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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. Enforce the laws are in place now that will catch a lot of the lawbreakers.

    you see tons of children riding around no helmets and look to be underage drinking. 


    Do a 6 months test and force police to stop and fine all. Where I live in the small town as long as you don’t go out on main two lane road chances are 

    you’ll never be stopped. 


    If im going to town and don’t have to use the main road I don’t wear a helmet.

    once before I leaned where no to go I was on tithe moto headed towards main road,  a group of Thai yelled towards me and Police Police so I turned around...


  2. 1 hour ago, varun said:

    If your girlfriend is a run-of-the-mill Isaan bumpkin with little to no education,

    it is best to stick to a simple business idea - coffee stand / noodle / somtam stall.


    Competition will be fierce. 

    The fact that she is clueless about how to register a business,

    is already a red flag - zero business acumen. 


    Don't invest more than you can afford to lose.

    As a farang, it is a sucker's game and you will always be a sucker.


    Start with these assumptions:


    1) The business will fail before 6 months, maybe within a month or two

    2) You will barely break-even, esp. during the initial period

    3) Accounts and finances will be managed poorly, especially if left to your girlfriend


    If you can come to terms with these assumptions, you've already won half the battle.

    Agree with most your comments they’re accurate about what happens in a  large majority of start ups that haven’t researched, disciplined themselves to manage money and to keep others out of the till. The profit line is too small for errors and give a ways. 


    The only thing don’t totally agree with is the part about education. True education especially in the villages in NE are in most cases less than average. It’s an anchor that impedes young adults success.


    But if the person has the ambition and wants to learn its possible! 


    I didn’t like people telling me you can’t do that when I was a young man

    trying to make a living. It was  a motivation to show yes I can...


    Hopefully more people want to learn and better themselves....

    • Like 2
  3. I believe that all the repies were posted in Ernest and trying to be helpful. Let’s please be respectful of that.


    I’m also in the distribution business but aerospace products so unrelated. 


    The contract should lay out all the “what if’s” and sometimes important ones are missed. I don’t know how the stores in Thailand operate. In the US there’s a lot of different scenarios..... ie if your product is eye level so it’s easily seen it costs more for that space. 


    Wish you all the best and hopefully the products a great success. Get your arms around it and wade through it until you find a solution without alienating people you may need for success 








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  4. Just give the guy another call and see what he says. Sometimes things happen maybe he is sick and doesn’t want to give money to relative to being afraid of it not getting to you....


    and sometimes times people rip off people. I don’t know if the person rents on a regular basis if so it’s not good for business if he doesn’t pay. 


    Tell him him you will give referrals (if you will) and if stiffs you tell him you’ll make sure to tell others not to rent there.. 

  5. Education, common sense, being responsible, me first syndrome and going around with their head in a cloud. 


    Small little town town near where our village is. Two lane street one each side goes through town. 


    On moto in my lane. A car was passing a car that was passing a car... so three abreast and all trying to be first. The third car

    was taking most of my lane and I pulled onto the grass area. 


    She he looked at me like I was in the wrong. 

    • Like 1
  6. You guys should be ashamed for causing such heartache on a Sunday morning! Awesome bikes! #missthebikes


    About five years ago my son on his 71 BMW R75 and I’m on Roadking 

    took a rideout to Temecula wineries (40+) with rolling hills and great 

    ride. We didn’t go for the wineries this time but have many times prior. 


    Rode through the area where wineries are located all the way to where wineries end. Not made it that far prior due to many tasting stops. 


    We saw an older bike sitting out front of the last winery and decided to check it out...it was a great find and made the day even better. The winery is about 60 mikes out of Los Angeles.


    If you’re ever in Southern California it’s worth the trip. Link below 

    Are pictures of bikes at The winery. 













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  7. 9 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    These new age monks are a total embarrasement to the old school monks a lot who

    are nice people and do their buddhist lifestyle with honesty and years of being a real

    monk with honor and a good heart.

    Seems a lot of religious institutions are having problems. I don’t get it they commit to being a monk and it goes south. I’ve known a couple that have gone for a couple of weeks and ....didn’t work out. 

  8. 13 hours ago, alon95 said:

    I saw in a few posts that it is illegal, but the government won't do anything against it since there are tons of ppl that bought a land/house in a company name and that it will destroy some of the thai economy.

    Is it not true?

    so the solution is buy a condo or don't buy at all?

    all this information is unclear



    What happens for example someone doesn’t like you and reports

    obtained illegally they knock it done total loss and maybe fine or jail 



    Or for example the business if I’ve remembered correctly is 49% your 

    and 51% Thai ownership. They put the squeeze on you for money or 

    to have the home taken from you.


    Really although it would be nice not worth the risk. Rent a house? 

  9. In the village someone comes around and collects your money and you get a part of the paper bill for receipt. Once the person came by and I didn’t have cash on me tried to tell them come back the next day. 


    One day the power was off and couldn’t figure out why .... someone called PEI and they’d taken the meter off. Took 2-3 days for them to put it back. 

  10. On 8/22/2018 at 12:53 PM, Lacessit said:

    There are many cheapskates in Thailand who use water in the radiator in lieu of coolant. Water boils at 100 C, coolant at 120 - 130 C depending on the concentration used.

    Coolants not only increase the heat capacity of the radiator, they also have corrosion inhibitors which help protect the combination of alloys present in most engines.

    The problem may be as simple as the radiator boiling off water, so it needs topping up frequently. Some mechanics also remove the thermostat valve to improve water flow, which gives rise to more evaporation.

    If a radiator needs topping up every couple of days, there's something wrong. I only check mine once a month, and it has never needed a top up.

    Get a second opinion. Take the car to a Honda service centre. There are many auto mechanics in Thailand not worthy of the name.


    Reminded me when in High School had a Ford that constantly overheated until took the thermostat out...... yea yea no money 

    in those days

  11. Good luck it’s a tough decision. It seems this happens a LOT in NE.


    Would be nice if the justice system understood this happens frequently 

    in NE and handle it accordingly. 


    Something like....


    Then whe it comes to divorce the court system puts the screws to the spouse. As long as there’s clear evidence of wrong doing. 


    If the Spouse lost everything then word would get around that their 

    plan.....which I think with some it’s part of a plan isn’t working. The court system figured it out.




  12. Didn’t know what it was being from the US looked it up.There was a list of who can sign which are attached.


    Had anissue a few years back an agency reported me as deceased. Bank account was locked and even I could not access. Had to go to US

    a d get letter from Social security saying I wasn’t deceased.  Happened twice. 




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