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BobBKK last won the day on July 30 2019

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  1. Whatever - he did it - 99.99999% of us live a long life and do not kill or rape people. Personally, I have not an ounce of sympathy for those that do.
  2. They are so entitled... glad when they are all gone.
  3. To be fair, it IS an exchange, and I wish you no ill will. I date much younger girls, and I understand it for what it is. I am always respectful, kind and considerate as I'm sure you are. Good luck and be happy and who cares if things were different what would happen - it is what it is.
  4. Yes, after due process and CCTV evidence, etc. then hang him and all murderers alike
  5. If they had the vasectomies first, they would not need the abortions. I read they were 'fully booked' I wonder whether they will offer any transitions? Come to the Dem convention as a man and leave as a woman!
  6. I think she's just an ordinary person and not particularly bad or anything. But she's not POTUS material and will be out of her depth should she keep the momentum and actually win.
  7. I agree—it's a mutual benefit—so we agree on something! Who cares? It's an exchange, and I understand codependency, but if you are both happy, why not?
  8. Aww, I'm sure she loves you very much, and it has nothing to do with your money and security. There do you feel better now? I'm quite sure if you were equals in age and opportunities, she'd pick you for sure!
  9. This is a strange topic—a better one would be, 'Is Crypto going downwards?' The answer is NO, but as it's pioneering, it is a rocky road. The ability to eventually lose banks and have instant, secure transactions, has to be a part of the future imho.
  10. I don't like Trump very much, and if I were American, I'd vote JFK. However, I loathe the pathetic liberals much more than Trump, so if I HAD to choose between the two, I'd vote for Trump. At least he says he will try and stop the Gaza and Ukraine wars - not a peep from the Messiah Harris, just Biden's liberal rhetoric.
  11. Yeah, I bet you love her taking care of you and devoting her entire life to your comfort (you pay the bills). What an ego!
  12. Who cares? We are not here for their intelligence, are we? I find most, not all, Thais pretty dumb - especially about international affairs, history, etc. Gob nai kala!
  13. But you understand, I believe, that she is on a bounce due to her boss being forced out despite saying he was the ONLY one who could beat Trump. I'd expect her to get 3 or 4 points just because of this fanfae and her Messiah status right now.
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