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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 22 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Clearly the Shins don't share your opinions about what the British courts (note not government) might do or find in their investigations. Better to leg it to a safer haven.


    On what authority do you speak on behalf of the British government, laws and their opinion of the Thai Justice System? Your opinion, and that is what it is, isn't necessarily theirs. The crime of fraud and negligence in a public office is certainly recognized. The issue, IMO, would be if the UK courts considered the selectivity of which cases are progressed in the Thai system equates to "political persecution" and whether on principle they would extradite a former elected leader, albeit one removed by a court, to a country controlled by a Junta.


    I believe the UK courts would recognize the crime, by would not consider extradition to a country with a non elected Junta. Whilst they may have thoughts about another judicial system I don't think they would comment on it.


    Surely no one believes that this is coincidence? That the Shins run the very next day and it was all a coincidence with a planned trip - yeah right.


    But the Junta don't really want her back. Just stirring the pot to look like they're doing something. Notice they ignore Thaksin with his outstanding conviction and warrants. And don't bother commentating on the sham Red bull boy "extradition" mess.


    As long as they've got billions their are plenty of countries without extradition treaties with Thailand that will welcome them. Let's see if she goes back to the UK.


    They will return to UK soon and travel constantly you've been watching 'Twilight Zone' too much. You are right UK will never extradite a political case.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    You can drink in Dubai. 


    A blanket ban on citizens wearing a clothing item and a ban in a place of worship are not the same thing.


    You can wear shorts in most places in Thailand, there is no blanket ban on wearing them. 


    I would agree they can wear it in a place of worship. You can't wear what you like in Thailand, try wearing a republican t-shirt. In places where they wear this veil woman are not free not to wear one. We'll have to disagree on this one and I haven't even got into security issues.

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  3. 1 hour ago, chivo said:

    But the christian missionaries give help with strings attached. It’s a trade. You join their club, they give you medicine. I’ve researched how they forbid Akha from singing their traditional songs. How the forbid the akha from worshipping their own ancestors and instruct them to worship christian ancestors. 

    Yes i dont like that too but the alternative is to starve?  no education?  as i said 'half a loaf'

  4. 38 minutes ago, TonyR101 said:

    Thailand has found Yingluck guilty of "loosing" billions of dollars as a result of the Rice Subsidy scheme. I've no idea how much of this actually went to the farming industry or where the remainder, if any, went but she received a 5yr prison sentence as a result.

    Meanwhile across the other side of the world, the USA government has just given a 12 billion dollar subsidy to its own farming industry, to help the export of farm produce.

    I just wonder whether Ying Luck isn't a victim of unfair bias, on account of her family background?

    Obviously all country's give this subsidy it's not about rice it's about POWER.

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