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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 7 hours ago, mikebike said:

    A merger would seem most logical but I think the two organizations are philosophically like oil and water.

    I'll defer to you on that one as I am ignorant of them organizationally and assumed they held the same mission. But as there IS a girl guides I just think it's stinks but so many things stink in the US these days we should not be surprised. Why isn't NFL open to women?  tennis?  soccer?  for true equality merge them ALL. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, car720 said:

    Why does anyone think that Trump had anything to do with North Korea?

    These types of events are put into play long before now.  Nothing to do with him.

    That's really silly.  When trump came they were firing missiles now they walk across the demarcation?  you think POTUS has nothing to do with that?  come on be fair. I agree with other posters leave it a year and see what the real peace is, or is not.

    • Like 1
  3. On 5/4/2018 at 12:51 PM, mikebike said:

    You think that is more likely than the fact that the BSA’s loosing membership in droves over the last couple of decades and needs to expand their base?



    Whatever, the girls are not doing it so what happened to equality?  I am not against having a merger actually but against the hypocrisy. 

  4. What a weak, weak bunch of PC 'leadership'.  And Girl Scouts next?  Boys Brigade?  Hu-MAN?   where will it end?  a bunch of minorities holding sway over the masses it's outrageous we allow this to happen and is why people vote for megalomaniac Trump because they have HAD ENOUGH. 


    Anyway what has BSA motorbikes got to do with the Scouts?

    • Haha 1
  5. 15 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    So out of million and millions of humans on the planet, you can only find 1 case of one single human being getting a disease (allergic) from a pigeon?


    I don't know a single person who has been bitten by a pigeon tick or mite.  The red blood mite can live on any bird and is more common on chickens.. so you would have to kill all birds to avoid it anyway. and all the chickens in the village too while you are at it. Your study says 'after REPEATED bites... to a PREDISPOSED person the ticks can cause an allergy... this is billions of one chance... less than people that have allergies to peanuts, eggs, and bee stings!  


    Another common myth is that pigeons droppings corrode buildings, but these droppings are NEITHER ACIDIC NOR ALKALINE and cannot corrode building materials. But pigeons are a convenient visible target for anyone who would rather pin the blame on them, rather than the sulphur dioxide of car exhausts and acid rain.


    Feral pigeons are not as bad as a menace as feral dogs and cats.  They don't bite people or maul children.  They don't case cars, motorbikes.  They are not noisy barking throughout the night.  They don't kill other animals and destroy the natural wildlife like feral cats either. Domestic dogs and cats are more a disease threat the humans.  Why are you not advocating destroying peoples pets too... as they are more dangerous?  


    You, like many people, have fallen for misinformation the pest control companies put out to scare people into giving them business (to control pigeons).  





    Well you are entitled to your view but to me feral pigeons are a menace, dirty and s**t everywhere. Not sure why you defend them so vigorously and they are in the same bag as feral dogs (much worse I grant you) and cats.


    PS  'peoples pets' are NOT feral please do not deflect onto domesticated pets (or pigeons)

    • Like 1
  6. On 5/1/2018 at 10:48 PM, Ulysses G. said:

    Thanks for the FACTS.

    Feral pigeons live in almost every large city in the world. The feeding of pigeons by humans, deliberately or accidentally, allows the build‐up of large populations that can cause a variety of problems, primarily the fouling of buildings and monuments by their droppings. Excreta of wild birds are a well‐known source of pathogenic microorganisms that can cause infection in man. The most important ectoparasites of feral pigeons are the red blood mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, and the pigeon tick, Argas reflexus, both of which can migrate into human living space when they lose their natural hosts. The bites of the red blood mite are irritating but harmless, whereas the pigeon tick can cause severe health problems to predisposed persons. After repeated bites from A.reflexus, people can develop IgE‐mediated (type I) allergy, which in extreme situations may lead to life‐threatening symptoms of anaphylactic shock. So far, one fatality due to A.reflexusderiving from feral pigeons has been reported. In the case of parasitic infestations of humans, the source must be removed by excluding pigeons from further breeding and by disinfection of the environment of pigeon‐breeding sites.




    I can find many academic articles on feral pigeons and they are a menace for a variety of reasons and health does not, I grant you, have to be top of the list. They are dirty and their acidic droppings destroy building. We are not talking domesticated pigeons here and feral pigeons are a menace as are feral dogs and cats.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 21 hours ago, OmarZaid said:

    They age badly eh?  My wife's 59

    Songkran Dinner 21Apr18.jpg


    She looks early 50s?  you late 60s?  good luck to you both of you but my point stands and is the main reason farangs choose 20 years +++ difference. It's an exception if the ages are close when the guy is 50 up.  All of my male friends, if married, are 20 and 30 years apart and I'm not saying there is anything wrong in that but let's not fool ourselves why that is. Young fruit is more tasty.  

    • Haha 1
  8. 13 hours ago, mihalis said:

    Thai women age badly.. So English age gracefully !! 

    Not always but as there is not much sun in Blighty they don't suffer as Thais do from that constant UV issue.  I do think it's fair comment and Thai older ladies always seem to look grumpy for some reason.


    BTW isn't this the main point why farangs choose 20+ years younger models?  if it were not so why not choose someone near your own age?  (yes there are exceptions, but rarely sighted, and those that I have met have met overseas and returned here).

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Rally123 said:

    Thai police make up their salary (legally) in receiving 95% of the fine of the ticket issued. The money is pooled with other officers, from their station, who are likely to have office bound jobs. So really no need for the police to request tea money if they were to do their job and issue fines. I suppose by obtaining tea money they get to keep the lot instead of sharing. 

    The reason most of us pay is that we don't have to go to the Police Station. Anyway they are corrupt from the top down.

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