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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 1 minute ago, attrayant said:


    Once again you highlight to everyone that you don't have a clue.  A stereotype is, by definition, a disparaging characterization that applies to a subset of the population




    Yes, believe it or not, words that one person deems hateful may not be deemed so by another person. Crazy world we live in huh?


    I am not going to waste any more time trying to teach you about what you should have learned simply by growing up in polite society.

    Sticks and stones. I could not care less what black people call me (whoops, sorry 'people of colour'). USA is obsessed at the moment.  

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  2. On 5/29/2018 at 8:34 PM, davidst01 said:

    I cant believe your first sentence. 


    Its incredibly volatile. It should be back to high levels this year and then down again next yr.   5 yrs.... jesus. you think it will stay down for that long...


    We don't know but it had it's day in the sun and then the insiders took profits and it halved. Russian Roulette but good luck you might be right but you are purchasing thin air. The day I see it  starting to become 'normalized' and beats Western Union into the ground is the day I might climb back in.

  3. 20 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Cyclone Nargis, 130, 000 died. A major event in my wife's life as people in her street lost family etc. Her business shut down because of it, she then worked for a charity sending aid.


    Lots of westerners would be blissfully unaware of the tragedy but still label Thais as ignorant because they dont know much about 9/11.



    Yes I agree your wife only cares if it affects her. That's the point, now let's move on?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, eggers said:

    Yep, she can join other fine collection of people who've recently migrated to UK & lifting the living standards of the country!

    No doubt, "the Puppeteer" assisted with some of his "charm" & other inducements!!

    Like your comment "...not voted out, thrown out and that is not the British way." How do you classify holding of Julian Assange in Embassy for years....the British way????


    It's not British territory, thought you'd know that.

  5. Just now, transam said:

    ALL blokes and birds are different in many ways, there is no fix all solution, every relationship will be different, no matter where you live on the planet..

    Obviously true but why bother? it amazes me how guys come here to set up a 'family life' after failure in their own country. They marry 20 year + younger from a different culture (must be love right?) then wonder why it goes tits up. Yes there are acceptations but they are rare.


    A reporter goes up to a beautiful young 25 year old Thai  "so what attracted you to the relatively secure and wealthy 50 year old farang"?   :cheesy: 

  6. 23 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    What makes a cyclone in Asia (one of the largest loss of life world events) a local event and 911 a world event ? Thats a very narrow western view of the world and events.

    For a Canadian, 911 was a local event ?

    9/11 changed the whole world and you know it did. Your wife is ignorant and you know she is (along with most Thais). Stop wearing blinkers and admit Thais are uneducated and insular, but hopefully one day that will change, but to say anything less is bizarre I must say.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    I think it comes down to what you consider a world event, I was talking to my wife recently about major world events that have happend in our lives, 911, berlin wall, etc. Wife listed Cyclone Nargis (I had no idea what she was talking about, had to google it) which happend in Burma in 2008, 130,000 people died. For her that was a major world event, in the country next door, friends and neighbours knew people that died.


    The point is a SEA cyclone is 'local' and Berlin wall, 911 were WORLD events. My English teacher did not know who Nelson Mandala was and the 20 year old son of a friend asked me the other day who my favourite 'superhero' was. Gob nai kala.

  8. Just now, TKDfella said:

    As far as the arguments go, my Thai marriage was similar, except the 'I want a divorce' part was replaced by 'why did you come into my life.' And the next day, all fine. But then the same, small easily avoidable problem would reoccur over and over and my efforts to persuade her to move on and learn from it, fell on deaf ears. Great shame because one her family exploited this and the marriage ended after 18 years.

    Sad for you but you are one of countless. We are not Thai and there is a cultural chasm. Rent don't buy would be my advice (cynical I know).

  9. Just now, NanLaew said:

    You mean bar stool talk?


    Doesn't even work in the pub so why on earth would he want to waste his wife's time?

    That's not really fair. When I was married in UK we used to discuss everything and anything. That's true partnership and discussing world affairs, religion and all that jazz is healthy and builds a stable relationship. Thais are, more or less, incapable of that.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Thailand's much vaunted sufficiency economy isn't just about growing enough rice to be happy you know?


    I take it you have a dog or two?

    Yes I do understand that but personally I like living alone and see 'friends' occasionally and rely on a very good (platonic) Thai friend  for the 'insurance' gig. But none of us really know for 100% but I wish you all well.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, phetpeter said:

    We are social animals, But, a wife is your guardian in the animal kingdom, she is the one who is there, to protect you, feed and care for you against problems. She may not have the knowledge of the western ideals, she will never be the one to sit down and understand your feelings completely. But as you get older she will (hopefully) be the one who will care. We all love the 'fun' of the younger model who makes US feel in power and young again. But, she ain't the one who will make certain you only go out with clean underwear, an iron shirt. and in alot of cases a cold one in the fridge. She won't there when illness strikes, hospital beckons! and make sure you are happy when you take that final breath, (knowingly or otherwise! ?)

    Well there is truth in there and I wish you only happiness. Personally what I have to give up to get this 'insurance' is not worth the price. But I do understand what you are saying and respect your point of view but often in doesn't turn out that way.

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Bundooman said:

    I think you have hit the nail on the head, OP. Like you, I have been with my Thai wife for ten years. I have never been able to put my finger on the complex subject of 'conversation', and the sometimes bad ending to a number of them.


    While we now have conversations of general matters and can sometimes get through the entire subject objectively and to the satisfaction of both of us, there have been numerous occasions where that doesn't work. In those instances, I think you are right in that they feel deep conversations, of the type that many of us have and expect in our native countries, are viewed as confrontational.


    I also think that it is a little bit to do with the nationwide lack of knowledge about almost everything that occurs in the 'outside' world. Thais are not interested, (because they haven't been taught to be so), and therefore, either don't believe us, or that we, as foreigners, feel superior for having this knowledge.


    I liked your post. short and sensible. It rang a bell with me and will encourage me to think twice when the next conversation arises.


    And in 9 year's time, I will remember with amusement your washing up episode when my own daughter reaches her 20th year! Cheers.

    If you can't have a serious conversation with your 'wife' then I suggest she is no real wife at all in the sense that you are not close, don't have mutual understanding and respect etc. I agree Thais are VERY insular and most don't know who Nelson Mandela was and who Ghandi was but might know who Trump is as it's a short word and he's ubiquitous. Thais are just, basically, uneducated and kept dumb by their system that does not want 'thinkers'. It's beyond me why anyone would want to marry one I must say, well i do get it, I suppose, 20 years younger and free sex everyday but I prefer change and no dramas from am emotional 12 year old.



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