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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 23 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Trump did not say only Mexican Drug Cartels. What he said implies most Mexicans are druggies, criminals and rapist and only some are not.

    Hmm I saw it as "those that cross the border ILLEGALLY are mostly bad guys, drugs etc. and some are not"  anyway, one thing that cannot be disputed, they are illegal and i support people doing things legally or there would be chaos (in fact there is chaos).

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, ThaiPauly said:

    Ahhhggg mai me Sat Nav, still I have the telephone number should I get lost and Mae Rim is not a big place like Chiang Mai.


    Thanks anyway


    Don't forget to post a picture when yours are finished

    not on your phone?  thats what I use... Google Maps

  3. 4 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    "They are not our friend, believe me,” he said. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”  Trump during his 2016 campaign.

    There is an example, if you would like more, simply google, "Trump's racist comments"

    You don't think the Mexican drug cartels bring in... drugs?  crime?  and that some Mexicans are good people?  sorry I don't see where this statement is false.

  4. 1 hour ago, inThailand said:

    This why most condo developments are a mess. The committee's job is to carry management according to the bylaws and Condo Act instead they just carryout their own personal agenda. 


    Sorry, not trying to be contradictory for the sake of it, but this is wrong. The JPM is there to manage the building and is the person responsible legally. The committee is there to monitor the JPM but has NO power over the JPM who is elected by the owners. It is true, in practice, that often the committee thinks it is in charge but that's only because they are unchallenged and owners are unaware of the Condo Act etc. 

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    Not wrong, only a court can enforce a fine.  read what I said.

    The Juristic Manager enforces the condo rules and is the ONLY one who has the legal power to do so. All fines are paid when selling or the sale doesn't go through it's as simple as that. I have been involved with condo committees, legal issues, LO for years and years. This is standard practice and not once has any Court been involved.

    Sometimes fines can sit for 20+ years racking up interest to the point when the sale could not cover the debt. It is possible, at the point, that maybe a Court could be involved but it's highly unlikely much will happened as someone, somewhere, legally owns the unit. 

    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

    Can I?

    from left to right, plenty decent choices out there, here are some names for you;

    Sanders, Biden, Clinton, McCain, Romney. 


    Sanders (tried and failed)  Biden (chickened out) Clinton (can't be trusted and failed) McCain (dying) Romney (hypocrite and failed)  any more or is this your cream of the crop? the Dems need a NEW force, that is much less PC, not these old dinosaurs.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

    I'm taking mine there on Monday now, was it easy to find, I have a map but I don't really know the area, it appears to be close to the turnoff for the Elephant camp etc, is that the case, and is it on the way in or do you have to do a you turn? Cheers


    Ahh I'm sorry I was not driving so didn't take a lot of notice as we followed GPS.  Just type in 'KTT Auto' and follow her instructions. 


  8. 20 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    The fine will sit on your account until such time as you want to get a debt-free certificate, at which point you will be obliged to pay it.


    If you owe a large amount then the building can apply to the court to force you to pay, and if you still dont pay then it can go as far as the court allowing the sale of the unit to cover the debts.



    That's not the way it works.  The fine sits there UNTIL paid and the JPM will not sign the letter that all debts are PAID, ergo the condo cannot be sold.  Nothing about Courts so you need to check your facts.

    • Like 1
  9. 22 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

    I told them this and they did not believe me, in fact ever since I told them I have heard nothing from them and they always reply within 5 mins of posting, that was 4 hours ago!!

    This was their message to me. So I took their advice and went to Mae Rim.

    Screenshot (16).png


    However, I must say, they were excellent at the Mae Rim branch and Richco have been very attentive and professional so far.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 22 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Nowadays the land office has there own realistic valuations that you cannot go under, last 2 condos I have bought, the land office valuation was around the same as the contract/sale price, Often if its a discounted sale, the land office valuation can be higher than the sale price.

    Not in Chiang Mai at least Peter. I just sold another condo last month for 4.7m and paid tax on the standard 2.4m for that building.  Anyway he needs to find out (his agent should do that).

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, maigeng said:

    Thanks Bob. The agent says the buyer has paid a 100k deposit even though he hasn't signed a sales contract yet. Does that sound strange to you? I would've thought anyone serious about buying would sign a contract before handing over any money. Also, how much is the standard agent commission?  I thought it was 5% of the sale price?

    In Pattaya, unfortunately, it is 5% but 3% almost everywhere else. I'd like you to see that 100k and I'd have thought it impossible anyone would pay it without a signed contract as you suggest.


    BTW please do read carefully about the 2 contract it will save you BIG money. One for 'standard assessment' by LO and one for the real amount which will be substantially more. Don't just sign the lesser one or you could be in lots of doggy poo. Good luck.

  12. Just now, Isan Farang said:

    Please go ahead and take some before and after shots, I am very interested on how the finished product looks.


    I assume they do not do any minor damage repairs, its just the refinish work ?.


    Hi, I am car rapping my motor from red/silver to red/black so getting the Rims done to match. I don't know about repairs just contact them but I think they just do powder coating. 

  13. On 6/30/2007 at 8:40 AM, El Taco Loco said:

    I use(d) Diovan 160 mg. I stopped as it was like 1200 per month. Any generic alternatives? My doctor has a pharmacy and only tries to sell me imported BP medication. Any advice given I will check with my doctor, so no fear to give me your opinion.

    I just want to ask him an informed question so he does not bull$hit me, again.

    I have been tld the generic Diovan is dangerous and has been withdraw by Thai FDA.

    I use Diovan 160 and cut them in half with a pill splitter. 

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