gives options for a better outcome: Two Sinovac doses boosted immunity to around 117 AU while two AstraZeneca boosted it to 207. However, with the Sinovac-AstraZeneca cocktail, immunity soared to an average of 716. Meanwhile, two shots of Sinovac followed by an AstraZeneca booster saw recipients’ immunity surge to 1700. Sinovac then AstraZeneca offers higher immunity than 2 doses of same brand (nationthailand.com)
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