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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 11 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

    I think you are ever so slightly going over the top here. You mention your mother alot, that she doesn't approve of homosexuality. And now you are repeating your mothers words. So maybe your family has the homophobia gene in their dna. 


    Nevermind, I shan't give you a straight bashing, you were born homophobic. What I suggest instead is that you look past the sex part, the kissing, holding hands, etc and see the otherside to love. You know, caring about someone more than anyone else. A partner, a special friend. We are living in the 21st Century now, we must accept change or development, evolution.


    Hope you can see a positive side to the way some people choose to live their lives.

    Yes very positive and the money and 35 year age gap is mere coincidence!  haha do me a favor  

  2. 23 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I can't really argue with you in regards to the political decisions, especially Palin (shudder!).


    However, what he did in uniform deserves a lifetime of respect and admiration in my view.


    And to have it mocked by "Cadet Bone Spurs" and his ilk is truly disgusting and vile.


    We'll just have to agree to disagree.



    I respect his service and I disrespect his choice of VP who would have been POTUS if he won and had died. A bad piece of misjudgment and I dislike any Republican so he's just in that bag lol.

  3. 23 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Your response makes no sense. Plenty of horror stories of guys from western countries getting taken to the cleaners by "nice" girls, who are really no better than $10 hookers. At least in Thailand you know what you're getting.

    Not really. Not many girl bars near where I lived in London, not like here. He married a prostitute all I'm saying is "they never learn" and it is my, and many others observation, that Thais are uninterested in ethics far more than 'normal' people in the west. But you are going off topic.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Only it would be nice to actually have them tried and convicted or acquitted rather than simply tortured on the whims of some thugs pretending to be secret police officers. 


    That's the problem with letting agencies like the CIA do as they please. They never admit to being wrong and don't always act as they are required

    They may make mistakes. But you catch a murderous IS nutter and offer them a sandwich?   or do you want to save other innocent from being blown to bits?  I know which way I'd go and if I had to cut his fingers off for the info I'd do it

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  5. On 5/8/2018 at 8:14 AM, fantom said:

    If you dont bring your own bag you can buy a re usable bag in the store, otherwise just say no to plastic bags and show your own shopping bag (s) and the checkout lady, appreciating your thoughtfulness and foresight, will happily proceed to load your stuff into the bag you had the wisdom to bring with you.

    The money saved from not using plastic bags will be forewarded to charity and you will proceed to the exit past the other farangs with their trollies loaded to the brim with plastic bag wrapped shopping and wonder why they dont do the same.

    Yes I know but it's NOT the answer to the bigger problem. I always forget to bring my cotton bag and even if I dp bring it I have to carry it around whilst I do other things. The answer is to charge for the bags and the problem will reduce significantly.

  6. Just now, juice777 said:

    Can't think of any reason why anyone in their right mind would give a Nobel Peace Prize to a man who supported a fake news organization which says the Sandy Hook Massacre was fake and Brags about being a Sex pest and says some Neo-Nazis are very fine people takes America out of the Paris Agreement and calls some African countries S**t Holes.


    All undebatable facts buy the way.


    I suppose they might be thinking after all life is wiped out on earth in a nuclear Holocaust there will be total peace of sorts.




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    Obama didn't deserve it, Suu Kyi didn't deserve it and nor does Trump but... if Trump pulls this peace gig off then he deserves recognition for doing that despite his obnoxious megalomania.

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