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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. The amount is usually on the customs declaration form. US over $10,000 needs (you should) declare. In Los Angeles a guy boarding 

    the flight and was stopped by authorities they went through his carry on and wallet. His nest trip was headed out with a police escort 

  2. It will be interesting how they determine what is a BIG bike.They should First do a study on previous accidents and determine what the root cause really is then decide how to move forward. My guess is most

    Moto accidents are below 200 cc. 


    Unlicensed, drunk and under age riders contribute to moto accident problems. What percentage of Moto accidents are caused by cars

    shoukd be included. 


    California had laws that a Moto under “X” cc weren’t allowed on the freeway/interstate. If a bike is two light on the highway higher winds makes it a difficult ride. 


    California has 2  license available M1 and M2.  M1 for motorized bicycles and Scouters M2 for all other motos. 


    I had a HD Streetglide and took the road test on it. I failed the first time because put foot down when exiting the circle. Second time I took test on my sons BMW R75/6 which I rode one time for 30 minutes the night prior. Passed! BMW is shaft driven and very easy to control in tight spaces. Picture of the circle part attached.


    If they want 2 tier moto license let’s hope their logical about it.




  3. Nice thing in Los Angeles County California if walkimg and step off 

    the curb to cross the street cars must stop or face a steep fine...

    nere nope you’re on your own some want to be first at everything..

    first in line Etc etc etc... Ame first society and it happens quite a few countries 

  4. 16 hours ago, Sydneydave said:

    My wife is from a village in Isan. Some years back, when rubber prices were skyhigh, an expat offered to sell me a few rai of his rubber plantation. Of course, it would have been in my wifes name, as farangs cant own land. He had no title, just a scribbled note from the previous owner saying she'd sold it to him.

    After asking around, my wife found out that the previous owner was telling everyone she still held a sizeable loan against the property, despite him having paid her 2 million baht cash.

    Same guy also bought a block with no road access and was attempting (unsuccessfully) to get the owners in front to sell him a right of access strip of land.

    Buyer beware in Thailand!

    I’m in Isaan village also. Wife wanted to buy 3 rye of land ok price. Asked to see the land paperwork first. Looks all official and told it’s official. We b ought it..... a few weeks later wife’s sister said the person 

    who sold to us borrowed from local village person against it. 


    After few check etc. It’s not our problem it’s the person spoke us the 

    and problem. I talked to the people who they owed and they agree its

    on them to pay them back. No hold on the land. 

  5. My wife has a loud voice can here her two houses away. My left ear has an ache most the time b cause she turns and talks to someone in back seat. I’ve asked one million times doesn’t help .... I can be on the  ack of the lot and still hear her....... so if she’s ever trying to keep a secret they’ll hear it..... life goes on.

  6. On 8/18/2018 at 2:09 PM, lust said:

    So why are so many Chinese learning English?

    Opens opportunities. Did you know all airline pilots speak English?


    To understand pilot speak, you must first learn the international phonetic alphabet.

    Then comes a list of words you may have heard on flights such as “roger”, which means “understood”; “affirm”, which means “yes”; and “approach”, which means “coming in to land”.

    While the language of aviation is continually changing, pilots are required to pass strict language tests in order to fly planes safely.

  7. It’s unfortunate as I’ve never been a school teacher I don’t know if there’s measures in place to make sure teachers are teaching correctly and efficiently.


    Not only Thailand but other APAC schools the country only requires an 8th grade education. Further education 9-12 grade student has to pay a fee. If I’m incorrect please correct me. 


    With very few few exceptions there are not many people in the world that will be prepared (some what) to take care of themselves with only 

    a 8th grade education.


    As parents,Teachers,Adults etc. We need to make sure the children have at basic/enough education to have the slightest chance of surviving. 


    To the the best of my understanding and I may be incorrect. minimum age to work is 18 yrs.old, Working in a bar 20 yrs old. Only added bar as in the NE this seems to be one of the fewer work options available.


    If a person doesn’t have the funds to continue eduction after 8th grade 

    (A guy age 13-14 yrs. old). When finish school until legal age what do the children do. Understanding some may work on farm but from looks 

    of it not a lot work the farms at this age. 


    Some will take it upon themselves to read and learn. Some will work farms. Some will look for trouble. Some will unintentionally get in trouble. In the village most shops will sell to anyone any age. I know sometimes I ask the nephew or niece to buy me alcohol, soda whatever. 

    One is 6 years old. They never come back empty handed. 


    My my point is School be mandatory through high school (17-18 years old) there should be free education until you finish high school. If not a system in place to provide funds for families that can’t afford it. 


    Read this yesterday in US news. Amazing! And good on them to offer this. It’s available to anyone and everyone seeking education in this field 


    New York University School of Medicine announced that it will give all medical students free tuition

    • Like 1
  8. Agree farang can’t own land even if a house sits on it. We ( I paid it’s in wife’s name) bought a lot a couple years ago. The head village guy and someone that takes care of agreements in the village to make sure on the up and up were present when the deal was paid etc.  


    Bought from Thai/Farang who are good people and we’ve became friends. They live the dirt road over. Husband wasn’t involved the land his wife bought long ago. 


    I asked when will we get the title for the land? Next year which would’ve been 2017 first quarter. I asked early this year and said need to wait unless want to pay like 20k baht.


    The reason is a single individual (older man) owns the land which is large block of lots. He sold all of them off. But if you want the deed ASAP then pay him 20k. The gentleman’s child said they’d sign over the 

    deeds at 2k but can’t do it until he passes away. Crazy huh. 


    Villages have some strange things going on. Your friend needs to check 

    about the deed and if it’s clear as separate lot or may face the same. 


    As as far as myself I’m not concerned they’d have to move the house 

    to get me off the land. 


    The people are nice and seem genuine. You have to be able to ask questions and not rely on what in my case my wife said. Maybe get outside person that has no interest either way to explain it to him. 


    Or look over and say... what’s that KY jelly for??? Careful 


    • Like 1
  9. I searched the forum but no luck. I attended a farang friends cremation this week. He had some type of insurance that paid 30,000 (there was a sign held for picture) I’m assuming to help with cremation etc. . I live in a village in the NE he lived just down the dirt road.


    Anyone heard of this? 


    Secondly  is there health insurance that’s affordable? I’ve 64 and had four heart surgeries since I was 40. At 40 quadruple bi pass, and three angioplasty (not sure if that’s how it’s spelled)since two in US through groin and last one in China (Taiwan Dr.) through wrist. I was told that due to the condition another bi pass was not possible.


    In US I had health insurance at a company I worked for a long time before / after issues and was covered so no pre existing condition. Started my own business and was deemed uninsurable since. I’m sure I could’ve got insurance for an outrageous price but.....Pay as you go. 


    Is is there affordable insurance with this history? 


    Thanks for for any information 

  10. 2 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    Not sure what you mean by reliable.  Reading through posts on TV it seems many farang are clueless about immigrations terminology even though it's important for them personally. Very few Thais, with the possible exception of some wives of farang, have any familiarity with immigrations terms and what they would translate to in English.  Unless you want to ask a "reliable" visa agent to tag along with you, the person at DMV turned out to be a "reliable" Thai who checked the document for you. Not sure how many other reliable Thais  would know what a 30 day visa exempt entry implied or how to do a literal translation to English.

    I think most Thai would be able to give some feedback as to the 30 that was on paper. Meaning 30 days not 90 etc. I don’t read any Thai but text in Thai and can somewhat tell if it applies to me or just advertising. And if in doubt ask the Queen Bee 

  11. 5 hours ago, suzannegoh said:

    If Big C sells a bottle of beer for 30 baht and 711 sells the same beer for 35 baht, is 711 pulling a scam?

    No not a scam unless pricing is set and controlled. It’s what the market might beer I mean bare. At least you’d know the best place to buy beer. 

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