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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. Just now, thairookie said:

    The blurring of the line between marriage and cohabitation in Thai culture plays a big part in the level of commitment one adheres the moral concept of fidelity.


    A Thai man and a Thai woman live together as man and wife.  They don't bother to register the union as marriage at the municipal office, and they don't bother with a ceremony in the baan nok.  They address each other as "faen", which in Thai can mean either a regular sex buddy or an official spouse. 


    For those who are neither officially married, the use of the term "faen" offers them the best of both worlds.  If a woman refers to her regular sex buddy as "faen", in the normal course of events nobody would probe and ask if they are officially married.  But if the woman encounters another man for whom she has affection, she can proclaim that she is not married. 


    In other words, when she needs some moral acceptance from her social circle, the term "faen" which can be used interchangeably with "husband" will do the trick.  If she feels that she wants to have a fling with another man, she reminds herself that she is not married and therefore not morally accountable to her current sex buddy.









    well isn't it a hierarchy?



    Mia Noi






    They are all interchangeable when situation demands  (normally linked to THB)




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  2. 1 hour ago, Spidey said:

    Can't disagree with you but I don't like dictators like Putin. How many oligarchs do you know?


    If they didn't have serious kompromat on Trump, I'm sure that he would have already threatened to bomb them.

    You know I'm not going to agree that Putin is a 'dictator' but we will go off-topic. Personally I think it was silly to go to the meeting but that it's a red herring (forgive the pun).

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  3. Just now, Spidey said:

    There is no war with Russia but clearly Russia is an enemy of the US ergo it's blatant interfering with the 2016 election. The Russians fight their wars in cyberspace and are assaulting the US on a daily basis.

    "or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance"

    let's just bomb them eh?  we see the world very differently but that's why there is so much conflict.  I like Russia, love Russians and enjoy visiting there.  Have a nice day.

    • Confused 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    If the cash comes from an ATM, arent you just moving the risk from merchant to ATM ? I have been scammed more times at ATM than merchant or online. Nowadays with the wave the card over the terminal it ends up being a quicker process than cash/getting change etc.

    Back in Australia a pack of cigarettes at $40 a pack is a major purchase , lol


    Maybe not sure. I always use ATMs in shopping centers if at all possible. In fact, thinking about it, I rarely use my card apart from online where I use it a lot. I certainly would not risk using it when trolling bars or eating at restaurants. Cash is King and I guess it's habit but that's what I use for small purchases 'over the counter'. 

  5. Just now, Becker said:

    If that someone was a foreign national from a nation adversarial to the US (to be polite) the absolute minimum they should have done was to inform relevant authorities about it. 

    Of course, some would say that what they did was treason and that that's exactly what you support. And that's a big deal indeed.


    That's absurd. There is NO war with Russia, a fellow Security Council member, there is NO law to say one cannot converse with Russians. They didn't hide it it was at the Tower. Treason?  don't make me laugh please.

    legal Definition of treason. : the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war; specifically : the act of levying war against the United States or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance.

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  6. I think we need a 'pause' button on this thread as it's not as simple as is being suggested by some posters. There are so many variables such as 


    • own or pay rent on accomodation
    • married?  kids?
    • working or retired
    • own transport
    • BKK or nakon somewhere

    and those type of things.


    I would respectfully suggest that a single property owner with no kids and own transport could easily live on 45k whereas a married, 2 kids at international school house renter in BKK needs double that ++

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Baerboxer said:


    Talking of twilight zone, have you checked on when caretaker PM Yingluck was dismissed by a court PRIOR to her brother's administration being removed by a coup? Or still living in your own little world?


    Just because the offender is a politician doesn't make the case political. That is the current get out politicians all over the world try when caught.


    Any court operating in an unelected military Junta is... a what?... I'll give you a clue... yes it's a Junta Court you got there in the end well done.

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